
drom, urom \- read and write proms or pals through DATA I/O promwriters
.B drom
.I option
] ...
.B urom
.I option
] ...
.I Drom
serves as an interface to the RS-232 interface of the DATA I/O
model 19 or 29 promwriter.
.I Urom
serves as an interface to the DATA I/O
unisite programmer.
Options are used to specify the prom type, and whether the prom
is to be read or written. The
.B f,
.B J,
.B C
options are only supported by
.B -w
Specifies that the prom is to be written; default is read.
.BI -s n
Specifies a starting address (default 0) in the prom in decimal.
.BI -t string
.I string
Specifies the device type of the prom, a compiled in table
is used to get the device code.
.BI -c n
Specifies the code from the DATA I/O manual.
Some plug in Paks, e.g. UniPak and LogicPak, require a code
in which case either
.B -t
.B -c
must be specified, others require no code in which case neither
should be used.
Failure to follow these rules results in
.LR "error code 8081000" .
.BI -n
Causes the the program to echo the code that it is sending to
the DATAI/O, and causes the DATAI/O the echo the size and initial state
specified by the code.
No reading or writing is done.
.BI -b
Causes a blank check to be run, the illegal bit
test is run unless it is an electrically alterable rom.
No blank check is done if the rom is being read.
.BI -X
.BI -x
Specifies hexadecimal data with upper case or lower case respectively.
.BI -C
Specifies charactor data, for logic devices with JEDEC format.
.BI -D
.BI -d
Specifies decimal data, octal is default.
.BI -fn
Use format n. 50, the default, is for hex, octal, or decimal format files.
91 is for JEDEC files.
.BI -J
JEDEC format (same as -f91 -C option)
.BI -i
Causes the data to be (ones) complemented on input and output.
.BI -v
.I drom
does it work silently, this is the verbose flag.
To read an Intel 2716 prom using the UniPak one could say
drom -t2716
or to write a National PAL16L8 using the LogicPak
one could say
drom -w -t NS16L8 < filename
or to write it using the Pal Programming Pack
drom -w -i NS16L8 < filename
The input for logic devices on the UNISITE must be in JEDEC
format. In this case use
drom -w -t NS16L8 -f 91 -C < filename
drom -w -t NS16L8 -J < filename
When a prom is read, the addressed locations are copied,
one per line, onto the standard output.
When a prom is written, the standard input is assumed to be
of the same form, and is copied onto the prom.
Various promwriter errors, such as the prom having a pattern
that conflicts with the data (illegal bit test)
when being written, are reflected back to the user.
Transmissions over the RS-232 line are checksummed,
and when writing the prom is verified.
The speed of the prom writer should be set to 9600,
position 14.
The Model 29 promwriter must be initialized by pushing its buttons,
.F /dev/prom
.F promwriter
.F /usr/ucds/lib/drom.codes
.IR xpal (1),
.IR pal (1)