
bib             234767509   26    1     100666  1280      `
The attached is a bibliography, including a permuted section,
of documents having to do with the UNIX TSS. It is issued monthly by the Libraries and
Infor ation Systems Center - Computer Information Library.at
Murray Hill.
The index is divided into the following Mercury catagories:

UNED Editing and Document Preparation
UNHA  Hardware
*UNNL  UNIX Newsletter, Meeting Announcements and Reports.
UNOS  Operating System (see also category COOS)
UNPL  Programming Languages
UNPM  UNIX Programmer's Manual
UNSD  Standard Documentation
UNSU  Service and Utility Programs

Anyone wishing to receive new or updated materials automatically
in any of the above catagories should sign up with
Mercury through CIL (Computer Information Library).  The 
Complete memoranda (MM+) or cover sheet (CS+) for each
category or all can be obtained.
documents will be included in the Computer Program Index, to be issued
Each document is given a 1000 number by the Computer Information Library
for  reference and can be used to order the document.
Computer Information Library is in Murray Hill Room 2F-128,
X6058 or X4373.
* UNNL - UNIX Newsletter issued monthly is not included in the bibliograpy.

list            234767513   26    1     100666  178       `
if $1x = x goto find
if $1x = allx goto find
: start
if $1x = x exit
nroff /usr/u1/eaw/$1-docs
goto start
: find
find /usr/u1/eaw -name "*-docs" -a -exec nroff {} ";"
nmac            234767516   26    1     100666  125       `
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uned-docs       234767519   26    1     100666  4641      `
.so nmac
UNED-Editing and Documentation Preparation
(1000) A Tutorial Introduction to the UNIX Text Editor
B. W. Kernighan
Memorandum for file
TM 74-1273-17
A good document for first time users.
(1028) Typing Documents on UNIX
M. Lesk
TM 74-1274-24
A description of TROFF and NROFF macros for
producing papers in normal BTL format.
(1029) A System for Typesetting Mathematics
B. W. Kernighan
L. L. Cherry
March 18, 1974
TM 74-1273-5
(1030) Documentation a la UNIX
June 15, 1974
TM 74-9152-2
J. R. Mashey.
(1032) TROFF User's Manual
J. F. Ossanna
April 19, 1974
TM 74-1271-4
Also addendum dated 7/25/74

