
arc.c           422205529   41    1     100664  980       `
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "ram.h"
/*		arc plotting routine		*/
/*		from x1,y1 to x2,y2		*/
/*	with center xc,yc and radius rr	*/
/*	integrates difference equation		*/
/*	negative rr draws counterclockwise	*/
#define PI4 0.7854
arc(x1, y1, x2, y2, xc, yc, rr)
double	x1, x2, y1, y2, xc, yc, rr;
	register double dx, dy, a, b;
	double	ph, dph, rd, xnext;
	register int	n;
	dx = x1 - xc;
	dy = y1 - yc;
	rd = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
	if (rd / e1->quantum < 1.0) { 
		move(xc, yc); 
		vec(xc, yc); 
	dph = acos(1.0 - (e1->quantum / rd));
	if (dph > PI4) 
		dph = PI4;
	ph=atan2((y2-yc),(x2 - xc)) - atan2(dy, dx);
	if (ph < 0) 
		ph += 6.2832; 
	if (rr < 0) 
		ph = 6.2832 - ph;
	if (ph < dph) 
		line(x1, y1, x2, y2);
	else {
		n = ph / dph; 
		a = cos(dph); 
		b = sin(dph); 
		if (rr < 0) 
			b = -b;
		move(x1, y1);
		while ((n--) >= 0) {
			xnext = dx * a - dy * b; 
			dy = dx * b + dy * a; 
			dx = xnext;
			vec(dx + xc, dy + yc);
box.c           422205529   41    1     100664  155       `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
box(x0, y0, x1, y1) 
double	x0, y0, x1, y1;
	move(x0, y0);
	vec(x0, y1);
	vec(x1, y1);
	vec(x1, y0);
	vec(x0, y0);

cfill.c         422205530   41    1     100664  236       `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
char	*s; 
	register int	k;
	register short *p;
	if ((k = bcolor(s)) >= 0) {
		e1->backgr = k;
		p = buf;
		*p++ = SET;
		*p++ = FORE;
		*p++ = e1->backgr;
		write(Rfd, buf, FOREARG);
circle.c        422205530   41    1     100664  141       `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
circle(xc, yc, r) 
double	xc, yc, r;
	if (r > 0) 
		r = -r;
	arc(xc + r, yc, xc + r, yc, xc, yc, r);

closepl.c       422205530   41    1     100664  64        `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
color.c         422205530   41    1     100664  236       `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
char	*s; 
	register int	k;
	register short *p;
	if ((k = bcolor(s)) >= 0) {
		e1->foregr = k;
		p = buf;
		*p++ = SET;
		*p++ = FORE;
		*p++ = e1->foregr;
		write(Rfd, buf, FOREARG);
disc.c          422205533   41    1     100664  139       `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
disc(xc, yc, r) 
double	xc, yc, r;
	if (r > 0) 
		r = -r;
	arc(xc + r, yc, xc + r, yc, xc, yc, r);

erase.c         422205530   41    1     100664  87        `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
	buf[0] = RESET;
	write(Rfd, buf, 2);

fill.c          422208281   41    1     100664  4486      `
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "ram.h"
#define SEGS 256
#define ROUND(a) a>0?a+.5:a-.5
double	sinp, cosp;
int place();
int num[];
double	*ff[];
	register struct seg *sp;
	register double x, y;
	struct seg *in, *spend;
	int	so;
	double	 X, Y, xyt, **fp;
	int ymin;
	int	M, *n;
	double	*xpp, *ypp;
	int fx, fy, flag;

