
Path and Ambiguous Word finder and regular expression matcher.

source file small.c, binary data thes.packed
            + regular expression routines reg*.[ch]

command: small thesaurusfile


	word		gives entry for all senses
	&3word		gives entry for sense 3 of word
	&n.word		gives noun entries for word

	word1^word2	finds shortest paths from each sense
			of word1 to some sense of word2

	both word1 and word2 may also have the &3... form or the &n.... form.

	/reg expression/	lists all headwords satisfying
				the regular expression

	word^/regular expression/ N	finds the N nearest headwords
					matching reg expr. to a start
					word, sense, or sense-set 'word'
					N default = 10

	ambiguous word^word		finds ``word clout'' word with
					the given ambiguity. check
					with 'word^word' that the
					direct path is not as good,
					the program can't detect this.
					turned off by undefining AMBIGUOUS.

binary file is 760K bytes of Huffman-coded data
run-time memory is about 2.3 MB

reg expressions by presotto
rev. 4/5/89