
# To unbundle, sh this file
echo makefile 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >makefile <<'//GO.SYSIN DD makefile'
-CC = cc
-YFLAGS = -dDv
-CFLAGS = -g
-OBJS = pret.o pret1.o pret2.o pret3.o pret4.o pret6.o pret7.o pret8.o pret9.o pret0.o pretlex.o
-#		pret.y	-	yacc parser
-#		pret.h	-	constants and macros
-#		pret.d	-	internal representation of the tables
-#		pret0.c  -	reduction of the state machines
-#		pret1.c	-	qsets
-#		pret2.c	-	operations on rows and columns
-#		pret3.c	-	procedures
-#		pret4.c	-	processes
-#		pret6.c	-	queues and messages
-#		pret7.c	-	memory allocation
-#		pret8.c	-	variables
-#		pret9.c	-	parameters
-#		pret.expr.c -	expressions
-#		pretlex.c	lexical analyzer
-pret:	$(OBJS) pret.h pret.d
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) -lln -o pret
-pret.o:	pret.y pret.expr.c
-pretlex.o:	pretlex.l x.tab.h
-	lex pretlex.l
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c lex.yy.c
-	rm lex.yy.c
-	mv lex.yy.o pretlex.o
-x.tab.h:	y.tab.h
-	-cmp -s x.tab.h y.tab.h || cp y.tab.h x.tab.h
-	rm -f *.o [xy].tab.[ch] y.output pret.out pret.err pret.tmp core a.out
-	cp pret /usr/bin
//GO.SYSIN DD makefile
echo pret.d 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >pret.d <<'//GO.SYSIN DD pret.d'
-	/*
-	** 3-dimensional table:
-	**	one row per state
-	**	one column per event
-	**	one `pilar' per possible response
-	*/
- struct ENTRY {
-	int nrpils;		/* size of pilar stack */
-	struct PILAR *pilar;
-	struct ENTRY *nextrow;
-	struct ENTRY *nextcol;
- };
- struct PILAR {
-	int transf;		/* row transition function   */
-	int code;		/* output message or bltin index */
-	struct PILAR *nxtp;	/* last pilar points to NULL */
- };
- struct COL {
-	int coltype;		/* msg, spont, tau, default, task, condition */
-	int ccode;
- };
- struct ROW {
-	char name[256];		/* can be composite name   */
-	char reached;		/* is row reachable ?      */
-	char refcount;		/* label reference index   */
-	char labeled;		/* start of do-loop or label */
-	int mapping;		/* indicates transit rows  */
-	int maptwo;		/* renumbers reduced table */
- };
//GO.SYSIN DD pret.d
echo pret.expr.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >pret.expr.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD pret.expr.c'
-#define DEBUG	 0
-#define setv	 1
-#define addeq	 2
-#define subeq	 3
-#define muleq	 4
-#define diveq	 5
-#define modeq	 6
-#define plus	 7
-#define minus	 8
-#define times	 9
-#define div	10
-#define mod	11
-#define power	12
-#define uminus	13
-#define gt	14
-#define lt	15
-#define ge	16
-#define le	17
-#define eq	18
-#define ne	19
-#define land	20
-#define lor	21
-#define lnot	22
-#define princ	23
-#define prdec	24
-#define poinc	25
-#define podec	26
-#define OP	0
-#define NM	1
-#define unary(c)	(c == uminus || c == lnot || c >= princ)
-#define binary(c)	!unary(c)
-struct REVPOL {
-	char toktyp;
-	short tokval;
-} *parsed;
-int prs = 0;
-extern int verbose;
-char * Emalloc();
-{	if (prs >= EXPRMAX)
-		whoops("expression too long");
-	parsed[prs].toktyp = NM;
-	parsed[prs++].tokval = tok;
-{	if (prs >= EXPRMAX)
-		whoops("expression too long");
-	parsed[prs].toktyp = OP;
-	parsed[prs++].tokval = tok;
-struct Node *
-newnode(ntyp, nval, left, right)
-	struct Node *left, *right;
-	struct Node *try;
-	try = (struct Node *) Emalloc(sizeof(struct Node));
-	try->ntyp = ntyp;
-	try->nval = nval;
-	try->left = left;
-	try->right = right;
-	return try;
-{	pushexpr(n);
-	return -(2 + addrevpol());
-	struct Node *n;
-	if (n == NULL) return;
-	switch (n->ntyp) {
-	case NM: pushnm(n->nval); break;
-	case OP: pushexpr(n->left); pushexpr(n->right); pushop(n->nval); break;
-	default: whoops("unknown node type");
-	}
-struct {
-	short n;
-	struct REVPOL *p;
-} revpols[MANY];
-int npols = 0;
-	FILE *fd;
-{ int i, j;
-  struct REVPOL *p;
-	fprintf(fd, "EXPR %d\n", npols);
-	for (i = 0; i < npols; i++)
-	{	fprintf(fd, "%d: ", revpols[i].n);
-		p = revpols[i].p;
-		for (j = (revpols[i].n)-1; j >= 0; j--)
-			fprintf(fd, "%d/%d ", p[j].toktyp, p[j].tokval);
-		putc('\n', fd);
-}	}
-{	struct REVPOL *p, *q;
-	int k = revpols[a].n;
-	int i, j;
-	q = revpols[a].p;
-	for (i = 0; i < npols; i++)
-	{	if (revpols[i].n != revpols[a].n)
-			continue;
-		p = revpols[i].p;
-		for (j = 0; j < k; j++)
-			if (p[j].toktyp != q[j].toktyp
-			||  p[j].tokval != q[j].tokval)
-				break;
-		if (j == k)
-			break;
-	}
-	return i;
-{ int i;
-  int retval;
-	if (npols >= MANY)
-		whoops("too many expressions");
-	revpols[npols].n = prs;
-	revpols[npols].p = parsed;
-	if ((retval = findsame(npols)) == npols)
-		npols++;
-#if 0
-	printf("exp(%d): ", prs);
-	for (i = prs-1; i >= 0; i--)
-	{	if (parsed[i].toktyp == NM)
-		{	printf("%d ", parsed[i].tokval);
-			continue;
-		}
-		switch(parsed[i].tokval) {
-		case setv:	printf("= "); break;
-		case addeq:	printf("+= "); break;
-		case subeq:	printf("-= "); break;
-		case muleq:	printf("*= "); break;
-		case diveq:	printf("/= "); break;
-		case modeq:	printf("%= "); break;
-		case plus:	printf("+ "); break;
-		case minus:	printf("- "); break;
-		case times:	printf("* "); break;
-		case div:	printf("/ "); break;
-		case mod:	printf("% "); break;
-		case power:	printf("^ "); break;
-		case uminus:	printf(".- "); break;
-		case gt:	printf("> "); break;
-		case lt:	printf("< "); break;
-		case ge:	printf(">= "); break;
-		case le:	printf("<= "); break;
-		case eq:	printf("== "); break;
-		case ne:	printf("!= "); break;
-		case land:	printf("&& "); break;
-		case lor:	printf("|| "); break;
-		case lnot:	printf("! "); break;
-		case princ:	printf("++. "); break;
-		case prdec:	printf("--. "); break;
-		case poinc:	printf(".++ "); break;
-		case podec:	printf(".-- "); break;
-		default:	fprintf(stderr, "%d", parsed[i].tokval);
-				whoops("unknown operator");
-		}
-	}
-	putchar('\n');
-	parsed = (struct REVPOL *) Emalloc(EXPRMAX * sizeof(struct REVPOL));
-	prs = 0;
-	return retval;
//GO.SYSIN DD pret.expr.c
echo pret.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >pret.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD pret.h'
-#define NORM	0	/* normal  message */
-#define INITM	1	/* initial message */
-#define SND	2
-#define RCV	4
-#define SAR	6
-#define RFR	1
-#define DCL	2
-#define RAD	3
-#define ADR	4
-#define DAR	6
-#define MAXNAME	32	/* max available composite namelength */
-#define MAXPROC	16	/* max number of processes */
-#define MANY	512	/* max nr of distinct rows or names */
-#define MAXDEPTH 32	/* max nesting depth of if's and do's */
-#define EXPRMAX	64
-#define NOSTATE -1	/* default state */
-#define SOME	 1	/* not none */
-#define NONE	-1	/* default signal */
-#define NEW	-1
-#define OLD	0
-#define LAB	1
-#define ISM	0	/* message variable   */
-#define ISQ	1	/* queue-set variable */
-#define ISV	2	/* protocol variable  */
-#define ISQN	3	/* queuename variable */
-			/* types of transitions: */
-#define INP	10		/* recv specific message */
-#define DFL	11		/* default input from q  */
-#define TMO	12		/* transition on timeout */
-#define OUTP	13		/* append message to a q */
-#define SPN	14		/* builtin call or transit state */
-#define CND	15		/* conditional   */
-#define FCT	16		/* function call */
-				/* `builtins:' */
-#define INCR	16		/* increment   */
-#define DECR	17		/* decrement   */
-#define SUBT	18		/* subtract    */
-#define ADDT	19		/* add         */
-#define SETV	32		/* set:     =  */
-#define ISEQ	256		/* compare: == */
-#define NTEQ	257		/* !=          */
-#define GREQ	258		/* >=          */
-#define SMEQ	259		/* <=          */
-#define GRNQ	260		/* >           */
-#define SMNQ	261		/* <           */
-#define SPNT(u)	(u == TMO || u == OUTP)
-struct QTABLE {
-	char name[MAXNAME];
-	short status;
-	short limit;
-	short owner;
-	int multiple;
-	unsigned char magic;
-#define BASEVAL	MAXPROC		/* base value for coding messages */
-#define NQUEUES	2*MAXPROC	/* maximum number of queues */
-struct PROCTABLE {
-	char name[MAXNAME];
-	int nrstates;
-	int unreach;
-	int replic;
//GO.SYSIN DD pret.h
echo pret.y 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >pret.y <<'//GO.SYSIN DD pret.y'
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "pret.h"
-#include "pret.d"
-#define YYDEBUG 1
-struct Node {
-	int ntyp;	/* OP ~ nval&left&right, NM ~ val */
-	int nval;
-	struct Node *left, *right;
-extern struct Node *newnode();
-struct PARS {
-	int home;
-	int dest;
-	int bpnt;
-} ties[MAXDEPTH];
-FILE *tb;				/* temp file to store tables */
-char procname[MAXNAME], refname[MAXNAME], qsetname[MAXNAME];
-char str[256], filename[256];
-char strings[MANY][MAXNAME];
-extern char yytext[];
-extern struct QTABLE qtable[NQUEUES];
-extern int varwidths;
-int nnames = 0;
-int linenumber = 1;
-int linecode = 0;	/* include source code references  */
-int nest = 0;		/* nesting level of comments (lex) */
-int anyerror = 0;
-int pid = NONE;	/* process number  */
-int qid = NONE;	/* queue number    */
-int rid = NONE;	/* template number when defined */
