
* frame buffer *     swift  /dev/cv0

coordinate system:
  lower left of screen = (0,0),  upper right = (511,511)

cvinit(1);     at start of each program.      0 for warm start.

cvflush();   flush i/o buffer.

image(data,x0,y0,x1,y1,bank)  write 8-bit image
  data   char[x1-x0+1][y1-y0+1]
    stored as if a Fortran array with d(i,j) at x=i, y=j,
       (scan rows left to right, starting with bottom row)
    maximum image size is 128^2.
  x0,y0,x1,y1  coordinates of lower left and upper right of window
  bank  3-bit value  (red,green,blue)  indicating banks to be written

lutrte(bank)  set which bank drives the display
  bank  0x0   each bank indexes its own color table
        0x7E  red drives all
        0x75  green drives all
        0x53  blue drives all

  char *map;   /* string describing kind of map */
  int maxi;    /* indices from 0 through maxi */
  int zero;    /* currently unused */
 map=ffile   read triples from file
     r       blue-to-red  (for 8 bit in; gamma corrected)
     s       spectrum     (for 8 bit in; gamma corrected)
     n       normal map (for 24 bin in; not gamma corrected)
     g       normal map (for 24 bin in; gamma corrected)
     i       like g, but inverse video

cvload(n,x,y);   load coordinate register n.     0<=n<=63
   creg 4  coordinates of center of screen    (useful for panning)
  fact = 1, 2, 4, or 8    (to see 512, 256, 128, or 64 -size images)

cvvalue(r,g,b)    set current color

cvflood()     erase screen