	in = (struct seg *)malloc((unsigned)(SEGS*sizeof(struct seg)));
	if(in == 0){
		fprintf(stderr,"not enough space for fill segments\n");
	spend = in + (SEGS-2);
	sinp = cos(e1->pslant);
	cosp = sin(e1->pslant);
	n = num;
	fp = ff;
	sp = in;
	ymin = 4000;
	while((M = *n++)){
		xpp = *fp++;
		ypp = xpp + 1;
		x = SCX(*xpp);
		y = SCY(*ypp);
		if (cosp)  {
			xyt = sinp * x - cosp * y;
			y = cosp * x + sinp * y;
			y = ROUND(y);
			x = ROUND(xyt);
		fx = x;
		fy = y;
		flag = 0;
			xpp += 2;
			ypp += 2;
			X = SCX(*xpp);
			Y = SCY(*ypp);
			if (cosp)  {
				xyt = sinp * X - cosp * Y;
				Y = cosp * X + sinp * Y;
				Y = ROUND(Y);
				X = ROUND(xyt);
			if ( (Y > y) || (Y==y && X > x)){
				sp->x = X;
				sp->y = Y;
				sp->X = x;
				sp->Y = y;
			else {
				sp->x = x;
				sp->y = y;
				sp->X = X;
				sp->Y = Y;
			sp->stat = 1;
			if(Y < ymin)
				ymin = Y;
			if ( sp->y == sp->Y) {
				if(sp > in){
				if ((sp-1)->y == (sp-1)->Y && (sp-1)->y == sp->y) {
					if (sp->x == (sp - 1)->X) {
						(sp - 1)->X = sp->X;
					} else if (sp->X == (sp - 1)->x) {
						(sp - 1)->x = sp->x;
			if(sp++ > spend){
				fprintf(stderr, "Too many sides\n");
			if((M==1) && (flag == 0)){
				X = fx;
				Y = fy;
				flag = 1;
				goto check;
	esave = e1;
	e1 = e0;
	so = sp - in;
	realfill(so, in, ymin);
	e1 = esave;
double	xcut();
realfill(so, s, yymin)
int	so, yymin;
struct seg *s;
	register struct seg *sp, *s1, *s2, *st;
	register int	yb;
	struct seg *sfin;

	sfin = s1 = s + so - 1;
	for (sp = s; sp <= sfin;  sp++) {
		if (sp->stat){
			if (sp->y == sp->Y){
				if (sp < sfin) {
					s2 = sp+1;
					while(s2<=sfin && s2->y==s2->Y){
						if (sp->X == s2->x)
							sp->X = s2->X;
						else if (sp->x == s2->X)
							sp->x = s2->x;
						s2++->stat = 0;
				else s2 = sp;
				if (s1->y == sp->y &&s2->y == sp->y)
					sp->stat = 0;
				else if (s1->Y == sp->y && s2->Y == sp->y)
					sp->stat = 0;
		s1 = sp;

	qsort(s, so, sizeof(struct seg), place);
	s1 = s;
	yb = s1->y;
	for(sp=s; yb <= sp->y;sp++);
	s2 = sp - 1;
	for (; yb >= yymin; yb--) {
		if (!(yb % e1->pgap))
			draw(yb, s1, s2);
		for (st = s1; st <= s2; st++) {
			if (st->stat)
				if (yb <= st->Y)
					st->stat = 0;
		if (sp >= sfin)
		for (; yb <= (sp->y + 1) && sp < sfin; sp++) {
			for (st = s1; st <= s2; st++) {
				if (sp->y == st->Y) {
					if (sp->x == st->X)
						st->stat = 0;
					else if (sp->Y == sp->y && sp->X == st->X)
						st->stat = 0;

		s2 = sp - 1;
		while (!(s1->stat))
draw(y, pr1, pr2)
int	y;
struct seg *pr1, *pr2;
	register struct seg *pr;
	register double *xp;
	double	x[32], yy, yi, yii, xi, xii, xj;
	double *xpe;
	for(pr=pr1, xp=x; pr <= pr2;pr++){
		if (pr->stat)
			if (pr->y != pr->Y){
				*xp++ = xcut(y, pr->x, pr->y, pr->X, pr->Y);
				if(xp > &x[31])
					fprintf(stderr, "Too many intersections\n");
	xpe = xp;
	if(xpe < &x[1])
	do {
		xj = 0;
			if(*(xp-1) > *xp){
				xj = *(xp-1);
				*(xp-1) = *xp;
				*xp = xj;
	} while(xj);
	yy = y;
	for(xp=x; xp<xpe;xp++){
		xj = *xp++;
		if (!cosp)
			line(xj, unorm(yy), *xp, unorm(yy));
		else {
			xi = sinp * xj + cosp * yy;
			yi = -cosp * xj + sinp * yy;
			xii = sinp * *xp + cosp * yy;
			yii = -cosp * *xp + sinp * yy;
			line(xi, unorm(yi), xii, unorm(yii));