-int sid = NONE;	/* qset number     */
-int nid = NONE;	/* template number when refered */
-int cid = NONE;	/* index in call table          */
-int qind, qisz;		/* queue's initial string size  */
-int parnum;		/* counts actual parameters     */
-int assertion = -1;	/* id of assertion table, if any */
-int inertion = -1;	/* id of error table, if any */
-int vartype, inside;
-int n, m, from, xx, zz;
-int soo = 0;		/* start of optionlist */
-int curstate = 0;
-int curdepth = 0;
-int lastloop = -1;
-int verbose = 0;
-int nopurge = 0;
-	checkrefs();
-	checkglobvars();
-	checkqs();
-	FILE *fd;
-	numrefs(fd);
-	numprocs(fd);
-	numsorts(fd);
-	numinits(fd);
-	numglobvars(fd);
-	FILE *fd1;
-{	FILE *fd2;
-	char buffer[MANY];
-	int howmuch;
-	if ((fd2 = fopen("pret.tmp", "r")) == NULL)
-		whoops("cannot find pret.tmp");
-	while ((howmuch = fread(buffer, sizeof(*buffer), MANY, fd2)) > 0)
-		fwrite(buffer, sizeof(*buffer), howmuch, fd1);
- 	fclose(fd2);
-	unlink("pret.tmp");
-{	FILE *fd;
-	if ((fd = fopen((anyerror)?"pret.err":"pret.out", "w")) == NULL)
-		whoops("cannot create output file");
-	putglobals(fd);
-	puttables(fd);
-	numexps(fd);
-	fclose(fd);
-	if (anyerror)
-		fprintf(stderr, "output written to `pret.err'\n");
-transfer(cl, tg)
-{	int i = curstate;
-	curstate = enterowname(NEW, "", DAR);
-	setrans(i, cl, curstate, tg);
-#include "pret.expr.c"
-	int resu;
-	struct Node *node;
-%type	<node>	expr VARNAME
-%start		PROT_SPEC
-%token		timeout skip BREAK DEFAULT GOTO
-%left		OR
-%left		AND
-%left		GT GE LT LE EQ NE
-%left		'+' '-'
-%left		'*' '/' '%'
-%right		'^'
-	 	;
-		;
-			{	strcpy(procname, strings[$2]);
-				pid = newprocname(strings[$2], $3);
-			}
-			{ extern int extras;
-			  int ival;
-				curstate = enterowname(NEW, "", DAR);
-				newcalltable();
-				ival = 3*MANY+pid+extras;
-				addvarname("_PROCID", (DCL|RFR), ival, NONE, 0);
-			}
-			{	wrapup(NONE, pid, tb, nopurge, verbose);
-				pid = NONE;
-				strcpy(procname, "_");
-			}
-	       	;
-ANYDECLS	:	/* empty */
-		|	DECLS
-		;
-		;
-		;
- *      ======
- */
-		;
-		;
-			{	if ($2 == NONE || (qisz=$2) <= 0)
-				yyerror("illegal queue size, %s", strings[$1]);
-				qid = newqname(strings[$1], DCL, qisz, NONE);
-			}
-		;
- *      =======================
- */
-		;
-QINDEX		:	/* empty */	{ $$ = NONE; }
-		|	'[' VALUE ']'	{ $$ =   $2; }
-		;
-			{	xx = newqname(strings[$3], RFR, NONE, $4);
-				sid = newqset(strings[$1], strings[$3], DCL, $4);
-			}
-			{	closeqset(sid);
-			}
-		;
- *      ==========
- */
-			{	rid = newreftask(strings[$1], DCL);
-				curstate = enterowname(NEW, "", DAR);
-				strcpy(refname, strings[$1]);
-				newcalltable();
-				vartype = ISV;
-				inside = 1;
-			}
-			'(' ANYPARAMS ')'
-			{	inside = 0;
-			}
-			{	reorder();	/* renumber formal parameters */
-			}
-			END
-			{	wrapup(rid, NONE, tb, nopurge, verbose);
-				strcpy(refname, "_");
-				rid = NONE;
-			}
-		;
-ANYPARAMS	:	/* empty */
-		|	error
-			{	yyerror("bad namelist", "");
-			}
-		;
-ANYPARTYPES	:	/* empty */
-		|	error
-			{	yyerror("bad parameterlist", "");
-			}
-		;
-		;
-			{	vartype = ISV;
-			}
-			{	strcpy(qsetname, strings[$2]);
-				sid = newqset(strings[$2], strings[$4], DCL, NONE);
-				qid = addFpar(rid, strings[$2], sid, ISQ, inside);
-				vartype = ISM;
-			}
-			{	qid = NONE;
-				closeqset(sid);
-			}
-		;
- *	============
- */
-			{	rid = newreftask(" assert", DCL);
-				assertion = rid;
-				curstate = enterowname(NEW, "", DAR);
-				strcpy(refname, " assert");
-				newcalltable();
-			}
-			END
-			{	wrapup(rid, NONE, tb, nopurge, verbose);
-				strcpy(refname, "_");
-				rid = NONE;
-				lastloop = -1;
-			}
-		|	ERROR
-			{	rid = newreftask(" error", DCL);
-				inertion = rid;
-				curstate = enterowname(NEW, "", DAR);
-				strcpy(refname, " error");
-				newcalltable();
-			}
-			END
-			{	wrapup(rid, NONE, tb, nopurge, verbose);
-				strcpy(refname, "_");
-				rid = NONE;
-				lastloop = -1;
-			}
-		;
-	 	;
-_STMNT		:	skip		{ lastloop = -1; }
-		|	_SELECT		{ lastloop = -1; }
-	 	|	_CYCLE
-	 	|	SEND		{ lastloop = -1; }
-	 	|	GUARD		{ lastloop = -1; }
-		|	STRUCTGOTO	{ lastloop = -1; }
-		|	error
-			{	yyerror("illegal assertion statement, %s", yytext);
-			}
-	 	;
-			{	if (++curdepth == MAXDEPTH)
-					whoops("nesting too deep");
-				ties[curdepth].home = curstate;
-				ties[curdepth].dest = enterowname(NEW, "", DAR);
-				ties[curdepth].bpnt =
-					(curdepth > 1) ? ties[curdepth-1].bpnt : -1;
-			}
-			{	setrowname(ties[curdepth].dest);
-				curstate = ties[curdepth--].dest;
-			}
-		;
-			{	if (curdepth++ == MAXDEPTH)
-					whoops("nesting too deep");
-				labelrow(curstate);
-				ties[curdepth].home = curstate;
-				ties[curdepth].dest = curstate;
-				ties[curdepth].bpnt = enterowname(NEW, "", DAR);
-			}
-			{	lastloop = ties[curdepth].home;
-				setrowname(ties[curdepth].bpnt);
-				curstate = ties[curdepth--].bpnt;
-			}
-		;
-	 	;
-			{	getrowname(str, ties[curdepth].dest);
-				from = curstate;
-				curstate = enterowname(OLD, str, DAR);
-				setrans(from, 0, curstate, NONE);
-				curstate = ties[curdepth].home;
-			}
-	 	;
- *	=========
- */
-		;
-		;
-		;
-		;
-		;
-		;
- *	=====
- */
-ANAME		:	QSNAME { addApars(strings[$1], nid, parnum++, NONE); }
-		|	expr   { addAspecial(makeexpr($1), nid, parnum++);   }
-		;
-			{	qtable[qid].status |= ADR;
-				addmsg(strings[$1], qid, SND, INITM, NONE);
-				if (--qisz < 0)
-				yyerror("queue overfilled, %s", strings[$1]);
-			}
-		;
-			{	if (vartype == ISM)
-				addsetname(strings[$1], sid, 1);
-				else
-				addFpar(rid, strings[$1], qid, vartype, inside);
-			}
-		;
-QNAME		:	NAME '[' VALUE ']'
-			{	if ((qisz = $3) <= 0)
-				yyerror("illegal queue size, %s", strings[$1]);
-				newqname(strings[$1], DCL, $3, NONE);
-			}
-		|	NAME '[' VALUE ']' '[' VALUE ']'
-			{	if ((qisz = $6) <= 0)
-				yyerror("illegal queue size, %s", strings[$1]);
-				newqname(strings[$1], DCL, qisz, $3);
-			}
-		;
-SNAME		:	NAME		{ addsetname(strings[$1], sid, 0); }
-		;
-			{	addvarname(strings[$1], DCL, NONE, $2, 0);
-			}
-		|	NAME QINDEX '=' expr
-			{	addvarname(strings[$1], DCL, makeexpr($4), $2, 0);
-			}
-			{	addvarname(strings[$1], DCL, NONE, $2, $4);
-			}
-		;
- *	CODE
- *	====
- */
-			{	soo = 0;
-			}
-			{	soo = 0;
-			}
-	 	;
-STMNT		:	skip
-			{	if (soo)	/* only if used as a guard */
-					transfer(0, NONE);
-			}
-	 	|	CYCLE
-	 	|	SEND
-	 	|	GUARD
-	 	|	JUMP
-		|	END
-			{	yyerror("expecting a statement", "");
-				whoops("exit");
-			}
-	 	;
-			{	if (++curdepth == MAXDEPTH)
-					whoops("nesting too deep");
-				ties[curdepth].home = curstate;
-				ties[curdepth].dest = enterowname(NEW, "", DAR);
-				ties[curdepth].bpnt =
-					(curdepth>1) ? ties[curdepth-1].bpnt : -1;
-			}
-			{	setrowname(ties[curdepth].dest);
-				curstate = ties[curdepth--].dest;
-			}
-		;
-			{	if (curdepth++ == MAXDEPTH)
-					whoops("nesting too deep");
-				labelrow(curstate);
-				ties[curdepth].home = curstate;
-				ties[curdepth].dest = curstate;
-				ties[curdepth].bpnt = enterowname(NEW, "", DAR);
-			}
-			{	setrowname(ties[curdepth].bpnt);
-				curstate = ties[curdepth--].bpnt;
-			}
-		;
-	 	;
-			{	soo = 1;	/* start of an option string */
-			}
-			{	getrowname(str, ties[curdepth].dest);
-				from = curstate;
-				curstate = enterowname(OLD, str, DAR);
-				setrans(from, 0, curstate, NONE);
-				curstate = ties[curdepth].home;
-			}
-	 	;
-INDEX		:	/* empty */	{ $$ = NONE; }
-		|	'[' expr ']'	{ $$ = makeexpr($2); }
-		;
-			{	strcpy(str, strings[$1]); /* swivel away name */
-				$$ = $2;
-			}
-		;
-			{	xx = newqname(str, ADR, NONE, $1);
-				zz = addmsg(strings[$3], xx, SND, NORM, $1);
-				n = entercolname(zz, OUTP);
-				transfer(n, m);
-			}
-		;
-EXPORT	:		/* empty */	{ m = NONE; }
-		|	'(' expr ')'	{ m = makeexpr($2); }
-		;
-GUARD		:	PREIO '?' timeout
-			{ int x;
-				xx = newqname(str, RFR, NONE, $1);
-				x = addmsg(" tau", xx, SAR, NORM, $1);
-				/*
-				** the leading space is to avoid
-				** clashes with a user name `tau',
-				** e.g. in a formal parameter list
-				*/
-				n = entercolname(x, TMO);
-				transfer(n, NONE);
-			}
-			{	xx = newqname(str, RFR, NONE, $1);
-				zz = addmsg(strings[$3], xx, RCV, NORM, $1);
-				n = entercolname(zz, INP);
-				transfer(n, $4);
-			}
-			{	xx = newqname(str, RFR, NONE, $1);
-				zz = addmsg(" any", xx, SAR, NORM, $1);
-				n = entercolname(zz, DFL);
-				transfer(n, $4);
-			}
-	 	;
-IMPORT	:		/* empty */
-			{	$$ = NONE;
-			}
-	 	|	'(' ARNAME INDEX ')'
-			{	$$ = addvarname(strings[$2], RFR, NONE, $3, 0);
-			}
-	 	|	'(' NAME ')'
-			{	$$ = addvarname(strings[$2], RFR, NONE, NONE, 0);
-			}
-	 	|	'(' VALUE ')'
-			{	yyerror("importing into constant", "");
-			}
-		;
-	  	|	error
-			{	yyerror("expecting a stmnt separator", "");
-			}
-	 	;
-			{	from = curstate;
-				curstate = enterowname(LAB, strings[$2], ADR);
-				setrans(from, 0, curstate, NONE);
-				curstate = enterowname(NEW, "", DAR);
-			}
-		;
-			{ int i;
-				from = curstate;
