
 * machine dependicies
 * %G% (Berkeley) %W%
 * where scorefile should live
#define SCOREFILE	"/usr/games/lib/rogue_roll"

 * Variables for checking to make sure the system isn't too loaded
 * for people to play

#undef	MAXUSERS	25	/* max number of users for this game */
#undef	MAXLOAD		40	/* 10 * max 15 minute load average */

#define	CHECKTIME	15	/* number of minutes between load checks */
				/* if not defined checks are only on startup */

#ifdef MAXLOAD
#define	LOADAV			/* defined if rogue should provide loadav() */

#ifdef LOADAV
#define	NAMELIST	"/vmunix"	/* where the system namelist lives */

#define	UCOUNT			/* defined if rogue should provide ucount() */

#ifdef UCOUNT
#define UTMP	"/etc/utmp"	/* where utmp file lives */