(1036) View -graphs Macros
R.H. Canaday
T.A. Dolotta
Memorandum for File on View-graph macros for Phototypsetter.
(1004) NROFF User's Manual
J. F. Ossanna
TM 74-1271-14
This manual describes the use of the NROFF documentation 
preparation program.
Also addendum dated 5/l9/75
(1010) TROFF Made Trivial
B. W. Kernighan
TM 73-1273-10
This document is a tutorial for the photo-typesetting
system available on the Research Machine.
(1011) Typesetting Mathematics - User's Guide (Second Edition)
B. W. Kernighan
L. L. Cherry
June 2, 1976
TM 76-1273-4
TM 76-1271-4
This is the user's guide for a system for typesetting
mathematics, using the phototypesetters on the UNIX and
GCOS operating systems.  This memo replaces TM 74-1273-3
and 74-1274-4 by the same authors.
(1016) UNIX New Users Course View-Graphs February 6-8,1974
J. F. Maranzano
T. M. Raleigh
G. C. Vogel
Memorandum for file
(1022) NROFF Macros for Producing Documents on UNIX
G. C. Vogel
Programmer's Notes describing 
macros for sectioning and producing a table of contents.
(1019) Computer Detection of Typographical Errors
R. Morris
L. L. Cherry
April 3, l974
TM 73-1271-4
(1042) UNIX For Beginners
B. W. Kernighan
October 29, 1974
TM 74-1273-18
This paper is meant to help new users get started on UNIX.
(1043) UNIX Summary
M. D. McIlroy
(1049) GLANCE Terminals on UNIX Time-Sharing
H. Lycklama
March 3, l975
TM 75-1352-3
This document describes the characteristics
of the GLANCE terminal in enough detail to enable
users to write their own applications programs.
(1075) Typesetting ACS and APS Meeting Abstracts.
D. Edelson
November 12, 1975
TM 75-1532-9
This memo describes how meeting abstracts can now
be photocomposed using a convenient package of TROFF
(1082) Wesbster's Second on the Head of a Pin.
R. Morris
K. Thompson
July 15, 1974
TM 74-1271-13
This memo describes a list of words from Webster's
Second Unabridged Dictionary (without definitions)
as a test case for special purpose text compression
(1083) An Algorithm For Differential File Comparison.
J. W. Hunt
M. D. Mc Ilroy
October 1, 1975
TM 75-1271-11
The program diff reports differences between two files
expressed as a minimal list of line changes to bring
either file into agreement with the other.
(1085) Numeric Pattern Recognition Data Base for UNIX Systems.
M. E. Greenberg
C. S. Roberts
January 5, 1976
TM 76-1353-1
This memorandum describes the data base contents and format.
(1089) Computer Typesetting Of Technical Journals On UNIX.
M. E. Lesk
B. W. Kernighan
March 29, 1976
TM 76-1274-2
TM 76-1273-1
(1091) A Secretarial Typing System Using UNIX.
E. F. Engelbert
February 27, 1976
Memorandum For File
(1098) PWB/MM - Programmer's Workbench Memorandum Macros.
J. R. Mashey
D. W. Smith
March 1, 1976
TM 76-9144-1
This memorandum is a user's guide and reference manual
for PWB/MM, a general purpose package of text formatting
macros for use with the UNIX text formatters NROFF and TROFF.
(1104) Computer-Aided Instruction On UNIX.
M. E. Lesk
B. W. Kernighan
June 18, 1976
TM 76-1274-6
TM 76-1273-5
This paper describes the LEARN program for interpreting
CAI scripts on UNIX, and a set of scripts which provide 
a computerized introduction to use of the UNIX operating
(1106) TBL - Aprogram To Format Tables.
M. E. Lesk
June 11,1976 (Rev. 8/10/76)
TM 76-1274-5
TBL is a document formatting preprocessor for TROFF
or NROFF which makes even fairly complex talbes easy to
to specify and enter.
(1107) Programmer's Workbench Papers To Be Presented At The
  Second International Conference On Software Engineering.
T. A. Dolotta, J. R. Mashey, etc.
July 30, 1976
TM 76-9144-3, 76-9144-6
TM 76-9411-1, 76-9421-2
Six papers are included in this memo.  They consist
of four specific PWB facilities and a description
of one user group's experience with PWB.

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.so nmac
(1026) Proposal for Memory-to-Memory Transfer Unit
Rudd H. Canaday
March, 1974
(1027) PDP-11 32-Bit Time-Of-Year Clock
Rudd H. Canaday
March, 1974
(1038) UNIX Recommended Hardware Configurations
G. C. Vogel
September 26, l975
MF 75-8234-109
This memorandum supersedes the document "Unix
Minimum Hardware Configuration" dated  November 4, 1974.

(1048) A Continous Service Real Time Clock for Digital Computers
J. R. Vollaro
March 13, l975
TM 75-1273-4
This paper describes continous service; meaning
the clock continues to function during power blackouts,
system failures and shutdowns and be read whenever
the computer is operable.
(1054) Benchmark of UNIX on DEC 11/70
K. Thompson
R. B. Brandt
April 17, l975
TM 75-8234-4
TM 75-1271-4
(1058) C - language Oriented Microprogram for
the HP-21MX
A. G. Fraser
D. M. Ritchie
February 25, 1975
TM 75-1273-1
This paper proposes an instruction-set architecture
designed for implementation on the Hewitt-Packard
21MX Micro-programmed processor.
(1072) Measuring UNIX
D. H. Copp
P. A. Hamilton
October 31, 1975
TM 75-8234-9
This paper evaluates three off-the-shelf tools for
measuring the behavior of a UNIX System in a pro-
duction environment.
(1107) Programmer's Workbench Papers To Be Presented At The
  Second International Conference On Software Engineering.
For Complete Information, see UNED