-				i = ties[curdepth].bpnt;
-				if (curdepth == 0 || i == -1)
-					whoops("illegal break statement");
-				getrowname(str, i);
-				curstate = enterowname(OLD, str, DAR);
-				setrans(from, 0, curstate, NONE);
-				curstate = enterowname(NEW, "", DAR);
-			}
-	 	;
-			{	nid = newreftask(strings[$1], RFR);
-				parnum = 0; qid = sid = NONE;
-				cid = newcall(nid);
-			}
-			'(' ANYACTUALS ')'
-			{ int x;
-				parrefs(parnum, nid);
-				x = entercolname(cid, FCT);
-				transfer(x, NONE);
-			}
-	 	;
-ANYACTUALS	:	/* empty */
-		;
-CONDITIONAL	:	'(' expr ')'
-			{	transfer(entercolname(makeexpr($2), CND), NONE);
-			}
-		;
-			{	m = addvarname(strings[$1], RFR, NONE, $2, 0);
-				$$ = newnode(NM, m, NULL, NULL);
-			}
-		|	NAME
-			{	m = addvarname(strings[$1], RFR, NONE, NONE, 0);
-				$$ = newnode(NM, m, NULL, NULL);
-			}
-		;
-			{	m = makeexpr(newnode(OP, $2, $1, $3));
-				transfer(0, m);
-			}
-			{	m = makeexpr(newnode(OP, poinc, $1, NULL));
-				transfer(0, m);
-			}
-			{	m = makeexpr(newnode(OP, podec, $1, NULL));
-				transfer(0, m);
-			}
-		;
-ASGN		:	'='	{ $$ =  setv; }
-		|	ADDEQ	{ $$ = addeq; }
-		|	SUBEQ	{ $$ = subeq; }
-		|	MULEQ	{ $$ = muleq; }
-		|	DIVEQ	{ $$ = diveq; }
-		|	MODEQ	{ $$ = modeq; }
-		;
-expr		:	expr '+' expr { $$ = newnode(OP, plus, $1, $3); }
-		|	expr '-' expr { $$ = newnode(OP, minus, $1, $3); }
-		|	expr '*' expr { $$ = newnode(OP, times, $1, $3); }
-		|	expr '/' expr { $$ = newnode(OP, div, $1, $3); }
-		|	expr '%' expr { $$ = newnode(OP, mod, $1, $3); }
-		|	expr '^' expr { $$ = newnode(OP, power, $1, $3); }
-		|	expr GT expr { $$ = newnode(OP, gt, $1, $3); }
-		|	expr GE expr { $$ = newnode(OP, ge, $1, $3); }
-		|	expr LT expr { $$ = newnode(OP, lt, $1, $3); }
-		|	expr LE expr { $$ = newnode(OP, le, $1, $3); }
-		|	expr EQ expr { $$ = newnode(OP, eq, $1, $3); }
-		|	expr NE expr { $$ = newnode(OP, ne, $1, $3); }
-		|	expr AND expr { $$ = newnode(OP, land, $1, $3); }
-		|	expr OR expr { $$ = newnode(OP, lor, $1, $3); }
-		|	'-' expr %prec UNARYMINUS
-			{	$$ = newnode(OP, uminus, $2, NULL); }
-		|	NOT expr
-			{	$$ = newnode(OP, lnot, $2, NULL); }
-		|	VALUE
-			{	$$ = newnode(NM, $1+3*MANY, NULL, NULL); }
-			{	m = addvarname(strings[$1], RFR, NONE, $2, 0);
-				$$ = newnode(NM, m, NULL, NULL);
-			}
-		|	NAME
-			{	m = addvarname(strings[$1], RFR, NONE, NONE, 0);
-				$$ = newnode(NM, m, NULL, NULL);
-			}
-		|	'(' expr ')' { $$ = $2; }
-		;
-			{	from = curstate;
-				curstate = enterowname(LAB, strings[$1], DCL);
-				labelrow(curstate);
-				setrans(from, 0, curstate, NONE);
-			}
-		;
-extern FILE *yyin;
-main(argc, argv)
-	char **argv;
-	int base = 1, i = 1;
-	char c, buff[256];
-	char outfile[32];
-	if (argc > base && argv[1][0] == '-')
-	{	while ((c = argv[1][i++]) != '\0')
-			switch (c) {
-			case 's': varwidths = 1; break;
-			case 'v': verbose = 1; break;
-			case 'n': nopurge = 1; break;
-			case 'l': linecode = 1; break;
-			default : fprintf(stderr, "usage: pret [-vsnl] file\n");
-				  fprintf(stderr, "\tv - verbose\n");
-				  fprintf(stderr, "\ts - supertrace format\n");
-				  fprintf(stderr, "\tn - no minimization\n");
-				  fprintf(stderr, "\tl - enables linecode\n");
-				  exit(1);
-			}
-		base++;
-	}
-	if (argc <= base)
-	{	fprintf(stderr, "usage: pret [-vnl] file\n");
-		exit(1);
-	}
-	if ((tb = fopen("pret.tmp", "w")) == NULL)
-		whoops("cannot create pret.tmp\n");
-	strcpy(procname, "_");
-	strcpy(refname, "_");
-	unlink("pret.out");
-	unlink("pret.err");
-	if (argc > base)
-	{	strcpy(filename, argv[base]);
-		mktemp(strcpy(outfile, "/tmp/trans.XXXXXX"));
-		sprintf(buff, "/lib/cpp %s > %s", filename, outfile);
-		if (system(buff))
-		{	unlink(outfile);
-			exit(1);
-		} else
-			if ((yyin = fopen(outfile, "r")) == NULL)
-			{	printf("cannot open %s\n", outfile);
-				whoops("aborting");
-			}
-		unlink(outfile);
-	}
-	parsed = (struct REVPOL *)
-		Emalloc(EXPRMAX * sizeof(struct REVPOL));
-	prs = 0;
-	yyparse();
-	prepsorts();
-	checknames();
-	fclose(tb);
-	chatter();
-	makebin();
-	exit(0);
-	char *str;
-{	register int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < nnames; i++)
-		if (strcmp(str, strings[i]) == 0)
-			return i;
-	if (++nnames >= MANY)
-		yyerror("symbol table overflow, %s", str);
-	strncpy(strings[i], str, MAXNAME-1);
-	return i;
//GO.SYSIN DD pret.y
echo pret0.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >pret0.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD pret0.c'
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "pret.h"
-#include "pret.d"
-#define DEBUG6	0
-#define DEBUG7	0
-extern struct COL column[MANY];
-extern struct ROW row[MANY];
-extern int nrrows, nrcols, redrows;
-struct ENTRY * find();
-char * Emalloc();
-char  **triangle;
-short **successor;
-short *tmpsucc;
-int *unmap;		/* reverses maptwo values to original row numbers */
-{ int y = row[x].maptwo;	/* gives a value between 0 and redrows    */
-	unmap[y] = x;
-	return y;
-{ int i, j;
-  int n = redrows;
-	unmap = (int *)
-		Emalloc( n * sizeof (int) );
-	triangle = (char **)
-		Emalloc( n * sizeof (char *) );
-	/*
-	** allocate a triangle of states
-	** triangle[i][j] == 1
-	** will indicate that the states i and j are
-	** in the same equivalence class
-	** initially, claim all pairs to be equivalent
-	*/
-	for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
-	{	triangle[i] = (char *)
-			Emalloc(i * sizeof (char));
-		for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
-			triangle[i][j] = 1;
-	}
-	tmpsucc = (short *)
-		Emalloc( n * sizeof (short));
-	successor = (short **)
-		Emalloc( n * sizeof (short *) );
-	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{	successor[i] = (short *)
-			Emalloc(n * sizeof (short));
-		for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
-			successor[i][j] = 0;
-	}
-	partition();
-#if DEBUG6
-	putriangle();
-	squash();
-	for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
-		free(triangle[i]);
-	free(triangle);
-	free(unmap);
-{ register int i,j;
-	for (j = 0; j < n; i++)
-		tmpsucc[j] = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-	{	for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
-			addkids(successor[i][j]);
-		for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
-		{	successor[i][j] = tmpsucc[j];
-			tmpsucc[i] = 0;
-		}
-	}
-{ register int h,k,x,y;
-  struct ENTRY *one = find(i, 0);
-  struct ENTRY *two = find(j, 0);
-  struct PILAR *a;
-	for (k = 0; k < nrcols; k++)
-	{	for (h = 0; h < one->nrpils; h++)
-		{	a = one->pilar;
-			tmpsucc[target(a->transf)] = 1;
-			a = a->nxtp;
-		}
-		one = one->nextcol;
-		two = two->nextcol;
-	}
-{ register int i, j, K;
-  int anychange = 1;
-	/*
-	** recursively scan through the
-	** triangle to find non-equivalent pairs
-	** until pi(1) -> pi(k) == pi(k-1)
-	*/
-	for (K = 1; anychange == 1; K++)
-	{	anychange = 0;
-#if DEBUG7
-		printf("%d Equivalence:\n", K);
-#endif DEBUG7
-		for (i = nrrows-1; i > 0; i--)
-		{	if (row[i].mapping != NOSTATE)
-				continue;
-			for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
-			{	if (row[j].mapping != NOSTATE
-				||  triangle[MAP(i)][MAP(j)] == 0)
-					continue;
-				if ( !equiv(K, i, j) )
-				{	triangle[MAP(i)][MAP(j)] = 0;
-					anychange = 1;
-				}
-#if DEBUG7
-				else
-				{	printf("\tstates: %2d,", MAP(i));
-					printf("%2d\n", MAP(j));
-				}
-#endif DEBUG7
-}	}	}	}
-#if DEBUG6
-{ int i, j;
-  int n = redrows;
-  int cn = 0;
-  char * class = (char *) Emalloc (n * sizeof (char) );
-	for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-		class[i] = 0;
-	for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
-	for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
-		if ( triangle[i][j] )
-		{	if (class[i] == 0 && class[j] == 0)
-				class[i] = class[j] = ++cn;
-			else if (class[i] != 0)
-				class[j] = class[i];
-			else if (class[j] != 0)
-				class[i] = class[j];
-			else
-				whoops("cannot happen, classes");
-		}
-	for (i = 1; i <= cn; i++)
-	{	printf("class %2d: ", i);
-		for (j = 0; j < n; j++)
-			if (class[j] == i)
-				printf("%d,", j);
-		printf("\n\n");
-	}
-	free(class);
-{ int i, j;
-  int n = redrows;
-	for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
-	for (j = 0; j < i; j++)
-		if ( triangle[i][j] )
-		{	row[unmap[i]].mapping = unmap[j];
-			row[unmap[j]].labeled |= row[unmap[i]].labeled;
-		}
-outequiv(A, B)
-	struct ENTRY *A, *B;
-{ struct PILAR *at = A->pilar;
-  struct PILAR *it = B->pilar;
-	/*
-	** don't look at the at->transf's, 
-	** equal columns implicitly give
-	** equal inputs or outputs, so
-	** just compare the cargo codes
-	*/
-	while (it != NULL && at != NULL)
-	{	if (at->code != it->code)
-			break;
-		at = at->nxtp;
-		it = it->nxtp;
-	}
-	return (it == NULL && at == NULL);
-equiv(K, i, j)
-{ int h, k, x, y, z;
-  struct ENTRY *one = find(i, 0);
-  struct ENTRY *two = find(j, 0);
-  struct PILAR *a, *b;
-	if (one->nrpils != two->nrpils)
-		return 0;
-	if (K == 1)
