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/*	Copyright (c) 1989 AT&T	*/
/*	  All Rights Reserved  	*/

/*	The copyright notice above does not evidence any   	*/
/*	actual or intended publication of such source code.	*/

/*	@(#)picasso:ps_include.c	1.0	*/

 * Picture inclusion code for PostScript printers, taken from Rich Drechsler

#include "picasso.h"
#include "ps_include.h"

/* in SVR4, the C-preprocessor will not accept the tricky definitions of lq
   and rq.  However, we should be able to do it using the following

   define var(x) 	fprintf(fout, "/%s %g def\n", #x, x)
#define lq(x)		"x
#define rq(x)		x"
#define quote(x)	rq(lq(x))
#define var(x)		fprintf(fout, "/%s %g def\n", quote(x), x)
#define has(word)	(strncmp(buf, word, strlen(word)) == 0)
#define grab(n)		((Section *)(nglobal \
			? realloc((char *)global, n*sizeof(Section)) \
			: calloc(n, sizeof(Section))))

char	buf[512];
typedef struct {long start, end;} Section;

puteqn(x, y, type, neqn)
	double	x, y;
	int	type, neqn;
extern	FILE	*eqnfp, *outfp;
extern	float	eqn_move;
	double	ax, ay;

	ax = 0;
	ay = 0;
		/* modify ax,ay if text_bounds can get the bounding box */
	if (eqnfp != NULL)
	ps_include(eqnfp, outfp, neqn, x, y + eqn_move, 0., 0., ax, ay/*,0.*/);

ps_include(fin, fout, page_no, cx, cy, sx, sy, ax, ay /*, rot */)

	FILE	*fin, *fout;		/* input and output files */
	int	page_no;		/* physical page number from *fin */
	double	cx, cy;			/* center of the picture and */
	double	sx, sy;			/* its size - in current coordinates */
	double	ax, ay;			/* left-right, up-down adjustment */
/*	double	rot;			/* rotation - in clockwise degrees */
	int	foundpage = 0;		/* found the page when non zero */
	int	foundpbox = 0;		/* found the page bounding box  */
	int	nglobal   = 0;		/* number of global defs so far */
	int	maxglobal = 0;		/* and the number we've got room for */
	Section	prolog, setup,		/* major divisions in document	*/
		page, trailer;
	Section	*global;		/* offsets for all global definitions */
	double	llx, lly;		/* lower left and upper right corners */
	double	urx, ury;		/* (default -- printer pt -- coords)  */
	int	i = 0;			/* found page number */
 * Reads a PostScript file (*fin), and uses structuring comments to locate the
 * prologue, trailer, global definitions, and the requested page.  After the
 * file is scanned, the  special ps_include PostScript definitions are copied to
 * *fout, followed by the prologue, global definitions, the requested page, and
 * the trailer. Before returning the initial environment (saved in PS_head) is
 * restored.
 * By default we assume the picture is 8.5 by 11 inches, but the BoundingBox
 * comment, if found, takes precedence.

	llx = lly = 0;		/* default BoundingBox - 8.5x11 inches */
	urx = 72 * 8.5;
	ury = 72 * 11.0;

	/* section boundaries and bounding box */

	prolog.start = prolog.end = 0;
	setup.start  = setup.end  = 0;
	page.start   = page.end   = 0;
	trailer.start = 0;
	fseek(fin, 0L, 0);

	while ( fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fin) != NULL ) {
		if (!has("%%"))
		else if (has("%%PageBoundingBox: (atend)")
		     ||  has("%%BoundingBox: (atend)"))
		else if (has("%%Page: ")) {
			if (!foundpage)
				page.start = ftell(fin);
			sscanf(buf, "%*s %*s %d", &i);
			if (i == page_no)
				foundpage = 1;
			else if (foundpage && page.end <= page.start)
				page.end = ftell(fin);
		} else if (has("%%EndPage: ")) {
			sscanf(buf, "%*s %*s %d", &i);
			if (i == page_no) {
				foundpage = 1;
				page.end = ftell(fin);
			if (!foundpage)
				page.start = ftell(fin);
		} else if (has("%%PageBoundingBox: ")) {
			if (i > page_no & !foundpbox) {
				foundpbox = 1;
				llx = lly = urx = ury = 0;
			} else if (i == page_no) {
				sscanf(buf, "%*s %lf %lf %lf %lf",
						&llx, &lly, &urx, &ury);
				foundpbox = 1;
		} else if (has("%%BoundingBox: ")) {
			if (!foundpbox)
				sscanf(buf,"%*s %lf %lf %lf %lf",
						&llx, &lly, &urx, &ury);
		} else if (has("%%EndProlog"))
			prolog.end = setup.start = page.start = ftell(fin);
		else if (has("%%BeginSetup")
		     ||  has("%%BeginDocumentSetup")) {