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.so nmac
UNOS-Operating System (see also category COOS)
(1005) The UNIX I/O System
D. M. Ritchie
This document describes how to write drivers for the UNIX system.
It is an important manual for those comtemplating driver writing.
(1008) The UNIX Time-Sharing System
D. M. Ritchie
K. Thompson
Overview of the UNIX time-sharing system.
(1016) UNIX New Users Course View-Graphs February 6-8, 1974
J. F. Maranzano
T. M. Raleigh
G. C. Vogel
Memorandum For File
(1017) Setting Up UNIX - Issue Three
  Regenerating System Software - Issue Three
I. A. Winheim
September 19, l975
MF 75-8234-104
This paper describes the procedure used to install
standard UNIX System on the PDP 11/40 or 11/45,
and steps necessary to regenerate sections of the
System Software. This is a revision of MF 75-8234-17.
dated February 10, 1975.
(1045) Emulation of UNIX on Peripheral Processors
H. Lycklama
C. Christensen
January 9, l975
TM 75-1352-2
This document describes UNIX Operating System emulation
on a peripheral PDP ll computer.
(1047) Explanation Of Abnormal Conditions
  Within The UNIX Operating System.
T. M. Raleigh
MF 75-8234-28
Error messages printed by the UNIX operating
system on the system console are discussed with
their causes, implications and remedies.
(1050) UNIX System Call to Access the PDP-11 KG-11
  Communications Arithmetic Option - File 40117
R. C. White Jr.
April 23, l975
Memorandum For File
(1051) Real-Time Measurements of the Prestandard
  Automatic Trouble Analysis (ATA) System.
J. L. Barberio
March 15, 1975
TM 75-5161-1
(1052) A Structured Operating System for a PDP-11/45.
H. Lycklama
D. L. Bayer
May 6, l975
TM 75-1352-4
This paper provides an overview of the MERT System
on which UNIX Time-Sharing has been implemented.
(1055) Performance Measurement of the File Access Subsystem -
  A UNIX-Based System.
G. C. Vogel
May 21, 1975
MF 75-8234-54
The File Access Subsystem (FAS) of the Automatic
Intercept System (AIS) is a UNIX-Based System
that is used to administer the intercept number
data of the AIS.
(1059) The Programmer's Workbench - A Machine for
  Software Development.
E. L. Ivie
May 19, 1975
TM 75-9152-4
This paper suggests separation of program development 
and maintenance function onto a  specialized computer.
(1062) MERT - A Multi-Environment Real-Time 
  Operating System.
D. L. Bayer
H. Lycklama
TM 75-1352-7
Memorandum For File
(1066) UNIX Operating System - Change to Header Files
T. M. Raleigh
June 7, 1974
Memorandum for File
(1067) UNIX Program Description
  Program Generic PG-1C300 Issue 2
Published by the UNIX Support Group
January 1976
This document supersedes Memorandum For File
dated October 8, 1975 by R. B. Brandt
(1069) Introduction to Scheduling and Switching under UNIX
T. M. Raleigh
October 20, 1975
TM 75-8234-7
This memorandum discusses process switching and
scheduling under Unix using queuing models as and
aid to visualization of the system's operation.
(1072) Measuring UNIX
D. H. Copp
P. A. Hamilton
October 31, 1975
TM 75-8234-9
This paper evaluates three off-the-shelf tools for
measuring the behavior of a UNIX System in a pro-
duction environment.
(1073) UNIX Programming
B. W. Kernighan
D. M. Ritchie
October 22, 1975
TM 75-1273-11
This paper is an introduction to programming on 
UNIX.  The emphasis is on how to write programs
that interface to the operatiing system.
(1076) LKOUT - A New UNIX System Call To Suspend
  And Resume Input From User Terminals.
R. C. White, Jr.
December 17, 1975
TM 75-4145-2
(1077) UNIX DH-11 Driver To Support Both Teletypewriter
  And DATASPEED 40 Timesharing Terminals.
R. C. White, Jr.
December 17, 1975
TM 75-4145-1
(1087) Guide to IBM Remote Job Entry for
  Programmer's Workbench Users
T. G. Lyons
February 16, 1976
This document describes the RJE services provided
between Programmer's Workbench machines and the IBM
Computer Center at Raritan River.
(1090) Proposal For UNIX Interprocess Communication.
R. B. Brandt
March 17, 1976
TM 76-8234-4
This memorandum provides functional design specifications
for a compreshensive set of interprocess communications
enhancements to UNIX OS.
(1092) TCMP - A Program For Comparing Program Text
  After A System Crash.
T. M. Raleigh
April 27, 1976
MF 76-8234-29
TCMP is a program which compares the original
text (instructions) of a program with the text
of that program in a system crash dump.
(1093) DEAD - A Program For Analyzing UNIX System Crashes
T. M. Raleigh
April 30, 1976
MF 76-8234-30
DEAD is a program for qucikly summarizing the state of a
crashed UNIX System.
(1094) Cautions On The Use Of The Alarm Signal
T. G. Lyons
April 26, 1976
Programmer's Notes
Two System calls Alarm (n) and Pause () have
been installed on the PWB machines operated by 
Dept. 9144.  They were coded at MH and are likely
to filter down to standard UNIX.
(1107) Programmer's Workbench Papers To Be Presented At The
  Second Interantional Conference On Software Engineering.
For complete information,see UNED