-	{	for (k = 0; k < nrcols; k++)
-		{	if ( !outequiv(one, two) )
-				return 0;
-			one = one->nextcol;
-			two = two->nextcol;
-		}
-	} else
-		for (k = 0; k < nrcols; k++)
-		{	a = one->pilar;
-			b = two->pilar;
-			for (h = 0; h < one->nrpils; h++)
-			{
-				x = target(a->transf);
-				y = target(b->transf);
-				x = MAP(x); y = MAP(y);
-				if (y > x) { z=x; x=y; y=z; }
-				if (x != y && triangle[x][y] == 0)
-					return 0;
-				a = a->nxtp;
-				b = b->nxtp;
-			}
-			one = one->nextcol;
-			two = two->nextcol;
-		}
-	return 1;
//GO.SYSIN DD pret0.c
echo pret1.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >pret1.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD pret1.c'
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "pret.h"
-#define LOOK	0
-#define ADD	1
-struct QSET_EL {
-	char name[MAXNAME];		/* message name           */
-	char status;			/* usage of this message  */
-	int id;				/* number assigned to msg */
-	struct QSET_EL *nxtel;
-struct QSETS {
-	int nrelmnts;
-	int status;			/* usage of the qset itself */
-	int qstatus;			/* usage of the setowner (a queue) */
-	char setname[MAXNAME];		/* symbolic name */
-	char setowner[MAXNAME];		/* queue */
-	int qind;			/* NONE if simple q, #expr if array */
-	struct QSET_EL *elmnts;
-	struct QSETS *nxtset;
-	int closed;
-struct QSETS *frstset;
-int nrsets = 0;
-extern struct QTABLE qtable[NQUEUES];
-extern char procname[MAXNAME];
-extern char refname[MAXNAME];
-extern pid, rid;
-char *Emalloc();
-	char *str;
-{	struct QSETS *q = frstset;
-	char buf1[MAXNAME], buf2[MAXNAME];
-	int i;
-	buf1[0] = '\0';
-	if (pid != NONE)
-		strncpy(buf1, procname, 8);
-	else if (rid != NONE)
-		strncpy(buf1, refname, 8);
-	strcat(buf1, ":");
-	strcpy(buf2, "global:");
-	strcat(buf1, str);
-	strcat(buf2, str);
-	for (i = 0; i < nrsets; i++, q = q->nxtset)
-	{	if (strcmp(buf1, q->setname) == 0
-		||  strcmp(buf2, q->setname) == 0)
-			return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-struct QSETS *
-{	struct QSETS *hook = frstset;
-	int i;
-	if (which >= nrsets || which < 0)
-		whoops("cannot happen - findset");
-	for (i = 0; i < which; i++)
-		hook = hook->nxtset;
-	return hook;
-inqset(which, what, usage, qind)
-	char *what;
-	struct QSETS   *hook  = findset(which);
-	struct QSET_EL *hookl = hook->elmnts;
-	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < hook->nrelmnts; i++)
-	{	if (strcmp(what, hookl->name) == 0)
-		{	hookl->status |= usage;
-			if (hookl->id == -1)
-				whoops("unnumbered parameter");
-			if (qind != hook->qind)
-				yyerror("queue indexing error, qset, %s", what);
-			return hookl->id;
-		}
-		hookl = hookl->nxtel;
-	}
-	return -1;
-renumqset(which, N)
-{ struct QSETS * hook = findset(which);
-  struct QSET_EL * hookl = hook->elmnts;
-  int i, j;
-	qsetowner(which, 0);
-	for (i = 0, j = N; i < hook->nrelmnts; i++)
-	{	hookl->id = j++;
-		hookl = hookl->nxtel;
-	}
-	return j;
-matchset(a, b)
-{ struct QSETS * one = findset(a);
-  struct QSETS * two = findset(b);
-  struct QSET_EL * onel;
-  struct QSET_EL * twol;
-  int i;
-	if (one->nrelmnts != two->nrelmnts)
-	{	yyerror("qset does not match formal parameter, %s", one->setname);
-		return;
-	}
-	onel = one->elmnts;
-	twol = two->elmnts;
-	for (i = 0; i < one->nrelmnts; i++)
-	{	onel->status |= twol->status;
-		onel = onel->nxtel;
-		twol = twol->nxtel;
-	}
-	return two->qstatus;
-matchowner(a, str, how, qind)
-	char *str;
-{ struct QSETS * hook = findset(a);
-	if (strcmp(hook->setowner, str) == 0)
-	{	hook->qstatus |= how;
-		if (qind != hook->qind)
-			yyerror("queue indexing error (qset ref), %s", str);
-		return 1;
-	}
-	return 0;
-struct QSET_EL *
-mkelmnt(str, how)
-	char *str;
-{ struct QSET_EL *try = (struct QSET_EL *)
-		Emalloc( sizeof( struct QSET_EL ) );
-	strcpy(try->name, str);
-	try->nxtel = NULL;
-	try->status = how;
-	try->id = -1;
-	return try;
-struct QSETS *
-mkset(str1, str2, how, qind)
-	char *str1, *str2;
-{ struct QSET_EL *hook;
-  struct QSETS *try = (struct QSETS *)
-		Emalloc( sizeof( struct QSETS ) );
-	if (how == RFR)
-		yyerror("undeclared qset, %s", str1);
-	try->status = how;
-	try->qstatus = 0;
-	try->nxtset = NULL;
-	strcpy(try->setname,  str1);
-	strcpy(try->setowner, str2);
-	try->closed = 0;
-	try->qind = qind;
-	try->nrelmnts = 0;
-	try->elmnts = mkelmnt(" tau", SAR);
-	try->nrelmnts++;
-	hook = try->elmnts;
-	hook->nxtel = mkelmnt(" any", SND);
-	try->nrelmnts++;
-	nrsets++;
-	return try;
-qsetowner(which, how)
-{	struct QSETS *hook = findset(which);
-	return newqname(hook->setowner, how, NONE, hook->qind);
-inset(str, str2, mask, how, qind)
-	char *str, *str2;
-{ struct QSETS *hook = frstset;
-  struct QSETS *last = frstset;
-  int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrsets && hook != NULL; i++)
-	{	if (strcmp(hook->setname, str) == 0)
-		{	if (mask == DCL)
-				yyerror("qset redeclared, %s", str);
-			hook->status |= mask;
-			break;
-		}
-		last = hook;
-		hook = hook->nxtset;
-	}
-	if (how == ADD && i == nrsets)
-		last->nxtset = mkset(str, str2, mask, qind);
-	return i;
-newqset(str1, str2, mask, qind)
-	char *str1, *str2;
-	int i = nrsets;
-	char str[MAXNAME];
-	if (pid != NONE)
-		strncpy(str, procname, 8);
-	else if (rid != NONE)
-		strncpy(str, refname, 8);
-	else
-		strcpy(str, "global");
-	strcat(str, ":");
-	strcat(str, str1);
-	if (mask == RFR && (pid != NONE || rid != NONE))
-	{	if (inset(str, str2, mask, LOOK, qind) == nrsets)
-		{	strcpy(str, "global");
-			strcat(str, ":");
-			strcat(str, str1);
-	}	}
-	if (nrsets == 0)
-		frstset = mkset(str, str2, mask, qind);
-	else
-		i = inset(str, str2, mask, ADD, qind);
-	return i;
-{	struct QSETS *where = findset(which);
-	where->closed = 1;
-{	struct QSETS *where = findset(which);
-	return where->closed;
-addsetname(str, which, susp)
-	char *str;
-{ struct QSETS   *where = findset(which);
-  struct QSET_EL *hook  = where->elmnts;
-  int i, j;
-	j = newqname(where->setowner, 0, NONE, where->qind);
-	i = where->nrelmnts;
-	if (i == 0)
-		where->elmnts = mkelmnt(str, 0);
-	else
-	{	for (i = 1; i < where->nrelmnts; i++)
-			hook = hook->nxtel;
-		hook->nxtel = mkelmnt(str, 0);
-	}
-	/* if setowner is a formal parameter name
-	 * the returned value `j' refers to the qset
-	 * in which it was defined + an offset `MANY'
-	 * if so, we must check that the message added
-	 * here was also defined in the original set
-	 */
-	if (susp && j >= MANY && isclosed(j - MANY))	/* current set is open */
-		addmsg(str, j, 0, NORM, where->qind);	/* check validity msg  */
-	where->nrelmnts++;
-	return i;
-callist(which, hit)
-{ int i, j;
-  struct QSETS   * hook = findset(which);
-  struct QSET_EL * kooh = hook->elmnts;
-	for (i = 0; i < hook->nrelmnts; i++)
-	{	j = addmsg(kooh->name, hit, kooh->status, NORM, hook->qind);
-		callentry(ISM, j);
-		kooh = kooh->nxtel;
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD pret1.c
echo pret2.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >pret2.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD pret2.c'
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "pret.h"
-#include "pret.d"
- struct COL column[MANY];
- struct ROW row[MANY];
- struct ENTRY *rowtail;
- struct ENTRY *coltail;
- struct ENTRY *base;		/* base of transition table */
- struct ENTRY *newentry();
- struct PILAR *newunit();
- int nrrows = 0;	/* raw nr of rows (incremented by addrow() */
- int nrcols = 0;	/* number of columns per table             */
- int redrows = 0;	/* reduced nr of rows (set by remap()      */
- int extras = 0;	/* counts replicated processes		   */
-extern char procname[MAXNAME], refname[MAXNAME];
-extern int anyerror, pid, rid, curstate, lastloop;
-struct ENTRY *
-find(R, C)
-{ register int i;
-  register int r = R;
-  register int c = C;
-  register struct ENTRY *here = base;
-	if (r >= nrrows || c >= nrcols || r < 0 || c < 0)
-		whoops ("bad table index");
-	for (i = 0; i < r; i++)
-		here = here->nextrow;
-	for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
-		here = here->nextcol;
-	return here;
-getrowname(where, which)
-	char *where;
-{	strcpy(where, row[which].name);
-{ char stro[256];
-  extern linenumber;
-  extern char filename[];
-	sprintf(stro, "%d/%d:%s", linenumber, nrrows, filename);
-	strcpy(row[which].name, stro);
-{ register int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrrows; i++)
-	switch(row[i].refcount)
-	{	case ADR: printf("%s: undeclared label\n", row[i].name);
-			  anyerror++;
-			  break;
-		case DCL: printf("%s: unused label\n", row[i].name);
-			  break;
-		case ADR+DCL:
-			  break;
-		default:  whoops("cannot happen - label");
-	}
-{ register int i, j;
-	for (i = j = 0; i < nrrows; i++)
-		if (row[i].mapping == NOSTATE)
-			row[i].maptwo = j++;
-	redrows = j;
-{ int i; extern int linecode, assertion, inertion;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrrows; i++)
-	{	row[i].mapping = NOSTATE;
-		row[i].maptwo = i;
-	}
-	redrows = nrrows;
-/* -> bug if (!linecode) */
