
! This is a GPMDOC6 version of the MACRO SPITBOL Manual for VAX/VMS.
! It is substantially modified translation of the Runoff version
! produced by Dave Shields for the PDP11 Runoff.  It produces everything
! including an index, table of contents and a .HLP Help file.
! Revision history:
! -----------------
{Set Versionid,BCAB-2132}
{Set Revid,G}
! Rev. G: 17-APR-1982 [SGD]:
! o Add description of CHAR (new function).
! o Clarify &ABEND and &DUMP (above 2) descriptions.
! Rev. F: 11-MAR-1982 [SGD]:
! o Changes to reflect new stack handling procedure
! o Changes to reflect BUFFER type
! o Miscellaneous edits to formats, eliminated some section headings that
!   caused excessive help nesting.
! Rev. E: 25-FEB-1982 [SGD]:
! o Enhanced description of &CODE
! Rev. D: 08-AUG-1981 [SGD]:
! o Fixed description of /LIST /NOLIST /OUTPUT and /NOOUTPUT to
!   conform to new semantics.  LOADSTACK message removed as no longer
!   in existance. /CRC and /NOCRC documented.
! Rev. C: 30-JUL-1981 [SGD]:
! o Changed description of recommended link to reflect ABAA-4521 patch
!   which avoids need for /NOTRACE.
! Rev. B: 19-JUL-1981 [SGD]:
! o Fixed manual to reflect that delivery no longer includes SPITBOL image.
!   This image is built during delivery.
! o Added {Revid} macro to provide manual revision level.
! Definitions and Macros:
! -----------------------
! Define the names of the files involved.
{Set Textfile,SYS$LIBRARY:Spittext.Gpm}
{Set Outfile,Spitbol.Man}
{Set Helpfile,SYS$HELP:Spitbol.Hlp}
! These macros will generate roman numerals ({Roman n}) from 0..99.
{Setq Roman,{Cond {Gt @1,10},{Genroman {/ @1,10},x,l,c}}-
  {Genroman {Remdr @1,10},i,v,x}-
{Setq Genroman,{Cond -
  {Le @1,3},{Dupl @2,@1},-
  {Eq @1,4},{2}{3},-
  {Le @1,8},{3}{Dupl @2,{- @1,5}},-
! We skip generating the manual if it isn't wanted.
{Cond {Leq N,{Substr {Caps {Query Do you want to generate the manual? }},-
  {Tset input,,Begintext=!MANDONE,Endtext=!HELPSTART}}
{Set output,@Outfile}
! Define the sections as numbers (in the help pass we will define them
! as names)
{Set Sec_Func,Section 5}
{Set Sec_Impl,Section 12}
! The Hl macro substitutes for the "Header Level" business of Runoff.
! HL is given status as a property and the level <-> value associations
! are stuffed there.  Hlval is the current level number.  Hlid is set to
! the current level string (n.m form).
! The number,title and page is entered on the TOC1 stack for the table of
! content printing at the end.  A level of 1 forces a new page with a
! spiffy title block. Level 2 stuff is nicely underlined.
! Lower level stuff is left to troglodytes.
{Creprop HL}
{Setq Hlval,0}
{Setq Hl,-
  {Cond {Gt @1,@Hlval},{Set {1}\HL,0}}-
  {Set Hlval,@1}-
  {Set.Add1 {1}\HL}-
  {Set Hlid,-
    {Doprop HL,-
      {Cond {Le @1,@Hlval},{2}{Cond {Lt @1,@Hlval},.}},-
  {Cond {Gt @Linenum,50},{p},,{Ls 2}}-
  {Cond {Eq @1,1},-
      {Center *------{Dupl -,{Dsize 2}}-*}-
      {Center |~{Dbl {Rpad [{Hlid}],5}{2}}~|}-
      {Center *------{Dupl -,{Dsize 2}}-*}-
      {Tset Toc1,~},-
    {Eq @1,2},-
      {Outdent 3}{Ul {Dbl {Hlid}~~{2}}}{Brk},-
      {Outdent 3}{Dbl {Hlid}~~{2}}{Brk}-
  {Tset Toc1,-
    {Rpad -
      {Rpad -
        {+ 7,{* 2,@1}}-
      }~{Cond {Eq @1,1},{Dbl @2},,@2},-
! These list macros are used to generate numbered lists.  Some of the
! Listelem references in the text may contain an argument to {Listelem},
! any such argument is ignored by this version of the Listelem macro, but
! it is used by a redefined version when producing the Help file (see below).
