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.CT 1 writing_other
monk, monksample, monkspell, monkmerge \- typeset documents and letters
.B monk
.I options
.I files
.B monksample
.I sample
.B monkspell
.I options
.I files
.B monkmerge
.I files
.I Monk
formats the text in the named
.I files
phototypesetting, using other
.IR troff (1)
preprocessors as necessary.
.I Options\^
are given below.
Any other arguments or flags (e.g.,
.BR -o1-2 )
are passed
.I troff.
Options can occur in any order and can be intermixed with files.
.PD 0
.BI -A commands
Invoke the
.I commands
after all preprocessors and before
.IR troff .
.BI -B commands
Invoke the
.I commands
.I monk
and before any other preprocessor.
.B -E
Invoke the
.B -e
option of
.IR troff .
.BR -N
Use the uncompressed monk databases.
This facilitates debugging monk database entries.
.BI -R file
.I file
as the index file for
.IR prefer (1).
.BI -S dest
Send output to device
.IR dest .
Supported forms are:
.TF -Sapsend
.BR -Sapsend
Linotronic L200P; see
.IR apsend (1).
.BR -Sd202
Mergenthaler Linotron 202; see
.IR d202 (A).
. \".TP
. \".BR -Si300
. \"\s-1EXPTOOLS\s+1 spooler; see
. \".IR i300 (1).
.BR -Slp
Postscript line printer; see
.IR lp (1)
. \".TP
. \".BR -Slpr
. \"Allentown spooler; see
. \".IR lpr (1)
.BR -Sproof
Teletype 5620 or 630 terminal; see
.IR proof (9.1).
. \".TP
. \".BR -Sprt
. \"Unison spooler; see
. \".IR prt (1).
.BR -Sthink
HP ThinkJet; see
.IR thinkblt (9.1).
.BR -S-
Standard output.
.TP 0
.BI -T device
Prepare output for device specified as in
.B -T
option of
.IR troff (1).
.B -x
Shows the preprocessors that are being invoked.
The following options are not normally needed because monk automatically
determines which preprocessors are required.
However, if the commands in
.B -A
.B -B
options require a preprocessor, their use can be forced by
the following options.
.PD 0
.B -c
.I col
postprocessor; see
.IR column (1).
(Automatically invoked for many printing terminals.)
.B -cn
.IR cite (A)
. \".TP
. \".B -cw
. \".IR cw (1)
.B -e
.IR eqn (1)
.B -g
.IR grap (1)
.B -i
.IR ideal (1)
.B -ipa
.IR ipa (A)
.B -p
.IR pic (1)
.B -r
.IR prefer (1)
.B -t
.IR tbl (1)
.B -tp
.IR tped ;
.IR ped (9.1)
.I Monksample
produces on the standard output a skeleton document that you can
redirect into a file and edit.
If no argument is given,
.I monksample
prints a list of the available
.I samples.
They are:
.TF centerpb
.B acm
Association for Computing Machinery galley sheets.
.B centerpb
Center Phone Book.
.B cspress
Computer Science Press galley sheets.
.B form1
AT&T Bell Laboratories merit review form 1.
.B im
AT&T Bell Laboratories internal memorandum.
.B kluwer
Kluwer Academic Publishers book format.
.B letter
Letters with optional AT&T letterhead.
.B memo
Internal AT&T correspondence.
.B model
IEEE/ACM model sheets.
.B research
AT&T Bell Laboratories bi-annual research report.
.B rp
AT&T Bell Laboratories release paper.
.B song
Song sheets for singing at nursing homes.
.B tc
AT&T Bell Laboratories technical correspondence.
.B tm
AT&T Bell Laboratories technical memorandum.
.I Monkspell
looks up words from the named
.I files
(standard input default)
in a public spelling list and in a private list.
Possible misspellings\(emwords 
that occur in neither and are not plausibly derivable
from the former\(emare placed on the standard output.
It ignores constructs of
.IR monk (1),
.IR troff (1)
and its standard preprocessors.
It runs
.IR demonk (1)
with all specified options and passes its output to
.IR spell (1). 
The following options, in addition to all options for
.IR deroff (1),
are available:
.BI -d dir
Use non-standard 
.I monk
database directory
.B -i
.I monk
.L |\^insert
.L |\^source
commands as well as
.I troff
.L .so
.L .nx
.I Monkmerge
reads each file and copies it to standard output,
.I monk
.B insert
commands with the file contents.
It ignores
.I monk
.B source
commands, which include a file without processing the
.I monk
commands within.
If no input file is given,
.I monkmerge
reads from standard input.
monk paper
Format the file using the default typesetter fonts and output device.
monk -Sproof paper
Format a file and proof it on a 5620 terminal.
.TF $MHOME/sample
.F $MHOME/cite
forward and backward reference preprocessor
.F $MHOME/db
monk databases
.F $MHOME/monk
monk compiler
.F $MHOME/tmac.p
macros for
.IR pic (1)
.F $MHOME/sample
directory for existing samples
.IR prefer (1),
.IR troff (1),
.IR deroff (1),
.IR tex (1),
.IR lp (1),
.IR apsend (1),
.IR d202 (A),
.IR thinkblt (9.1),
.IR proof (9.1)
Murrel, S. L.,
Kowalski, T. J.,
`Typing Documents on the UNIX System: Using Monk 0.6',
this manual, Volume 2
. \"Sharon Peeters and T. J. Kowalski
. \"Alan Hastings