double	xcut(y, x1, y1, x2, y2)
	register double	dx, dy, xy, x;
	if (y1 == y2) {
		x = x1 > x2 ? x1 : x2;
	dy = y1 - y2;
	dx = x1 - x2;
	xy = (float)y1 * x2 - x1 * (float)y2;
	x = (y * dx + xy) / dy;
place(p1, p2)
struct seg *p1, *p2;
	if(p1->y > p2->y)
	else if(p1->y < p2->y)
	else if(p1->x > p2->x)
	else if(p1->x < p2->x)
	else if(p1->X > p2->X)
	else if(p1->X < p2->X)
	else if(p1->Y > p2->Y)
	else if(p1->Y < p2->Y)
	else return(0);
frame.c         422205530   41    1     100664  535       `
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "ram.h"
frame(xs, ys, xf, yf) 
double	xs, ys, xf, yf; 
	register double	osidex, osidey;
	osidex = e1->sidex;
	osidey = e1->sidey;
	e1->left = xs * (e0->left + e0->sidex);
	e1->bottom = e0->bottom - ys * fabs( e0->sidey);
	e1->sidex = (xf-xs)*e0->sidex;
	e1->sidey = (yf - ys)*e0->sidey;
	e1->scalex *= (e1->sidex / osidex);
	e1->scaley *= (e1->sidey / osidey);
	e1->quantum=e0->quantum/sqrt(e1->scalex*e1->scalex +
	if(e1->quantum < .01)
		e1->quantum = .01;

grade.c         422205530   41    1     100664  76        `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
double	x;
	e1->grade = x;
line.c          422205530   41    1     100664  115       `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
line(x0, y0, x1, y1) 
double	x0, y0, x1, y1; 
	move(x0, y0);
	vec(x1, y1);

move.c          422205530   41    1     100664  222       `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
move(xx, yy) 
double	xx, yy; 
	register short *p;
	e1->copyx = xx;	
	e1->copyy = yy;
	p = buf;
	*p++ = SET;
	*p++ = STRT;
	*p++ = SCX(xx);	
	*p = SCY(yy);
	write(Rfd, buf, STRTARG);
openpl.c        422205530   41    1     100664  534       `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
#define red 07400
#define green 0360
#define blue 017
	Rfd = open(RAMTEK,2);
	if(Rfd < 0){
		fprintf(stderr,"Can't open ramtek\n");
	cmap(red, green, blue);
	move(0., 0.);
cmap(c1, c2, c3)
	register short *p;
	register int i;
	*p++ = LAM;
	*p++ = 0;
	*p++ = 1024;
		*p = 0;
		if(i&01)*p |= c1;
		if(i&02)*p |= c2;
		if(i&04)*p |= c3;
	write(Rfd, buf, 1024+6);
	*(++p) = 1023;
	*(++p) = 2;
	*(++p) = 0;
	write(Rfd, buf, 8);
parabola.c      422205531   41    1     100664  838       `
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "ram.h"
parabola(x0, y0, x1, y1, xb, yb) 
double	x0, y0, x1, y1, xb, yb; 
	register double x, y, t;
	double	c0x, c0y, c1x, c1y;
	double	dt, d2, d1;
	d1 = sqrt((xb - x0) * (xb - x0) + (yb - y0) * (yb - y0));
	d2 = sqrt((xb - x1) * (xb - x1) + (yb - y1) * (yb - y1));
	if (d1 <= e1->quantum || d2 <= e1->quantum) { 
		line(x0, y0, x1, y1); 
	c0x = x0 + x1 - 2. * xb; 
	c1x = 2. * (xb - x0);
	c0y = y0 + y1 - 2. * yb; 
	c1y = 2. * (yb - y0);
	move(x0, y0);
	dt = e1->quantum / d1;
	dt /= e1->grade;
	for (t = dt; t < 0.5; t += dt) {
		x = (c0x * t + c1x) * t + x0;
		y = (c0y * t + c1y) * t + y0;
		vec(x, y);
	dt = e1->quantum / d2;
	dt /= e1->grade;
	for (; t < 1.0; t += dt) {
		x = (c0x * t + c1x) * t + x0;
		y = (c0y * t + c1y) * t + y0;
		vec(x, y);
	vec(x1, y1);
pen.c           422205531   41    1     100664  71        `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
char	*s; 