-	if (!linecode || rid==assertion || rid==inertion)
-		transitrows();	/* remove dummy transitions */
-	remap();
-	if (!linecode && !how)
-	{	minimize();
-		remap();
-	}
-{ int i = 0;
-  int x = y;
-	while (row[x].mapping != NOSTATE)
-	{	x = row[x].mapping;
-		if (i++ > nrrows)
-		{	printf("%s: ", (pid == NONE) ? procname : refname);
-			whoops("contains unconditional, infinite loop");
-		}
-	}
-	return x;
-enterowname(how, stri, bang)
-	char *stri, bang;
-{ register int i;
-  char stro[256];
-  extern int linenumber;
-  extern char filename[];
-	switch(how) {
-	case LAB:	sprintf(stro, "%s: %s", stri, filename);
-			for (i = 0; i < nrrows; i++)
-				if (strcmp(stro, row[i].name) == 0)
-					break;
-			if (i < nrrows)
-			{	if (bang == DCL && (row[i].refcount & DCL))
-				{	fprintf(stderr, "%d/%d %s %s\n",
-						i, nrrows, stro, row[i].name);
-					yyerror("label redeclared, %s", stro);
-				}else
-					row[i].refcount |= bang;
-				break;
-			} else
-			{	addrow();
-				row[i].refcount = bang;
-				row[i].labeled = 0;
-				strcpy(row[i].name, stro);
-			}
-			break;
-	case NEW:	i = nrrows;
-			sprintf(stro, "%d/%d:%s", linenumber, i, filename);
-			addrow();
-			row[i].refcount = bang;
-			row[i].labeled = 0;
-			strcpy(row[i].name, stro);
-			break;
-	case OLD:	for (i = 0; i < nrrows; i++)
-				if (strcmp(stri, row[i].name) == 0)
-					break;
-			if (i == nrrows)
-				whoops("cannot happen - rows");
-			break;
-	}
-	return i;
-	if (n < 0 || n >= nrrows)
-		whoops("cannot happen - labelrow");
-	row[n].labeled = 1;
-deadrows(p, r)
-{ register int i, j, k;
-  struct ENTRY *it;
-  struct PILAR  *at;
-  char fld[128];
-  extern int nrprocs;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrrows; i++)
-		row[i].reached = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrrows; i++)
-	{	if (row[i].mapping != NOSTATE)
-			continue;
-		it = find(i, 0);
-		for (j = 0; j < nrcols; j++, it = it->nextcol)
-		{	at = it->pilar;
-			do
-			{	if (at->transf != NOSTATE)
-				{	k = target(at->transf);
-					if (k != i)
-						row[k].reached = 1;
-				}
-				at = at->nxtp;
-			} while (at != NULL);
-	}	}
-	fld[0] = '\0';
-	for (i = k = 0; i < nrrows; i++)
-	{	if (row[i].mapping != NOSTATE)
-			continue;
-		if (row[i].reached == 0 && row[i].maptwo != 0)
-		{	j = strlen(fld); k++;
-			sprintf(&fld[j], "%d, ", row[i].maptwo);
-	}	}
-	if (p == NONE)
-		refsize(r, redrows, k);
-	else
-		procsize(p, redrows, k);
-	FILE *tb;
-{ register int i, j, x;
-  struct ENTRY *it;
-  struct PILAR  *at;
-  char field[256];
-  int nrdeads = 0;
-	if (nrrows == 0)
-		return;
-	field[0] = '\0';
-	for (i = 0; i < nrrows; i++)
-	{	if (row[i].mapping != NOSTATE)
-			continue;
-		it = find(i, 0);
-		for (j = 0; j < nrcols; j++, it = it->nextcol)
-		{	for (at = it->pilar; at != NULL; at = at->nxtp)
-				if (at->transf != NOSTATE)
-					break;
-			if (at != NULL)
-				break;
-		}
-		if (j == nrcols)
-		{	x = strlen(field);
-			sprintf(&field[x], "%d,", row[i].maptwo);
-			nrdeads++;
-	}	}
-	if ((i = lastloop) >= 0)
-	{	if (i >= nrrows || row[i].mapping != NOSTATE)
-			whoops("cannot happen - deadends");
-		x = strlen(field);
-		sprintf(&field[x], "%d,", row[i].maptwo);
-		nrdeads++;
-	}
-	fprintf(tb, "ENDSTATES %d: %s\n", nrdeads, field);
-{ register int i, j;
-  struct ENTRY *here, *there;
-					/* maintain row 0 as initial state */
-	here = base->nextrow;
-	for (i = 1; i < nrrows; i++, here = here->nextrow)
-	{	if (here->nrpils != 1 || here->pilar->code != NONE)
-			continue;
-		there = here->nextcol;
-		for (j = 1; j < nrcols; j++, there = there->nextcol)
-			if (there->nrpils != 0)
-				break;
-		if (j == nrcols)
-		{	row[i].mapping = here->pilar->transf;
-			row[here->pilar->transf].labeled |= row[i].labeled;
-	}	}
-entercolname(val, what)
-{ register int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrcols; i++)
-		if (column[i].ccode == val && column[i].coltype == what)
-			break;
-	if (i == nrcols)
-	{	addcol();
-		column[i].ccode = val;
-		column[i].coltype = what;
-	}
-	return i;
-{ register i = nrcols;
-  struct ENTRY *lastcol, *thiscol;
-  char uni[32];
-	if (nrcols == 0)
-	{	rowtail = coltail = base = newentry();
-		sprintf(uni, "%4d", curstate);
-		column[0].ccode = -1;
-		column[0].coltype = SPN;
-		strcpy(row[0].name, uni);
-		nrrows = nrcols = 1;
-	} else
-	{	if (nrrows == MANY)
-			whoops("too many rows");
-		lastcol = rowtail;
-		rowtail = thiscol = lastcol->nextrow = newentry();
-		for (--i; i > 0; i--)
-		{	thiscol = thiscol->nextcol = newentry();
-			lastcol = lastcol->nextcol;
-			lastcol->nextrow = thiscol;
-		}
-		nrrows++;
-	}
-{ register int i = nrrows;
-  struct ENTRY *lstrow, *thisrow;
-	if (nrcols == 0)
-		whoops("cannot happen - columns");
-	else
-	{	lstrow = coltail;
-		coltail = thisrow = lstrow->nextcol = newentry();
-		if (nrcols++ == MANY)
-			whoops("too many columns");
-		for (--i; i > 0; i--)
-		{	thisrow = thisrow->nextrow = newentry();
-			lstrow = lstrow->nextrow;
-			lstrow->nextcol = thisrow;
-	}	}
-setrans(r, c, tr, to)
-{ struct ENTRY *ft;
-  struct PILAR  *pt;
-  int i;
-	ft = find(r, c);
-	pt = ft->pilar;
-	for (i = ft->nrpils++; i > 0; i--)
-		pt = pt->nxtp;
-	pt->code = to;
-	pt->transf = tr;
-	pt->nxtp = newunit();
-	FILE *tb;
-{ struct ENTRY *this, *that;
-  struct PILAR *at;
-  int i, k, x, nrbads = 0, nrlabs = 0;
-  char field[512], labfield[512];
-	if (nrrows == 0)
-		return;
-	labfield[0] = field[0] = '\0';
-	for (i = 0, this = base; this != NULL; this = this->nextrow, i++)
-	{	if (row[i].mapping != NOSTATE)
-			continue;
-		if (row[i].labeled)
-		{	sprintf(&labfield[strlen(labfield)], "%d,", row[i].maptwo);
-			nrlabs++;
-		}
-		that = find(i, 0);
-		for (k = 0; k < nrcols; k++, that = that->nextcol)
-		{	if (!SPNT(column[k].coltype))
-				continue;
-			for (at = that->pilar, x = 0; at != NULL; at = at->nxtp)
-			{	if (at->transf == NOSTATE)
-					continue;
-				x++; break;
-			}
-			if (x > 0)
-			{	sprintf(&field[strlen(field)],"%d,",row[i].maptwo);
-				nrbads++;
-				break;
-		}	}
-	}
-	fprintf(tb, "BADSTATES %d: %s\n", nrbads, field);
-	fprintf(tb, "LABSTATES %d: %s\n", nrlabs, labfield);
-	FILE *tb;
-{ struct ENTRY *this, *that;
-  struct PILAR *at;
-  char field[256];
-  int i, j, k, x, y; extern int linecode;
-	if (pid == NONE)
-		fprintf(tb, "%s %d:", "REF", rid);
-	else
-		fprintf(tb, "%s %d:", "PROC", pid+extras);
-	fprintf(tb, "%d/%d:", redrows, nrcols);
-	for (i = 0; i < nrcols; i++)
-		fprintf(tb, "%d(%d),", column[i].ccode, column[i].coltype);
-	putc('\n', tb);
-	for (i = 0, this = base; this != NULL; this = this->nextrow, i++)
-	{	if (row[i].mapping != NOSTATE)
-			continue;
-		that = find(i, 0);
-		for (k = 0; k < nrcols; k++, that = that->nextcol)
-		{	y = 0; field[0] = '\0';
-			for (at = that->pilar; at != NULL; at = at->nxtp)
-			{	if (at->transf == NOSTATE)
-					continue;
-				j = row[ target(at->transf) ].maptwo;
-				if ((x = strlen(field)) > 200)
-					whoops("string overflow");
-				sprintf(&field[x], "[%d,%d]", j, at->code);
-				y++;
-		   	}
-			if (y > 0)
-		   	{	fprintf(tb, "%d/%d ", row[i].maptwo, k);
-				fprintf(tb, "(%d) %s\n", y, field);
-	}	}	}
-	fprintf(tb, "0/0 (0)\n");
-	if (linecode)
-	{	fprintf(tb, "rownames:\n");
-		for (i = 0; i < redrows; i++)
-			fprintf(tb, "%s\n", row[i].name);
-	}
-wrapup(r, p, tb, np, vb)
-	FILE *tb;
-	int i;
-	extern struct PROCTABLE proctable[MAXPROC];
-	purgerows(np);
-	dumpforw(tb);
-	deadends(tb);
-	badstates(tb);
-	putcalls(tb);
-	numlocvars(tb);
-	if (r == NONE)
-	for (i = 1; i < proctable[p].replic; i++)
-	{	extras++;
-		twiddle("_PROCID");
-		dumpforw(tb);
-		deadends(tb);
-		badstates(tb);
-		putcalls(tb);
-		numlocvars(tb);
-	}
-	if (vb)
-	{	deadrows(p, r);
-		deadlabels();
-	}
-	release();
-	scrapcalltable();
//GO.SYSIN DD pret2.c
echo pret3.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >pret3.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD pret3.c'
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "pret.h"
- struct FORMALS {
-	char name[MAXNAME];
-	int typefs;		/* qset or pvar	(default)   */
-	int tag;		/* id			    */
-	char used;		/* reference count	    */
-	char reset;		/* default type overwritten */
-	struct FORMALS *nxtpar;
- };
- struct {
-	char name[MAXNAME];
-	int status;
-	int nrparams;
-	int nrstates;
-	int unreach;
-	struct FORMALS *params;	/* formal parameters */
- } reftable[MAXPROC];
- int nrrefs = 0;
- extern int anyerror, pid, rid, assertion, inertion;
- extern char qsetname[MAXNAME];
-refsize(n, m, k)
-{	reftable[n].nrstates = m;
-	reftable[n].unreach = k;
-{ int i, j, N, M;
-  struct FORMALS * hook;
-	if (rid == NONE)
-		return;
-	/*
-	 * make sure that formal msg parameters
-	 * are numbered in the order in which they
-	 * will be pushed onto the call stack in trace.c
-	 */
-	j = reftable[rid].nrparams;
-	hook = reftable[rid].params;
-	for (i = N = M = 0; i < j; i++)
-	{	if (hook->typefs == ISQ || hook->typefs == ISQN)
-			N = renumqset(hook->tag, N);
-		else
-			hook->tag = M++;
