

Manuals are given in both v9 source and nroffed form.
The v9 macros involve nonstandard fonts L and F.  You may simulate
these fonts by changing .L and .LR to .B and .BR, and removing .F.

Acceptance testing -

1.  There are two subdirectories, libcbt for cbt(3) and cbt for cbt(1)
2.  If your system lacks ranlib, remove all references to it
	from libcbt/makefile.
3.  Run test.sh to make a test version
4.  In cbt run the verify shell script with arguments, say, 10,100,1000 thus:
	LIB=. PATH=.:$PATH verify 10
	Verify 1000 needs 3 minutes of cpu time on a vax750.
5.  Copy everything to its final directory.
6.  Change the NDSZ definition after #else in cbt.h to an efficient 
	block size for your file system.  If you later change it,
	old btrees will have to be rebuilt (oldcbt cat -R old|newcbt build -R new).
7.  In the permanent libcbt source directory do "make clean all install"
8.  In the permanent cbt source directory do "make clean all install"
9.  Run verify again, this time with no special environment.
10. "make clean" may be run in both directories.