unpl-docs       234767563   26    1     100666  4823      `
.so nmac
UNPL-Programming Languages
(1033) Programming in LIL:A Tutorial
P. J. Plauger
June 17, 1974
TM 74-1352-6
(1034) LIL Reference Manual
P. J. Plauger
June 19, 1974
TM 74-1352-8
(1001) Programming in C - A Tutorial
B. W. Kernighan
May 5, 1974
TM 74-1273-12
(1002) C Reference Manual
D.M. Ritchie
February 1, l975
(1006) The Structure and Use of the C Programming Language
S. T. Schuyler
TM 74-3412-2
This document gives a set of productions
for the C language.  It also contains an
example of their use with a simple program.
(1007) The Portable C Library
M. E. Lesk
May 6, 1975
TM 75-1272-11
This memorandum is a revision and extension of MM-74-1274-1
"The GCOS C Library" by M. Lesk and B. A. Barres.
(1009) A Manual For the TMG Compiler-Writing Language
M. D. McIlroy
MM 72-1271-8
(1012) UNIX Assembler Reference Manual
D. M. Ritchie
(1013) YACC - Yet Another Compiler Compiler
S. C. Johnson
May 5, 1975
TM 75-1273-6
This memorandum is a revision of TM-74-1273-9 dated
April 18, 1974 and supersedes it.
(1015) C Beautifier
L. A. Dimino
Memorandum for file
This document describes a program to do the
justifying and alignment to make unreadable
C program more understandable.
(1016) UNIX New Users Course View-Graphs February 6-8,1974
J. F. Maranzano
T. M. Raleigh
G. C. Vogel
Memorandum for file
(1018) GRAFPAC/FR80 - a C version of Deferred GRAFPAC
  Under the UNIX Time-Sharing system.
G. K. Swanson
September 23, 1974
TM 74-1353-6
(1053) BC - An Arbitrary Precision Desk Calculator Language
L. Cherry
R. Morris
May 1, 1975
TM 75-1271-5
BC is an language and a compiler for doing arbitrary precision
arithmetic on the PDP-11 under the UNIX Time-Sharing System.
(1056) DC - An Interactive Desk Calculator
L. Cherry
R. Morris
May 1, 1975
TM 75-1271-8
DC is an interactive desk calculator program implemented
on the UNIX Time-Sharing System to do arbitrary-precision 
integer arithmetic.
(1061) LEX - Lexical Analyzer Generator
M. E. Lesk
July 21, 1975
TM 75-1274-15
LEX helps write programs whose control flow is
directed by instances of regular expressions 
in the input stream.
(1063) A Description of How UNIX Fortran Works
I. A. Winheim
April 10, 1975
TM 75-8234-3
This memorandum describes the main differences between
C and Fortran and how to interface Fortran with the 
operating system.
(1064) AGEN - An Associated Memory Generator
M. E. Lesk
September 2, 1975
TM 75-1274-18
Agen is a program generator for table searches
It also writes programs to store and retrieve
(1074) A Library of Reference standard Mathematical Subroutines
R. Morris
May 1, 1975
TM 75-1271-6
This memo describes a set of mathematical library functions
to use arbitrary accuracy.  Relevant error analysis and
subroutines listings are given.
(1079) BLOSIM - A Discrete Time Block Simulator.
G. Roylance (MIT)
M. T. Dolan
J. F. Kaiser
July 15, 1975
TM 75-1352-6
This memorandum describes the language, variable
precision, implementation, and general use of BLOSIM.
(1080) UNIX Facilities For The Development Of 
  Programs Written In Macro-11.
P. D. Jensen
December 5, 1975
TM 75-8234-14
This memo describes the initial set of facilities available
under UNIX for use in developing programs written in DOS
Macro-11, and BOS & BOS application programs in particular.
(1084) Struct - A Program Which Structures Fortran.
B. S. Baker
December 22, 1975
TM 75-1271-12
Struct is a program which rewrites Fortran programs using
Ratfor control constructs,  such as WHILE and IF ELSE
statements.  These constructs are used by Struct to make
loops and branching apparent.
(1097) SIM - A Language For Simulating Computers.
L. L. Cherry
May 5, 1976
TM 76-1271-2
SIM is a language and compiler for writing computer and
microprocessor simulators.  SIM currently runs under
UNIX and will soon be available under GCOS.
(1102) Some Statistics On The Usage Of The C Language.
H. Gajewska
S. C. Johnson
TM 75-1273-13
This paper describes a program that analyses programs
written in the C language.
(1103) An Algorithm For Structuring Flowgraphs.
B. S. Baker
May 14, 1976
TM 76-1271-3
This paper descibes an algorithm which transforms a flowgraph
into a program containing IF THEN ELSE and REPEAT (DO FOREVER)
statements.  The algorithm has been implemented in a program
called Struct (1084).
(1105) An Interactive Control Language For SIM.
L. L. Cherry
June 28, 1976
TM 76-1271-8
This paper is intended to be a reference manual
and assumes familiarity with SIM.
(1107) Programmer's Workbench Papers To Be Presented At The
  Second International Conference On Software Engineering.
For complete information, see UNED