-		hook = hook->nxtpar;
-	}
-newreftask(str, mask)
-	char *str;
-{ register int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrrefs; i++)
-		if (strcmp(str, reftable[i].name) == 0)
-			break;
-	if (i == nrrefs)
-	{	if (nrrefs >= MAXPROC)
-			whoops("too many procedures");
-		if (mask == RFR)
-			yyerror("undeclared procedure, %s", str);
-		reftable[i].status = 0;
-		reftable[i].nrparams = 0;
-		reftable[i].nrstates = 0;
-		reftable[i].unreach = 0;
-		strcpy(reftable[nrrefs++].name, str);
-	} else
-	{	if (mask == DCL && (reftable[i].status & DCL))
-			yyerror("procedure redeclared, %s", str);
-		if (mask == RFR && rid == i)
-			yyerror("recursive procedure, %s", str);
-	}
-	reftable[i].status |= mask;
-	return i;
-struct FORMALS *
-newparunit(str, nn, tp, ins)
-	char *str;
-{ struct FORMALS * try = (struct FORMALS *)
-		Emalloc ( sizeof(struct FORMALS) );
-	try->used  = 0;
-	try->reset = 0;
-	strcpy(try->name, str);
-	try->typefs = tp;
-	try->nxtpar = NULL;
-	try->tag = nn;
-	if (!ins)
-		yyerror("unspecified parameter, %s", str);
-	return try;
-addFpar(to, stri, n, vt, ins)
-	char *stri;
-{ struct FORMALS *hook;
-  int N = reftable[to].nrparams;
-  int i = N;
-	if (N == 0)
-	{	reftable[to].params = newparunit(stri, n, vt, ins);
-		reftable[to].nrparams++;
-	} else
-	{	hook = reftable[to].params;
-		for (i = 0; i < N; i++, hook = hook->nxtpar)
-		{	if (strcmp(hook->name, stri) == 0)
-			{	if (ins || hook->reset == 1)
-					yyerror("name clash, %s", stri);
-				hook->tag = n;
-				hook->typefs = vt;
-				hook->reset = 1;
-				break;
-			}
-			if (hook->nxtpar == NULL)
-			{	hook->nxtpar = newparunit(stri, n, vt, ins);
-				reftable[to].nrparams++;
-				i++;
-				break;
-	}	}	}
-	return i;
-Fparname(str, which, vt, hit, how, qind)
-	char *str;
-{ int i, j, k;
-  struct FORMALS * hook = reftable[which].params;
-	for (i = 0, j = reftable[which].nrparams; i < j; i++)
-	{	if (strcmp(str, hook->name) == 0 &&  hook->typefs == vt)
-			break;
-		if (hook->typefs == ISQ || hook->typefs == ISQN)
-		{	switch (vt) {
-			case ISM:
-				if (hook->tag == hit
-				&& (k = inqset(hook->tag, str, how, qind)) != -1)
-					return k;
-				break;
-			case ISQ:
-				if (matchowner(hook->tag, str, how, qind))
-					return hook->tag;	/* id of qset */
-				break;
-		}	}
-		hook = hook->nxtpar;
-	}
-	if (i == j || (vt == ISM && hook->tag != hit))
-		return -1;
-	hook->used |= how;
-	if (vt == ISV)
-		return hook->tag;
-	return i;
-{ int i;
-	if (nrrefs == 0)
-		return;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrrefs; i++)
-		if (reftable[i].status == DCL)
-		{	if (strcmp(reftable[i].name, " assert") != 0
-			&&  strcmp(reftable[i].name, " error") != 0)
-				printf("%s: unused procedure\n", reftable[i].name);
-		} else if (reftable[i].status == RFR)
-			printf("%s: undeclared procedure\n", reftable[i].name);
-	FILE *fd;
-{	extern int linecode;
-	fprintf(fd, "%d linecode\n", linecode);
-	fprintf(fd, "%d procedures ", nrrefs);
-	fprintf(fd, "(assert %d/%d)\n", assertion, inertion);
-parrefs(n, m)
-{ int i;
-	if ((i = reftable[m].nrparams - n) == 0)
-		return;
-	if (i > 0)
-		yyerror("missing parameters, %s", reftable[m].name);
-	else
-		yyerror("too many parameters, %s", reftable[m].name);
-isdigit(c) {	return (c >= '0' && c <= '9'); }
-addAspecial(val, which, pn)
-{ struct FORMALS * hook = reftable[which].params;
-  int i;
-	if (pn >= reftable[which].nrparams || pn < 0)
-		return;
-	for (i = 0; i < pn; i++)
-		if ((hook = hook->nxtpar) == NULL)
-			whoops("cannot happen - addAspecial");
-	switch (hook->typefs)
-	{	case ISQN:
-		case ISQ: yyerror("mismatched parameter, %s", "queue or qset");
-			  break;
-		case ISV: callentry(ISV, val);
-			  break;
-		default : whoops("cannot happen - addAspecial");
-	}
-addApars(what, which, pn, index)
-	char *what;
-{ struct FORMALS * hook = reftable[which].params;
-  int val, hit, x;
-	if (pn >= reftable[which].nrparams || pn < 0)
-		return;
-	for (x = 0; x < pn; x++)
-		if ((hook = hook->nxtpar) == NULL)
-			whoops("cannot happen - formals");
-	switch (hook->typefs)
-	{	case ISQN:
-			  val = newqset(what, what, 0, index);
-			  x = matchset(val, hook->tag);
-			  hit = qsetowner(val, x);	/* find queue-id  */
-			  callentry(ISQ, hit);		/* enter queue-id */
-			  callist(val, hit);		/* enter messages */
-			  break;
-		case ISQ: val = newqset(what, "", RFR, index);
-			  x = matchset(val, hook->tag);
-			  hit = qsetowner(val, x);	/* find queue-id  */
-			  callentry(ISQ, hit);		/* enter queue-id */
-			  callist(val, hit);		/* enter messages */
-			  break;
-		case ISV: val = addvarname(what, RFR, NONE, index, 0);
-			  callentry(ISV, val);
-			  break;
-		default : whoops("cannot happen - addApars");
-	}
-{	int i, k;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrrefs; i++)
-	{	printf("\t%2d\t%s, ", i+1, reftable[i].name);
-		for (k = strlen(reftable[i].name)+1; k < 10; k++)
-			putchar(' ');
-		k = reftable[i].nrstates;
-		printf("%d state%s", k, (k!=1)?"s":"");
-		if ((k = reftable[i].unreach) > 0)
-			printf(" (%d unreachable state%s)", k, (k>1)?"s":"");
-		putchar('\n');
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD pret3.c
echo pret4.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >pret4.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD pret4.c'
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "pret.h"
-struct PROCTABLE proctable[MAXPROC];		/* index to process names */
-int nrprocs = 0;
-procsize(n, m, k)
-{	proctable[n].nrstates = m;
-	proctable[n].unreach = k;
-newprocname(str, repl)
-	char *str;
-{ register int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrprocs; i++)
-		if (strcmp(str, proctable[i].name) == 0)
-			break;
-	if (i == nrprocs)
-	{	if (nrprocs >= MAXPROC)
-			whoops("too many processes");
-		proctable[i].nrstates = 0;
-		proctable[i].unreach = 0;
-		proctable[i].replic = repl;
-		strcpy(proctable[nrprocs++].name, str);
-	} else
-		yyerror("process redeclared, %s", str);
-	return i;
-	FILE *fd;
-	extern int extras;
-	fprintf(fd, "%d processes\n", nrprocs+extras);
-{	int i;
-	extern int verbose, nrqs, nrmesgs, nrrefs, assertion, inertion, extras;
-	if (verbose)
-	{	i = ((assertion != -1) + (inertion != -1));
-		printf("\nOverview:\n========\n");
-		printf("%d queue%s:\n", nrqs, (nrqs==1)?"":"s");
-		listqs();
-		printf("%d process%s:\n",
-				nrprocs+extras, (nrprocs+extras==1)?"":"es");
-		listprs();
-		printf("%d procedure%s:\n", nrrefs, (nrrefs==1)?"":"s");
-		listrefs();
-		printf("%d assertion%s\n", i, (i==1)?"":"s");
-	}
-{	int i, k;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrprocs; i++)
-	{	printf("\t%2d", i+1);
-		if (proctable[i].replic != NONE)
-			printf("x%d", proctable[i].replic);
-		printf("\t%s, ", proctable[i].name);
-		for (k = strlen(proctable[i].name)+1; k < 10; k++)
-			putchar(' ');
-		k = proctable[i].nrstates;
-		printf("%d state%s", k, (k!=1)?"s":"");
-		if ((k = proctable[i].unreach) > 0)
-			printf(" (%d unreachable state%s)", k, (k>1)?"s":"");
-		putchar('\n');
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD pret4.c
echo pret6.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >pret6.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD pret6.c'
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "pret.h"
-struct {
-	char name[MAXNAME];
-	char mbox;
-	char status;
-	int  qind;		/* index!=NONE if q addressed is array */
-	int  equa;		/* basename match */
-	int  code;
-} mesgtable[MANY];
-struct QTABLE qtable[NQUEUES];
-int msize[NQUEUES];		/* mailbox sizes per queue */
-int msgval = BASEVAL;
-int nrmesgs = 0;
-int nrqs = 0;
-int initable[MANY];
-int nrinits = 0;		/* number initial messages */
-extern anyerror, pid, rid;
-newqname(str, mask, lim, qind)
-	char *str;
-	register int i;
-	if (rid != NONE)
-	{	if ((i = Fparname(str, rid, ISQ, NONE, mask, qind)) != -1)
-			return (MANY + i);	/* id of qset + offset */
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < nrqs; i++)
-		if (strcmp(str, qtable[i].name) == 0)
-			break;
-	if (i == nrqs)
-	{	if (nrqs >= NQUEUES)
-			whoops("too many queues");
-		qtable[i].owner = (mask == DCL || mask == RFR) ? pid : NONE;
-		qtable[i].limit  = (lim == NONE) ? 2 : lim;
-		qtable[i].status = mask;
-		qtable[i].magic  = 0;
-		qtable[i].multiple  = qind;
-		strcpy(qtable[nrqs++].name, str);
-	} else
-	{	if (mask == DCL)
-		{	if (qtable[i].status & DCL)
-				yyerror("queue redeclared, %s", str);
-			if (qtable[i].owner == NONE)
-				qtable[i].owner = pid;
-			else if (qtable[i].owner != pid && pid != NONE)
-				warning("queue read by 2 processes", str);
-			qtable[i].limit = lim;
-			qtable[i].multiple = qind;
-		} else if (mask & RFR)
-		{	if (qtable[i].owner == NONE)
-				qtable[i].owner = pid;
-			else if (qtable[i].owner != pid)
-				warning("queue read by 2 processes", str);
-		}
-		if ((mask & RFR) || (mask & ADR))
-		{	if (qind != qtable[i].multiple
-			&&  (qind == NONE || qtable[i].multiple == NONE))
-				yyerror("queue indexing error, mesg name, %s", str);