point.c         422205531   41    1     100664  91        `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
point(x, y) 
double	x, y;
	move(x, y);
	vec(x, y);

poly.c          422205532   41    1     100664  246       `
#include <stdio.h>
poly(num, ff)
int num[];
double *ff[];
	double *xp, *yp, **fp;
	int i, *n;
	n = num;
	fp = ff;
	while((i = *n++)){
		xp = *fp++;
		yp = xp+1;
		move(*xp, *yp);
			xp += 2;
			yp += 2;
			vec(*xp, *yp);
ppause.c        422205531   41    1     100664  112       `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
	char	aa[4]; 
	read(2, aa, 4);  
pprompt.c       422205531   41    1     100664  74        `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
	fprintf(stderr, ":");
range.c         422294570   41    1     100664  319       `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
range(x0, y0, x1, y1) 
double	x0, y0, x1, y1; 
	e1->xmin = x0;
	e1->ymin = y0;
	e1->scalex = e1->sidex / (x1 - x0 );
	e1->scaley = e1->sidey / (y1 - y0 );
	e1->quantum=e0->quantum/sqrt(e1->scalex*e1->scalex +
	if(e1->quantum < .01)
		e1->quantum = .01;

restore.c       422205531   41    1     100664  245       `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
	register short *p;
	p = buf;
	*p++ = SET;
	*p++ = FORE;
	*p++ = e1->foregr;
	*p++ = SET;
	*p++ = BACK;
	*p++ = e1->backgr;
	write(Rfd, buf, FOREARG+BACKARG);
	move(e1->copyx, e1->copyy);

rmove.c         422205531   41    1     100664  136       `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
rmove(xx, yy) 
double	xx, yy; 
	e1->copyx += xx;
	e1->copyy += yy;
	move(e1->copyx, e1->copyy);
rvec.c          422205531   41    1     100664  134       `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
rvec(xx, yy) 
double	xx, yy; 
	e1->copyx += xx;
	e1->copyy += yy;
	vec(e1->copyx, e1->copyy);
save.c          422205532   41    1     100664  77        `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
	sscpy(e1, e1 + 1); 

sbox.c          422205532   41    1     100664  258       `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
sbox(x0, y0, x1, y1) 
double	x0, y0, x1, y1;
	register short *p;
	p = buf;
	*p++ = FILL;
	*p++ = FILL2;
	*p++ = e1->backgr;
	*p++ = SCX(x0);	
	*p++ = SCY(y1);
	*p++ = SCX(x1);	
	*p++ = SCY(y0);
	write(Rfd, buf, FOUT);
spline.c        422205533   41    1     100664  1342      `
Produce spline (uniform knots, second order)
from guiding points