			if (!setup.start) setup.start = ftell(fin);
		} else if (has("%%EndSetup")
		       ||  has("%%EndDocumentSetup"))
			setup.end = page.start = ftell(fin);
		else if (has("%%Trailer"))
			trailer.start = ftell(fin);
		else if (has("%%BeginGlobal"))
			if (page.end <= page.start) {
				if (nglobal >= maxglobal) {
					maxglobal += 20;
					global = grab(maxglobal);
				global[nglobal].start = ftell(fin);
		else if (has("%%EndGlobal"))
			if (page.end <= page.start)
				global[nglobal++].end = ftell(fin);
	if (urx == llx && ury == lly)
	fseek(fin, 0L, 2);
	if (trailer.start == 0)
		trailer.start = ftell(fin);
	trailer.end = ftell(fin);

	if (page.end <= page.start)
		page.end = trailer.start;

	ps_print(fout, PS_head);
	if (sx == 0)
		sx = (urx-llx)/pgscale;
	if (sy == 0)
		sy = (ury-lly)/pgscale;
	track_bounds(cx-sx/2, cy-sy/2, cx+sy/2, cy+sy/2);

	fprintf(fout, "/llx %g def\n", llx);
	fprintf(fout, "/lly %g def\n", lly);
	fprintf(fout, "/urx %g def\n", urx);
	fprintf(fout, "/ury %g def\n", ury);
	fprintf(fout, "/cx %g def\n", cx);
	fprintf(fout, "/cy %g def\n", cy);
	fprintf(fout, "/sx %g def\n", sx);
	fprintf(fout, "/sy %g def\n", sy);
	fprintf(fout, "/ax %g def\n", ax);
	fprintf(fout, "/ay %g def\n", ay);

	ps_print(fout, PS_setup);
	ps_copy(fin, fout, &prolog);
	fprintf(fout,"/useclippath false def\n");
	ps_copy(fin, fout, &setup);
	for(i = 0; i < nglobal; i++)
		ps_copy(fin, fout, &global[i]);
	ps_copy(fin, fout, &page);
	ps_copy(fin, fout, &trailer);
	ps_print(fout, PS_tail);

pic_include(fin, fout, page_no, o)
	FILE	*fin, *fout;		/* input and output files */
	int	page_no;		/* physical page number from *fin */
	obj	*o;			/* has bounds and transformation */
	int	foundpage = 0;		/* found the page when non zero */
	int	foundpbox = 0;		/* found the page bounding box  */
	int	nglobal   = 0;		/* number of global defs so far */
	int	maxglobal = 0;		/* and the number we've got room for */
	Section	prolog, setup,		/* major divisions in document	*/
		page, trailer;
	Section	*global;		/* offsets for all global definitions */
	double	cx, cy;
	double  sx, sy;
	double	llx, lly;		/* lower left and upper right corners */
	double	urx, ury;		/* (default -- printer pt -- coords)  */
	int	i = 0;			/* found page number */
 * Reads a PostScript file (*fin), and uses structuring comments to locate the
 * prologue, trailer, global definitions, and the requested page.  After the
 * file is scanned, the  special ps_include PostScript definitions are copied to
 * *fout, followed by the prologue, global definitions, the requested page, and
 * the trailer. Before returning the initial environment (saved in PS_head) is
 * restored.
 * By default we assume the picture is 8.5 by 11 inches, but the BoundingBox
 * comment, if found, takes precedence.

	llx = lly = 0;		/* default BoundingBox - 8.5x11 inches */
	urx = 72 * 8.5;
	ury = 72 * 11.0;
	cx = o->o_x;
	cy = o->o_y;
	sx = o->o_wid;
	sy = o->o_ht;