unpm-docs       234767566   26    1     100666  1573      `
.so nmac
UNPM-UNIX Programmers' Manual
(1014) UNIX Programmer's Manual - Sixth Edition
K. Thompson
D. M. Ritchie
May, 1975
Contains descriptions of the use of all commands and
system calls.
(1021) UNIX Reference Card - First Edition
L. L. Cherry
September, 1975
A handy guide to UNIX commands and syntax.
(1070) MERT Programmer's Manual - First Edition
H. Lycklama
D. L. Bayer
October, 1975
This manual provides a description of the interanl
features of the MERT Operating System.
(1071) Programmer's Workbench
P. V. Guidi
T. B. Muenzer
November 1, 1975
The Programmer's Workbench is a set of software
tools which can be used with the Sixth Unix OS,
to build, maintain, document, and control applications
systems designed for DEC PDP-11, S/360-70, Univac
1100 and possibly other computer systems.
(1073) UNIX Programming
B. W. Kernighan
D. W. Ritchie
October 22, 1975
TM 75-1273-11
This paper is an introduction to programming on
UNIX.  The emphasis is on how to write programs
that interface to the operating system.
(1086) SCCS/PWB User's Manual
Alan L. Glasser
December 15, 1976
TM 75-9144-1
A description of the Programmer's Workbench
Source Code Control System.
(1088) UNIX Programmer's Manual - PG-1C300 Issue 2
Published by the UNIX Support Group
January, 1976
Contains descriptions of the use of all commands
and system calls.
(1107) Programmer's Workbench Papers To Be Presented At The
  Second International Conference On Software Engineering.
For complete information, see UNED