splin(mode, num, ff) 
int num[], mode;
double *ff[];
	int	i,  *np, n;
	double	xa, ya, xc, yc, *xp, *yp, *xp0, *yp0, *xpe, *ype;
	double **fp;
	np = num;
	fp = ff;
	while((n = *np++)){
		xp = *fp++; 
		yp = xp + 1; 
		xp0 = xp; 
		yp0 = yp;
		xpe = xp0 + 2 * (n - 1); 
		ype = yp0 + 2 * (n - 1);
		if (n < 3) { 
			line(*xp, *yp, *(xp + 2), *(yp + 2)); 
		if (mode == 4) {	/*closed curve*/
			xa = 0.5 * (*xpe + *(xpe - 2)); 
			xc = 0.5 * (*xpe + *xp0);
			ya = 0.5 * (*ype + *(ype - 2)); 
			yc = 0.5 * (*ype + *yp0);
			parabola(xa, ya, xc, yc, *xpe, *ype);
			xa = 0.5 * (*xpe + *xp0); 
			xc = 0.5 * (*(xp0 + 2) + *xp0);
			ya = 0.5 * (*ype + *yp0); 
			yc = 0.5 * (*(yp0 + 2) + *yp0);
			parabola(xa, ya, xc, yc, *xp0, *yp0);
		else {	/*open curve with multiple endpoints*/
			if (mode % 2) /*odd mode makes first point double*/
		xp += 2; 
		yp += 2;
		for (i = 1; i < (n - 1); i++, xp += 2, yp += 2) {
			xa = 0.5 * (*(xp - 2) + *xp); 
			xc = 0.5 * ( *xp + *(xp + 2));
			ya = 0.5 * (*(yp - 2) + *yp); 
			yc = 0.5 * ( *yp + *(yp + 2));
			parabola(xa, ya, xc, yc, *xp, *yp);
		if(mode >= 2 && mode != 4)
subr.c          422208222   41    1     100664  1901      `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
#define pHEIGHT 512.
#define pWIDTH  512.
#define pSMALL    0.5
short buf[256];
struct penvir  E[9] = {
{ 0., pHEIGHT-1., 0., 0., 1., -1.,pWIDTH, -pHEIGHT, 0., 0., 	
pSMALL, 1., 1, 0.,1, 255, 0},
{ 0., pHEIGHT-1., 0., 0., 1., -1.,pWIDTH, -pHEIGHT, 0., 0., 	
pSMALL, 1., 1, 0.,1, 255, 0},
{ 0., pHEIGHT, 0., 0., 1., -1.,pWIDTH, -pHEIGHT, 0., 0., 	
pSMALL, 1., 1, 0.,1, 255, 0},
{ 0., pHEIGHT, 0., 0., 1., -1.,pWIDTH, -pHEIGHT, 0., 0., 	
pSMALL, 1., 1, 0.,1, 255, 0},
{ 0., pHEIGHT, 0., 0., 1., -1.,pWIDTH, -pHEIGHT, 0., 0., 	
pSMALL, 1., 1, 0.,1, 255, 0},
{ 0., pHEIGHT, 0., 0., 1., -1.,pWIDTH, -pHEIGHT, 0., 0., 	
pSMALL, 1., 1, 0.,1, 255, 0},
{ 0., pHEIGHT, 0., 0., 1., -1.,pWIDTH, -pHEIGHT, 0., 0., 	
pSMALL, 1., 1, 0.,1, 255, 0},
{ 0., pHEIGHT, 0., 0., 1., -1.,pWIDTH, -pHEIGHT, 0., 0., 	
pSMALL, 1., 1, 0.,1, 255, 0}
struct penvir *e0 = E, *e1 = &E[1], *esave;
char	*s; 
	while (*s != NULL) {
		switch (*s) {
		case 'z': 
		case 'r': 
		case 'g': 
		case 'b': 
		case 'm': 
		case 'y': 
		case 'c': 
		case 'w': 
		case 'R': 
			return(atoi(s + 1));
		case 'G': 
			e1->pgap = atof(s + 1); 
		case 'A': 
			e1->pslant = (180. - atof(s + 1)) / RADIAN; 
		while (*++s != NULL) 
			if (*s == '/') {
sscpy(a, b) 
struct penvir *a, *b; 
{ /* copy 'a' onto 'b' */
	b->left = a->left; 
	b->bottom = a->bottom; 
	b->xmin = a->xmin; 
	b->ymin = a->ymin;
	b->scalex = a->scalex; 
	b->scaley = a->scaley;
	b->sidex = a->sidex; 
	b->sidey = a->sidey;
	b->copyx = a->copyx; 
	b->copyy = a->copyy;
	b->quantum = a->quantum;
	b->grade = a->grade;
	b->pmode = a->pmode; 
	b->foregr = a->foregr; 
	b->backgr = a->backgr;