{Setq List,{Brk}{Lin 5}{Ls 1}-
	{Set Listval,0}}
{Setq Listelem,{Ls 1}{Outdent 5}{Lpad {Setv.Add1 Listval}.~~,5}}
{Setq Endlist,{Ls 1}{Restore Lmg}}
! The index macros do their business on the INDEX property tables
{Creprop INDEX}
{Setq Index,-
  {Set.append {D 1}\INDEX,<, >{Pagenum}}-
!  Here we begin production of the actual manual
!  Produce the Title Page
{set bslack,3}
{Set lmg,5}{set rmg,70}
{set pagelength,60}
{setq newpage,{Ls 3}}
{Set Linenum,5}{Center *~~~~~~*~~~~~~*}
{Ls 5}{Center {Dbl M A C R O   S P I T B O L}}
{Ls 1}{Center      -------------------------}
{Ls 3}{Center PROGRAM REFERENCE MANUAL (Rev. {Revid})}
{LS 1}{CENTER --------------------------------{Dupl -,{Dsize Revid}}}
{Ls 3}{Center VAX/VMS Version 3.5 ({Versionid})}
{LS 1}{Center ----------------------{Dupl -,{Dsize Versionid}}}
{LS 2}{April 1980}
{Ls 3}{Tset Lmg,19}{Tset Rmg,55}{fj}
 This manual may be reporduced provided that this
Dewar Information Systems Copyright Notice is
{Ls 3}VAX, VMS, DECwriter and PDP are registered trademarks
of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
{Set Linenum,50}{Restore Lmg}{Restore Rmg}{Nfj}
{Center 221 West Lake Street}
{Center <Oak Park, Illinois USA  60302>}
{Ls 1}{Center (312) 524-1644}
{Set Linenum,30}
{Center {Dbl Please replace this page with the Table of Contents}}
{Center {Dbl (At the end)}}
!  Produce the preamble
This report is parallel to the University of Leeds Technical Report
Number 94, "Macro Spitbol - Decsystem 10 Version," McCann, Holden and
Dewar, Dec. 1976.
 Differences will be found primarily in {SEC_IMPL}.
{Ls 2}
{center {Ul Revision History}}
{Ls 1}
This document has been revised as follows :
{Ls 1}
Dec 1976        to correspond with        SPITBOL Version 3.0
Mar 1978        to correspond with        SPITBOL Version 3.3
Sep 1978        to correspond with        SPITBOL Version 3.4
Feb 1979        to correspond with        SPITBOL Version 3.5
{Ls 3}VAX/VMS MACRO SPITBOL Version {Versionid} is designed to
operate on the VAX 11/780 and VAX 11/750 computers running the
VMS operating system version 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 or 2.4.
{Set Pagenum,0}
{Setq Newpage,{Title}{T 42}PAGE~{Pagenum}~-~[{Hlid}]{Brk}{Subtitle}{Ls 1}-
  {Display Page {Pagenum} - {Subtitle}}-
{Set title,MACRO~SPITBOL V3.5}
{Set Subtitle,Introduction}
!  Read the text
{Tset input,@textfile}
! Produce the index.  All that is required is to dump the INDEX property
! in sorted order in a suitable format, and then snuff the property and
! the definition since it isn't used in generating the help library.
{Display Generating the index and table of contents.}
{Display This is hard.  Please be patient.}
{Tset Hs,\}
{Delprop INDEXA}
{Set linenum,1}{Set pagenum,1}{Set pagelength,55}
{Set Lmg,45}{Set Rmg,72}{Nfj}
{Setq newpage,{Ls 3}}
{Setq endpage,{Ls 2}{Center Index - {Roman @Pagenum}}{eject}}
{Doprop INDEX,-
  {Outdent 40}-
  {Rpad {D 1}\,40,.}-
  {Substr @{D 1}\INDEX,2}-
  {Cond {Eq {Remdr @Linenum,6},3},{Ls 1}}-
{Brk}{Restore Hs}
{Delprop INDEX}
{Setq Index}
{Set Lmg,5}
! Now dump out the table of contents.  Since the TOC1 stack is in inverted
! order, we pop it over to another stack, then pop that stack successively
! to print it out.