-		}
-		qtable[i].status |= mask;
-	}
-	return i;
-addmsg(what, hit, mask, tpp, qind)
-	char *what; char mask;
-{ register int i, j;
-  char str[MAXNAME];
-	if (rid != NONE)
-	{	if ((i = Fparname(what, rid, ISM, hit - MANY, mask, qind)) != -1)
-			return (MANY + i);
-		if (hit >= MANY)
-		{	yyerror("undeclared message, %s", what);
-			return -1;
-	}	}
-	strcpy(str, qtable[hit].name);
-	strcat(str, ":"); strcat(str, what);
-	for (j = 0; j < nrmesgs; j++)
-	{	if (strcmp(str, mesgtable[j].name) == 0)
-			break;
-	}
-	for (i = j; i < nrmesgs; i++)
-		if (strcmp(str, mesgtable[i].name) == 0
-		&&  mesgtable[i].qind == qind)
-			break;
-	if (i == nrmesgs)
-	{	if (nrmesgs >= MANY)
-			whoops("too many messages");
-		if (qtable[hit].multiple != qind
-		&&  (qind == NONE || qtable[hit].multiple == NONE))
-			yyerror("Queue indexing error, qname, %s", str);
-		mesgtable[i].mbox = hit;
-		mesgtable[i].qind = qind;
-		mesgtable[i].status = mask;
-		strcpy(mesgtable[nrmesgs++].name, str);
-		mesgtable[i].code = msgval++;
-		mesgtable[i].equa = mesgtable[j].code;
-	} else
-		mesgtable[i].status |= mask;
-	if (tpp == INITM)
-		initable[nrinits++] = mesgtable[i].code;
-	if (strcmp(what, " any") == 0 && mask == SAR)
-		qtable[hit].magic = 1;
-	return mesgtable[i].code;
-{ int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrqs; i++)
-	{	if (!(qtable[i].status & DCL))
-		printf("warning: queue `%s' undeclared\n", qtable[i].name);
-		if (qtable[i].owner == NONE)
-		printf("warning: queue `%s' unknown owner\n", qtable[i].name);
-		switch (qtable[i].status) {
-		case 0:		/* used to check name existence in qsets */
-		case DCL:	printf("%s: isolated queue\n", qtable[i].name);
-				break;
-		case DCL+RFR:	printf("%s: queue not addressed\n", qtable[i].name);
-				break;
-		case DCL+ADR:	printf("%s: queue is never read\n", qtable[i].name);
-		default:	break;
-		}
-	}
-{ int i, j, k, p;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrqs; i++)
-	{	if (msize[i] == 0)
-			continue;
-		k = strlen(qtable[i].name) + 1;
-		for (j = 0; j < nrmesgs; j++)
-		if (mesgtable[j].mbox == i && (p = mesgtable[j].status) != SAR)
-		{	switch (p) {
-			case RCV: if (qtable[i].multiple) break;
-				  printf("queue %s: ", qtable[i].name);
-				  printf("mesg '%s' ", &mesgtable[j].name[k]);
-				  printf("is received but not sent\n");
-				  anyerror++;
-				  break;
-			case SND: if (qtable[i].magic != 0
-				  ||  qtable[i].multiple
-				  ||  strcmp(&mesgtable[j].name[k], " any") == 0)
-				  	break;
-				  printf("queue %s: ", qtable[i].name);
-				  printf("mesg '%s' ", &mesgtable[j].name[k]);
-				  printf("is sent but not received\n");
-				  anyerror++;
-				  break;
-			case 0:   printf("queue %s: ", qtable[i].name);
-				  printf("mesg '%s' ", &mesgtable[j].name[k]);
-				  printf("is never used\n");
-				  break;
-			}
-	}	}	
-{	isoqs();
-	silentcheck();
-	FILE *fd;
-{ int i, j;
-	for (i = j = 0; i < nrqs; i++)
-	{	if (qtable[i].multiple == NONE)
-			j++;
-		else
-			j += qtable[i].multiple;
-	}
-	fprintf(fd, "%d queues:\n", j);
-	numesgs(fd);
-	for (i = 0; i < nrqs; i++)
-	{	fprintf(fd, "%s\t%d/",
-				qtable[i].name, qtable[i].owner);
-		fprintf(fd, "%d/%d/%d: ",
-				qtable[i].limit, msize[i], qtable[i].multiple);
-		for (j = 0; j < nrmesgs; j++)
-			if (mesgtable[j].mbox == i)
-				fprintf(fd, "%d[%d,%d],", mesgtable[j].code,
-					mesgtable[j].qind,
-					mesgtable[j].equa);
-		putc('\n', fd);
-}	}
-	FILE *fd;
-{ int i;
-	fprintf(fd, "%d inits:\n", nrinits);
-	for (i = 0; i < nrinits; i++)
-		fprintf(fd, "%d,", initable[i]);
-	if (nrinits > 0)
-		putc('\n', fd);
-	FILE *fd;
-{ int i, j;
-  char c;
-	fprintf(fd, "%d messages, base %d:\n", nrmesgs, BASEVAL);
-	for (i = 0; i < nrmesgs; i++)
-	{	for (j = 0; (c = mesgtable[i].name[j]) != '\0'; j++)
-			if (c == ':')
-			{	j++;
-				break;
-			}
-		if (c == '\0')
-			j = 0;
-		fprintf(fd, "%s ", &mesgtable[i].name[j]);
-	}
-	if (nrmesgs > 0)
-		putc('\n', fd);
-{ int i, j;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrqs; i++)
-	{	msize[i] = 0;
-		for (j = 0; j < nrmesgs; j++)
-			if (mesgtable[j].mbox == i)
-				msize[i]++;
-	}
-{	int i, j, k, l, a;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrqs; i++)
-	{
-		if (qtable[i].status & DCL == 0)	/* formal q-parameter */
-			continue;
-		printf("\t%2d\t%s", i+1, qtable[i].name);
-		k = strlen(qtable[i].name) + 1;
-		if (qtable[i].multiple != NONE)
-		{	printf("[%d], ", qtable[i].multiple);
-			a = (qtable[i].multiple>9)?4:3;
-		} else
-		{	printf(", ");
-			a = 0;
-		}
-		for (j = 10; j > k+a; j--) putchar(' ');
-		printf("sort: ");
-		for (j = l = 0; j < nrmesgs; j++)
-		if (mesgtable[j].mbox == i &&
-			strcmp(&mesgtable[j].name[k], " tau") != 0 &&
-			strcmp(&mesgtable[j].name[k], " any") != 0)
-		{	if (l++ > 0)
-				printf(", ");
-			printf("%s", &mesgtable[j].name[k]);
-			if ((a = mesgtable[j].qind) != NONE)
-			{	if (a < -1)
-					printf("/*%d", -(a+2));
-				else
-					printf("/%d", a);
-		}	}
-		printf("\n");
-	}
//GO.SYSIN DD pret6.c
echo pret7.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >pret7.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD pret7.c'
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "pret.h"
-#include "pret.d"
-extern FILE *tb;
-extern int anyerror, linenumber;
-extern int nrrows, nrcols, curstate, curdepth;
-extern int nrvars, realnrvars;
-extern struct ENTRY *base;
-extern char filename[256];
-char *
-	unsigned N;
-{ char *try, *malloc();
-	if ((try = malloc(N)) == NULL)
-		whoops("out of memory");
-	return try;
-	char *s;
-{	yyerror(s, "aborting");
-	fclose(tb);
-	unlink("pret.tmp");
-	exit(1);
-yyerror(s1, s2)
-	char *s1, *s2;
-	char buf[512];
-	sprintf(buf, s1, s2);
-	printf("\"%s\", line %2d: %s\n", filename, linenumber, buf);
-	fflush(stdout);
-	anyerror++;
-warning(s1, s2)
-	char *s1, *s2;
-	printf("\"%s\", line %2d, warning: %s", filename, linenumber, s1);
-	if (strlen(s2) > 0 && strcmp(s1, "syntax error") != 0)
-		printf(" (%s)\n", s2);
-	else
-		printf("\n");
-{ register struct ENTRY *this, *temp1, *temp2;
-  register struct PILAR  *that, *temp3;
-	this = base;
-	while (this != NULL)
-	{	temp1 = this->nextrow;
-		do
-		{	temp2 = this->nextcol;
-			that = this->pilar;
-			do
-			{	temp3 = that->nxtp;
-				free(that);
-				that = temp3;
-			} while (that != NULL);
-			free(this);
-			this = temp2;
-		} while (this != NULL);
-		this = temp1;
-	}
-	nrrows = nrcols = curstate = curdepth = 0;
-	nrvars = realnrvars = 0;
-struct PILAR *
-{ struct PILAR  *try;
-	try = (struct PILAR *) Emalloc(sizeof(struct PILAR));
-	try->transf = NOSTATE;
-	try->code = NONE;
-	try->nxtp = NULL;
-	return try;
-struct ENTRY *
-{ struct ENTRY *try;
-	try = (struct ENTRY *) Emalloc(sizeof(struct ENTRY));
-	try->pilar = newunit();
-	try->nrpils = 0;
-	try->nextrow = try->nextcol = NULL;
-	return try;
//GO.SYSIN DD pret7.c
echo pret8.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >pret8.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD pret8.c'
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "pret.h"
-struct {
-	char name[MAXNAME];
-	int status;
-	int initval;
-	int index;	/* set if used as array */
-	int width;	/* in bits: for supertrace */
-} vartbl[MANY];
-struct {
-	int m;		/* index of basename in vartbl */
-	int n;		/* reference to the index      */
-} ivartbl[MANY];
-int realnrvars=0;
-struct {
-	int m;		/* index of basename in globvartbl */
-	int n;		/* reference to the index      */
-} igvartbl[MANY];
-int realgvars=0;
-struct {
-	char name[MAXNAME];
-	int status;
-	int initval;
-	int index;
-	int width;
-} globvartbl[MANY];
-int nrvars = 0;
-int nrglobvars = 0;
-int varwidths = 0;
-extern char procname[MAXNAME];
-extern char refname[MAXNAME];
-extern int anyerror, pid, rid;
-reallocal(m, n)
-{	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < realnrvars; i++)
-		if (ivartbl[i].m == m && ivartbl[i].n == n)
-			return i;
-	if ((i = realnrvars++) >= MANY)
-		whoops("reallocal overflow");
-	ivartbl[i].n = n;
-	ivartbl[i].m = m;
-	return i;
-realglobal(m, n)
-{	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < realgvars; i++)
-		if (igvartbl[i].m == m && igvartbl[i].n == n)
-			return i;
-	if ((i = realgvars++) >= MANY)
-		whoops("realglobal overflow");
-	igvartbl[i].n = n;
-	igvartbl[i].m = m;
-	return i;
-	char *suff;
-{	int i; extern int extras;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrvars; i++)
-		if (strcmp(vartbl[i].name, suff) == 0)
-		{	vartbl[i].initval++;
-			return;
-		}
-	whoops("cannot happen, twiddle");
-	char *suff;
-{	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrvars; i++)
-		if (strcmp(vartbl[i].name, suff) == 0
-		&& vartbl[i].index != NONE)
-			return 1;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrglobvars; i++)
-		if (strcmp(globvartbl[i].name, suff) == 0
-		&& globvartbl[i].index != NONE)
-			return 1;
-	return 0;
-looklocal(suff, how, index)
-	char *suff;