text.c          422550343   41    1     100664  1196      `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
char	*s; 
	register int	kx, ky;
	int centered, right, newline, more;
	register char *pc;
	register short *p;
	short *sp, *ct;
	char *sc, *ss;
	int n, kn;
	kx = SCX(e1->copyx);
	ky = SCY(e1->copyy);
	p = buf;
	*p++ = WT;
	*p++ = WIN;
	sp = p++;
	*(++p) = MAXX;
	*(++p) = MAXY;
	ct = ++p;
	pc = sc = (char *)(p+1);
	centered = right = newline = more = 0;
	for(ss=s;*ss != '\0';ss++){
		if (*ss == '\\') {
			switch (*(++ss)) {
			case 'C': 
				s = ss+1;
			case 'R':
				s = ss+1;
			case 'L':
				s = ss+1;
			case 'n':
				*(ss-1) =  '\0';
				if(*(ss+1) !=  '\0')more++;
				goto output;
		else if(*ss < ' ')*pc++ = ' ';
		else *pc++ = *ss;
	n = ss - s;
	kn = n*7;
	kx = SCX(e1->copyx);
	ky = SCY(e1->copyy);
	if(centered)kx -= kn/2 + 1;
	else if(right)kx -= kn + 1;
	*sp = kx;
	*(sp+1) = ky;
	if(n & 01){
		*pc = ' ';
	*ct = n;
	write(Rfd,buf,*p + TBASE);
		ky += 9;
		e1->copyy = ( (double)(ky) - e1->bottom)/e1->scaley + e1->ymin + .5;
	move(e1->copyx, e1->copyy);
	s = ss + 1;
vec.c           422207974   41    1     100664  215       `
#include <stdio.h>
#include "ram.h"
vec(xx, yy) 
double	xx, yy; 
	register short *p;
	e1->copyx = xx; 
	e1->copyy = yy;
	p = buf;
	*p++ = WV;
	*p++ = 4;
	*p++ = SCX(xx);
	*p++ = SCY(yy);
	write(Rfd, buf, VOUT);

ram.h           422208309   41    1     100644  997       `
#define SCX(A) ((A - e1->xmin)*e1->scalex  + e1->left)+.5
#define SCY(A) ((A - e1->ymin)*e1->scaley + e1->bottom)+.5
#define unorm(y)	(double)(e1->sidey - y)
extern struct penvir {
	double left, bottom;
	double xmin, ymin;
	double scalex, scaley;
	double sidex, sidey;
	double copyx, copyy;
	double quantum;
	double grade;
	int pgap;
	double pslant;
	int pmode, foregr, backgr;
} *e0, *e1, *esave;
#define RADIAN 57.3
#define ZERO 0
#define RED 1
#define GREEN 2
#define YELLOW 3
#define BLUE 4
#define MAGENTA 5
#define CYAN 6
#define WHITE 7
double atof();
#define FORE  02
#define FOREARG 6
#define STRT	0100000
#define STRTARG 8
#define BACK 04
#define BACKARG 6
#define RESET 02400
#define SET 04002
#define WT	06013
#define WV	07001
#define WIN	0100
#define MAXX	619
#define MAXY	511
#define VOUT 8
#define TBASE 14
#define FILL 04402
#define FILL2 0104
#define LAM 01400
#define FOUT 14
#define RAMTEK "/dev/ramtek"
int Rfd;
extern short buf[];
struct seg {
	int x, y, X, Y;
	char stat;

whoami.c        423869917   41    1     100664  38        `
char *