{Set Pagenum,1}
{Setq newpage,-
  {Center {Ul TABLE OF CONTENTS {Cond {Gt @Pagenum,1},(CON'T)}}}-
  {Ls 2}-
  Section                        Title                           Page-
  {Ls 1}-
{Setq endpage,{Ls 2}{Center {Roman @Pagenum}}{eject}}
{Ls 1}
{Dowhile {Differ @Toc1},{Tset Toc2,@Toc1}{Restore Toc1}}
{Dowhile {Differ @Toc2},{Toc2}{Brk}{Restore Toc2}}
! We skip generating the help file if it isn't wanted.
{Cond {Leq N,{Substr {Caps {Query Do you want to make the .HLP help file? }},-
  {Tset input,,Begintext=!HELPDONE,Endtext=!MANDONE}}
! Now generate the manual text in on-line help form
{Set Sec_Func,the help for functions}
{Set Sec_Impl,the help for implementation information}
{Set Outos,FALSE}
{Set output,@Helpfile}
{Display}{Display ...Starting to generate the on-line help file}
{Setq Os,{D 1}}{Setq Ul,{D 1}}{Setq Dbl,{D 1}}
{Setq Hl,{Brk}{Tset Lmg,1}{Setv Hlval,{Add1 @1}} -
   {Replace {Cond {Eq @1,1}{Gt {Dsize 2},31},{Substr @2,1,31},,@2},<~ >,__}-
   {Brk}{Restore Lmg}{Display {Hlval} - {D 2}}-
{Set Pagelength,66}{Set lmg,2}{Set Rmg,60}{Fj}
{Set P}{Set Newpage}{Set Endpage}
{Setq List,{Brk}{Lin 5}{Ls 1}-
	{Set Listval,0}}
{Setq Listelem,-
   {Cond {Leq @1},{Ls 1}{Outdent 5}{Lpad {Setv.Add1 Listval}.~~,5},,-
     {Hl @Hlval,@1}{Set.Sub1 Hlval}}-
{Setq Endlist,{Ls 1}{Restore Lmg}}
{set bslack,0}
{tset lmg,1}
1 SPITBOL{brk}
{Tset.Add1 Lmg}
Invokes the MACRO SPITBOL (SNOBOL4) interpreter.


        SPITBOL  file-spec

{Brk}{Restore Lmg}
2 Parameters{Brk}
{Tset.Add1 Lmg}
A legal file specification designating the input file for SPITBOL without
wild cards.
 Only one file can be designated for file-spec.
 No logical concatenation via "+" or successive processing via "," is
{Brk}{restore Lmg}
2 Qualifiers{Brk}
/CRC (D){Brk}
{Tset.Add1 Lmg}
This switch is only meaningful on a /LOAD=... operation, where the
specification of /NOCRC will bypass the cyclic reducdancy check of
the SPITBOL code region.
 The purpose of this check is to insure that the version of SPITBOL
being used is the same as the version under which the exit module was
 As SPITBOL also checks version identification data and other parameters,
the overhead for this check may be considered unnecessary for frequently
used load modules.
 In such cases, /NOCRC can be profitably specified.
{Brk}{Restore Lmg}
/CSTATS (D){Brk}
{Tset.Add1 Lmg}
This switch will enable/disable the printing of compilation
statistics on the output file.
 If /NOLIST has been specified, the default is /NOCSTATS.
{Brk}{Restore Lmg}
/ESTATS (D){Brk}
{Tset.Add1 Lmg}
This switch will suppress the printing of execution
statistics on the output file.
 If /NOLIST has been specified, then the default is /NOESTATS.
{Brk}{Restore Lmg}
{Tset.Add1 Lmg}
This switch has the same logical effect as a
-NOEXECUTE control card in the source program.
 SPITBOL will process the source program, and then exit with a
message that Execution Was Suppressed.
{Brk}{Restore Lmg}
/LIST[=filename] (/LIST=Inputfile.LIS (D)){Brk}
{Tset.Add1 Lmg}
The /LIST switch allows specification of the filename for the
standard output channel.