-{	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrvars; i++)
-		if (strcmp(vartbl[i].name, suff) == 0)
-		{	vartbl[i].status |= how;
-			break;
-		}
-	if (i != nrvars && how == DCL)
-		yyerror("local variable redeclared, %s", suff);
-	if (i != nrvars && how == RFR && index != vartbl[i].index
-	&& (index == NONE || vartbl[i].index == NONE))
-		yyerror("local variable array indexing error, %s", suff);
-	return i;
-lookglobal(suff, how, index)
-	char *suff;
-{	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrglobvars; i++)
-		if (strcmp(globvartbl[i].name, suff) == 0)
-		{	globvartbl[i].status |= how;
-			break;
-		}
-	if (pid == NONE && rid == NONE && i != nrglobvars && how == DCL)
-		yyerror("global variable redeclared, %s", suff);
-	if (i != nrglobvars && how == RFR && index != globvartbl[i].index
-	&& (index == NONE || globvartbl[i].index == NONE))
-		yyerror("global variable array indexing error, %s", suff);
-	return i;
-putlocal(what, ival, how, index, width)
-	char *what;
-{	int i;
-	if ((i = nrvars++) >= MANY)
-		whoops("too many variables");
-	strcpy(vartbl[i].name, what);
-	vartbl[i].initval = ival;
-	vartbl[i].status = how;
-	vartbl[i].index = index;
-	vartbl[i].width = width;
-	if (index != NONE && ival != NONE)
-	{	fprintf(stderr,"error: no automatic initialization");
-		fprintf(stderr, " of array `%s'\n",what);
-		anyerror++;
-	}
-	if (width != 0) varwidths=1;
-	return (MANY + i);
-putglobal(what, ival, how, index, width)
-	char *what;
-{	int i;
-	if ((i = nrglobvars++) >= MANY)
-		whoops("too many variables");
-	strcpy(globvartbl[i].name, what);
-	globvartbl[i].initval = ival;
-	globvartbl[i].status = how;
-	globvartbl[i].index = index;
-	globvartbl[i].width = width;
-	if (index != NONE && ival != NONE)
-	{	fprintf(stderr,"error: no automatic initialization");
-		fprintf(stderr, " of array `%s'\n",what);
-		anyerror++;
-	}
-	if (width != 0) varwidths=1;
-	return i;
- * arrays are merely patched in for now
- */
-addvarname(what, how, ival, index, width)
-	char *what;
-	int i, islocal = (rid != NONE || pid != NONE);
-	if (rid != NONE && (i = Fparname(what, rid, ISV, NONE, how, index)) != -1)
-		return (2*MANY + i);
-	/* formal parameter may not be an array reference */
-	if (islocal && (i = looklocal(what, how, index)) < nrvars)
-		return (MANY + reallocal(i, index));
-	if ((i = lookglobal(what, how, index)) < nrglobvars)
-		return realglobal(i, index);
-	if (how == RFR)
-		yyerror("undeclared variable, %s", what);
-	if (islocal)
-		return putlocal(what, ival, how, index, width);
-	return putglobal(what, ival, how, index, width);
-{	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrvars; i++)
-		if (vartbl[i].status == DCL)
-		{	printf("%s: ", (pid != NONE)?procname:refname);
-			printf("pvar %s is never used\n", vartbl[i].name);
-		}
-{	int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrglobvars; i++)
-		if (globvartbl[i].status == DCL)
-		{	printf("global: ");
-			printf("pvar %s is never used\n", globvartbl[i].name);
-		}
-	FILE *fd;
-{	int i;
-	fprintf(fd, "%d g-variables: ", nrglobvars);
-	for (i = 0; i < nrglobvars; i++)
-		fprintf(fd, "%d/%d,", globvartbl[i].initval, globvartbl[i].index);
-	putc('\n', fd);
-	if (varwidths)
-	{	fprintf(fd, "%d g-widths: ", nrglobvars);
-		for (i = 0; i < nrglobvars; i++)
-			fprintf(fd, "%d,", globvartbl[i].width);
-		putc('\n', fd);
-	}
-	fprintf(fd, "%d g-uses: ", realgvars);
-	for (i = 0; i < realgvars; i++)
-		fprintf(fd, "%d/%d,", igvartbl[i].m, igvartbl[i].n);		
-	putc('\n', fd);
-	FILE *fd;
-{	int i;
-	fprintf(fd, "%d l-variables: ", nrvars);
-	for (i = 0; i < nrvars; i++)
-		fprintf(fd, "%d/%d,", vartbl[i].initval, vartbl[i].index);
-	putc('\n', fd);
-	if (varwidths)
-	{	fprintf(fd, "%d l-widths: ", nrvars);
-		for (i = 0; i < nrvars; i++)
-			fprintf(fd, "%d,", vartbl[i].width);
-		putc('\n', fd);
-	}
-	fprintf(fd, "%d l-uses: ", realnrvars);
-	for (i = 0; i < realnrvars; i++)
-		fprintf(fd, "%d/%d,", ivartbl[i].m, ivartbl[i].n);		
-	putc('\n', fd);
//GO.SYSIN DD pret8.c
echo pret9.c 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >pret9.c <<'//GO.SYSIN DD pret9.c'
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "pret.h"
- struct ACTUALS {
-	int typefs[MAXACTUALS];		/* queue mesg or pvar */
-	int index [MAXACTUALS];		/* qid,  if mesg      */
-	struct ACTUALS *nxtcall;
-	int nractuals;
-	int whattask;			/* id of task called  */
- };
- struct ACTUALS *calls;		/* procedure call data   */
- int nrcalls;			/* nr of procedure calls */
- extern pid, rid, linenumber;
-{	nrcalls = 0;
-	calls = NULL;
-{ struct ACTUALS *tmp;
-  struct ACTUALS *hook = calls;
-  int i;
-	for (i = 0; i < nrcalls; i++)
-	{	tmp = hook;
-		hook = hook->nxtcall;
-		free(tmp);
-	}
-{ int i, j;
-  struct ACTUALS *new, *old;
-	new = ( struct ACTUALS *)
-		Emalloc( sizeof(struct ACTUALS) );
-	new->nractuals = 0;
-	new->whattask = ofwhat;
-	if ((j = nrcalls++) == 0)
-		calls = new;
-	else
-	{	old = calls;
-		for (i = 1; i < j; i++)
-			old = old->nxtcall;
-		old->nxtcall = new;
-	}
-	return nrcalls-1;
-	FILE *tb;
-{ struct ACTUALS *hook;
-  int j, k, a, b;
-  int maxm = 0;
-  int maxv = 0;
-	fprintf(tb, "FCT_CALLS %d\n",  nrcalls);
-	for (j = 0, hook = calls; j < nrcalls; j++)
-	{
-		for (k = a = b = 0; k < hook->nractuals; k++)
-		{	if (hook->typefs[k] == ISM)
-				a++;
-			else if (hook->typefs[k] == ISV)
-				b++;
-		}
-		if (a > maxm) maxm = a;
-		if (b > maxv) maxv = b;
-		fprintf(tb, "%d-%d/%d:", hook->whattask, a, b);
-		for (k = 0; k < hook->nractuals; k++)
-		{	if (hook->typefs[k] != ISQ)
-			fprintf(tb, " %d/%d", hook->typefs[k], hook->index[k]);
-		}
-		putc('\n', tb);
-		hook = hook->nxtcall;
-	}
-	fprintf(tb, "PARS %d/%d\n",  maxm, maxv);
-callentry(x, val)
-{ int i;
-  struct ACTUALS *hook = calls;
-	for (i = 1; i < nrcalls; i++)
-		hook = hook->nxtcall;
-	if ((i = hook->nractuals++) >= MAXACTUALS)
-		whoops("too many parameters");
-	hook->typefs[i] = x;
-	hook->index[i] = val;
//GO.SYSIN DD pret9.c
echo pretlex.l 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >pretlex.l <<'//GO.SYSIN DD pretlex.l'
-#include "stdio.h"
-#include "pret.h"
-#include "y.tab.h"
-extern linenumber, nest;
-extern char filename[256];
-{	unput(c);
-\n	{ linenumber++; }
-\/\*	{ char c1, c2;		/* comment string */
-	  for(nest++, c2 = ' ';;){
-		c1 = c2;
-		c2 = input();
-		if (c1 == '/' && c2 == '*')
-			nest++;
-		else if (c1 == '*' && c2 == '/')
-			nest--;
-		if (nest <= 0)
-			break;
-		if (c2 == '\n')
-			linenumber++;
-		else if (c2 == 0)
-			whoops("unexpected eof (in comment)");
-	  }
-	}
-[ \t]	{ ; }
-^#[ ]+[0-9]+[ ]+\"[^\"]+\"\n	{
-		sscanf(&yytext[1], "%d \"%s\"\n", &linenumber, filename);
-		filename[strlen(filename)-1] = 0;	/* strip the last " */
-	}
-queue	{ return(QUEUES); }
-qset	{ return(QSET); }
-pvar	{ return(PVAR); }
-proc	{ return(PROCESS); }
-if	{ return(IF); }
-fi	{ return(FI); }
-do	{ return(DO); }
-od	{ return(OD); }
-skip	{ return(skip); }
-goto	{ return(GOTO); }
-break	{ return(BREAK); }
-any 	{ return(DEFAULT); }
-default	{ return(DEFAULT); }
-assert	{ return(ASSERT); }
-error	{ return(ERROR); }
-timeout	{ return(timeout); }
-\{	{ return(PBEGIN); }
-\}	{ return(END); }
-[0-9]+	{ yylval.resu = atoi(yytext); return(VALUE); }
-[a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*	{
-		yylval.resu = newstring(yytext);
-		if (isarrayvar(yytext)) return(ARNAME);
-		if (isqset(yytext)) return(QSNAME);
-		return(NAME);
-	}
-_PROCID	{ yylval.resu = newstring("_PROCID"); return(NAME); }
-"::"	{ return(FLAG); }
-"->"	{ return(ARROW); }
-";"	{ return(SEMICOLON); }
-":"	{ return(COLON); }
-\+\+	{ return(INC); }
-\-\-	{ return(DEC); }
-\+\=	{ return(ADDEQ); }
-\-\=	{ return(SUBEQ); }
-\*\=	{ return(MULEQ); }
-\/\=	{ return(DIVEQ); }
-\%\=	{ return(MODEQ); }
-\|\|	{ return(OR); }
-\&\&	{ return(AND); }
-\>\=	{ return(GE); }
-\<\=	{ return(LE); }
-\!\=	{ return(NE); }
-\>	{ return(GT); }
-\<	{ return(LT); }
-\!	{ return(NOT); }
-==	{ return(EQ); }
-.	{ return(yytext[0]); }
//GO.SYSIN DD pretlex.l
echo x.tab.h 1>&2
sed 's/.//' >x.tab.h <<'//GO.SYSIN DD x.tab.h'
-typedef union {
-	int resu;
-	struct Node *node;
-extern YYSTYPE yylval;
-# define NAME 257
-# define VALUE 258
-# define ARNAME 259
-# define QSNAME 260
-# define ASSERT 261
-# define ERROR 262
-# define PROCESS 263
-# define PBEGIN 264
-# define END 265
-# define IF 266
-# define FI 267
-# define DO 268
-# define OD 269
-# define timeout 270
-# define skip 271
-# define BREAK 272
-# define DEFAULT 273
-# define GOTO 274
-# define FLAG 275
-# define ARROW 276
-# define SEMICOLON 277
-# define COLON 278
-# define QUEUES 279
-# define QSET 280
-# define PVAR 281
-# define MESG 282
-# define ADDEQ 283
-# define SUBEQ 284
-# define MULEQ 285
-# define DIVEQ 286
-# define MODEQ 287
-# define OR 288
-# define AND 289
-# define GT 290
-# define GE 291
-# define LT 292
-# define LE 293
-# define EQ 294
-# define NE 295
-# define UNARYMINUS 296
-# define NOT 297
-# define INC 298
-# define DEC 299
//GO.SYSIN DD x.tab.h