	/* section boundaries and bounding box */

	prolog.start = prolog.end = 0;
	setup.start  = setup.end  = 0;
	page.start   = page.end   = 0;
	trailer.start = 0;
	fseek(fin, 0L, 0);

	while ( fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fin) != NULL ) {
		if (!has("%%"))
		else if (has("%%PageBoundingBox: (atend)")
		     ||  has("%%BoundingBox: (atend)"))
		else if (has("%%Page: ")) {
			if (!foundpage)
				page.start = ftell(fin);
			sscanf(buf, "%*s %*s %d", &i);
			if (i == page_no)
				foundpage = 1;
			else if (foundpage && page.end <= page.start)
				page.end = ftell(fin);
		} else if (has("%%EndPage: ")) {
			sscanf(buf, "%*s %*s %d", &i);
			if (i == page_no) {
				foundpage = 1;
				page.end = ftell(fin);
			if (!foundpage)
				page.start = ftell(fin);
		} else if (has("%%PageBoundingBox: ")) {
			if (i > page_no & !foundpbox) {
				foundpbox = 1;
				llx = lly = urx = ury = 0;
			} else if (i == page_no) {
				sscanf(buf, "%*s %lf %lf %lf %lf",
						&llx, &lly, &urx, &ury);
				foundpbox = 1;
		} else if (has("%%BoundingBox: ")) {
			if (!foundpbox)
				sscanf(buf,"%*s %lf %lf %lf %lf",
						&llx, &lly, &urx, &ury);
		} else if (has("%%EndProlog"))
			prolog.end = setup.start = page.start = ftell(fin);
		else if (has("%%BeginSetup")
		     ||  has("%%BeginDocumentSetup")) {

			if (!setup.start) setup.start = ftell(fin);
		} else if (has("%%EndSetup")
		       ||  has("%%EndDocumentSetup"))
			setup.end = page.start = ftell(fin);
		else if (has("%%Trailer"))
			trailer.start = ftell(fin);
		else if (has("%%BeginGlobal"))
			if (page.end <= page.start) {
				if (nglobal >= maxglobal) {
					maxglobal += 20;
					global = grab(maxglobal);
				global[nglobal].start = ftell(fin);
		else if (has("%%EndGlobal"))
			if (page.end <= page.start)
				global[nglobal++].end = ftell(fin);
	if (urx == llx && ury == lly)
	fseek(fin, 0L, 2);
	if (trailer.start == 0)
		trailer.start = ftell(fin);
	trailer.end = ftell(fin);

	if (page.end <= page.start)
		page.end = trailer.start;

	ps_print(fout, PS_head);
	if (sx == 0)
		sx = (urx-llx)/pgscale;
	if (sy == 0)
		sy = (ury-lly)/pgscale;
	track_bounds(cx-sx/2, cy-sy/2, cx+sy/2, cy+sy/2);

	fprintf(fout, "/llx %g def\n", llx);
	fprintf(fout, "/lly %g def\n", lly);
	fprintf(fout, "/urx %g def\n", urx);
	fprintf(fout, "/ury %g def\n", ury);
	fprintf(fout, "/cx %g def\n", cx);
	fprintf(fout, "/cy %g def\n", cy);
	fprintf(fout, "/sx %g def\n", sx);
	fprintf(fout, "/sy %g def\n", sy);
	fprintf(fout, "/B [ %g %g %g %g 0 0 ] def\n", o->o_mxx, o->o_myx,
							o->o_mxy, o->o_myy);

	ps_print(fout, Pic_setup);
	ps_copy(fin, fout, &prolog);
	fprintf(fout,"/useclippath false def\n");
	ps_copy(fin, fout, &setup);
	for(i = 0; i < nglobal; i++)
		ps_copy(fin, fout, &global[i]);
	ps_copy(fin, fout, &page);
	ps_copy(fin, fout, &trailer);
	ps_print(fout, PS_tail);

ps_print(fout, s)
FILE *fout;
char **s;
	while (*s)
		fprintf(fout, "%s\n", *s++);

ps_copy(fin, fout, s)
FILE *fin, *fout;
Section *s;
	if (s->end <= s->start)
	fseek(fin, s->start, 0);
	while (ftell(fin) < s->end && fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fin) != NULL)
		if (buf[0] != '%')
			fprintf(fout, "%s", buf);