 If a terminal device is specified for the /LIST switch,
then form feeds in the program listing will be suppressed.
 The default device and account for this file is the same as that under
which SPITBOL is being run.
 The default name for the output file is the input file's name, and
the default extension is ".LIS".
 The program listing and compilation statistics are sent to this file.
 If neither of /OUTPUT=... or /NOOUTPUT are also specified on the command
line, then execution output is also directed to this file.
 This includes OUTPUT assigned text and TRACE and DUMP output.
{Ls 1}The /NOLIST switch indicates that source listing is not to be generated.
/NOLIST also causes an implicit /NOESTATS and /NOCSTATS.
 Note that the appearance of /NOLIST does not mean that
no output will be sent to the standard output channel.
 However, if the program makes no reference to the standard output channel,
then if /NOLIST is specified, this channel will never be opened.
{Ls 1}/LIST with no filename inverts the effect of a previous /NOLIST spec.
 That is, enables source listing and compilation statistics.
{Brk}{Restore Lmg}
/MINC=nnn (MINC=20 (D)){brk}
{Brk}{Tset.Add1 Lmg}
This switch controls the number of pages by which
SPITBOL's working store is expanded when it becomes exhausted.
 Under normal circumstances, it should not be necessary to specify
this switch, however, "/MINC=0" will prevent any additional allocation
to SPITBOL past the MINT allocation, and may thus be useful in
preventing the unrestrained growth of the interpreter.
{Brk}{Restore Lmg}
/MINT=nnn (MINT=200 (D)){Brk}
{Tset.Add1 Lmg}
This switch controls the amount of virtual memory
(in 512 Byte pages) that will be initally allocated for SPITBOL's
working storage areas.
 The SPITBOL VMS interface is designed to permit these working storage
areas to grow indefinitely, as long as the region remains contiguous,
and there are pages available in the process' virtual quota.
 However, SPITBOL will not request additional memory from VMS unless
it cannot get enough by regenerating its existing store.
 So, this switch may be useful in some situations
to avoid garbage collector thrashing.
{Ls 1}The default for this switch is "/MINT=200" which is equivalent to
about 100K bytes, or 25,000 SPITBOL 'words' (VAX Longwords).
 Stack space is not included in the MINT allocation, instead,
stack is allocated by SPITBOL as needed.
{Brk}{Restore Lmg}
/OUTPUT[=Filename] (/OUTPUT (D)){brk}
{Tset.Add1 Lmg}
 The /OUTPUT=filename switch requests an alternate file for the
standard output channel at execution time.  If this switch is not specified,
then execution output is directed at the same file as the source listing
 This file is not opened until execution begins.
 If at that time the channel cannot be opened, SPITBOL exits with a
fatal status.
{Ls 1}/NOOUTPUT directs any execution-time references to the standard
output channel to the null device (NL:)
{Ls 1}/OUTPUT with no filename restores the default condition.
 That is, execution output is appended to the listing output.
{Ls 1}Note that /OUTPUT and /LIST are not synonymous.
{Brk}{Restore Lmg}
/PAGE (D){Brk}
{Tset.Add1 Lmg}
If this switch is specified, page separators in
the source listing and statistics will be a few blank lines, instead of
form feeds.
 "/PAGE" is the default, unless the standard output channel
is a terminal, in which case "/NOPAGE" is the default.
{Brk}{Restore Lmg}
/WARN (D){Brk}
{Tset.Add1 Lmg}
When /NOWARN is indicated on the command line, only errors and severe
errors in the VMS interface logic will be reported on SYS$ERROR.
 This can be useful to suppress messages regarding source line truncation,
exit module saves and similar messages.
/WARN, the default, causes reporting of such conditions.
{Ls 1}This switch does not affect in any way SPITBOL's handling of errors with
respect to the program.
{Brk}{Restore Lmg}
{Tset.Add1 Lmg}
SPITBOL attempts to compute a proper width for the standard output file.
 The switch "/WIDTH=n" can be used to override any default.
 Otherwise, if the output device is record-oriented (including
spooled files), the default is the buffer for the device as
indicated by VMS.
 If the buffer size cannot be obtained, or is outside the range
[0..255], then a final default of 132 (decimal) is applied.
{Brk}{Restore Lmg}
{Restore Lmg}
{Tset Input,@Textfile}