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.so nmac
UNSD-Standard Documentation
(1037) Referencing Standard UNIX Documentation
G. C. Vogel
August 23,1974
Memorandum For File
(1039) Reorganization of UNIX Source Files
G. C. Vogel
C. D. Perez
October 29, l974
Memorandum For File
(1040) UNIX Operating System Generic Program -PG-1C300 Issue 1
G. C. Vogel
November 18, l974
Memorandum For File
(1041) UNIX Source Code Statistic PG-1C300 Issue 1
G. C. Vogel
December 10, l974
Programmer's Notes
(1044) UNIX Documentation on Microfiche
G. C. Vogel
February 7, 1975
The entire set of documents in PG-1C300 Issue 1 is
contained on a set of 51 microfiche cards.
(1046) UNIX Support Classifications For PG-1C300 - Issue 2
G. C. Vogel
January 30, 1976
The purpose of this memorandum is to define levels
of support and to assign pidents to these classifications.
(1095) UNIX User Documentation Plan
J. T. Walker
R. A. Zinke
April 29, 1976
TM 76-9131-4
This memorandum describes a user documentation
plan for the UNIX time-sharing software system.
(1096) UNIX Redocumentation And Test Report
J. T. Walker
R. A. Zinke
February 3, 1976
TM 76-9131-3
This memorandum represents a concise summary of the effort
of Dept. 9131 in the UNIX redocumentation request.
(1099) Program Generic Control And Documentation On UNIX.
G. C. Vogel
May 17, 1976
TM 76-8234-13
This memorandum describes a general set of program generic
control and documentation procedures has been developed to
Bell system format.
(1107) Programmer's Workbench Papers To Be Presented At The
  Second International Conference On Software Engineering.
For complete information, see UNED

unsu-docs       234767573   26    1     100666  2761      `
.so nmac
UNSU-Service and Utility Programs
(1025) Synthetic English Speech by Rule
M. D. Mcilroy
TM 73-1271-7
(1031) YAPP (Yet Another Plotting Package)
R.H. Bradley
B.N. Dickman
May l0, l974
Memorandum for File describing a plotting package for the
GSI terminal under UNIX.
(1035) Description of the LPR Program
I. A. Winheim
July 23, 1974
(1003) Implementation of Large Contiguous Files and Asynchronous
H. Lycklama
TM 74-1352-1
This document describes physical I/O for the 
UNIX - A (assembler ) based system.
(1020) Structured File Scanner
L. A. Dimino
TM 74-1271-2
A description of a file maintenance system.
(1023) Date Manipulation Subroutines
F. S. Menzel
Programmer's Notes.
(1024) Snapshot() - A Callable Core Snapshot Function for 
  Debugging Programs
S. T. Schuyler
Programmer's Notes.
(1057) Calling UNIX System Entries from Fortran
  or Going to Sleep in Fortran.
I. A. Winheim
June 25, 1975
MF 75-8234-30
This memorandum describes the Sleep routine, 
as well as how a user's written assembly
language subroutine interfaces to Fortran.
(1060) SYSGEN Shell Procedure Creating
A New File System.
I. A. Winheim
July 25, 1975
SYSGEN, a shell procedure to generate new systems,
and to recompile portions of the generated systems,
has been added to UNIX Release 2.
(1065) A Description of the Unix File System.
J. F. Maranzano
September 16, 1975
MF 75-8234-32
This memorandum describes the structure of the
file system as well as the applicable control
(1068) UNIXLIST - An IBM/370 Utility Program to List a 
  UNIX File Stored on a 9-Track Magnetic Tape.
C. S. Roberts
January 29, 1975
Memorandum For Record
(1078) Make - A program For Maintaining Computer Programs.
S. I. Feldman
December 5, 1975
TM 75-1274-26
This memo describes a program called MAKE that provides
a simple mechanism for maintaining up-to-date versions
of programs that result from many operations on a  number 
of files.
(1081) A Tape Back-Up system For The Network File Store.
R. J. Elliott
November 24, 1975
TM 75-1273-12
This paper describes a system which maintains a complete
copy on tape of all files on the file store of the Spider
(1101) A Regular Expression Matcher For The C Language.
A. L. Sabsevitz
June 2, 1976
TM 76-9141-5
This memoranudm describes a primitive regular expression
matching facility written for language C.  Routines have
been provided to compile regular expressions and to apply
such compiled expressions to string subjects.
(1107) Programmmer's Workbench Papers To Be Presented At The
  Second International Conference On Software Engineering.
For complete information, see UNED