
.CT 1 games
pengo \- squash the sno-bees
.B demo pengo
.I Pengo
plays the video game.
Any button replaces the penguin picture by the game.
The mouse
controls the movement of the penguin.
(The usual
.L hjkl
keys also move the penguin, with the
space bar stopping movement.)
Button 1:  Stop the penguin at the next block boundary.
Button 2:  Push (or break) a block, or splash the water boundary.
Button 3:  Display a menu to control aspects of the game.
The penguin moves in one
direction at constant speed unless acted upon by an outside force:
moving the mouse or encountering a wall or border.
If button 2 is pressed when a block is encountered then the block is
If another block (or a wall) is behind the first then the block
will shatter, scoring 30 points.
Similarly breaking
an egg scores 500.
An unobstructed block will
slide until it hits an obstacle, sweeping along any
sno-bees in its path and crushing them.
Getting one sno-bee with a block scores 400 points, two 1600,
three 3200, four 6400.
Lining up the three blocks that bear crosses
is worth 5000 points if they are lined against a wall, 10000 otherwise.
Bonus penguins are given out every so often.
Pushing on the border
causes ripples to propagate along it, stunning any sno-bees that
are touching it.
A penguin may crush a stunned
sno-bee underfoot for 100 points.
Button 3 gets a menu with entries
.BR Pause ,
.BR Stats ,
.BR "New Game" ,
.BR Quit .
All require another click of button 3 to complete.
.B Stats
presents three sliders controlled by button 1:
.B C
(% of time that the sno-bees change direction)
.B R
(% of time that a random direction is chosen
when changing)
.B B
% of time that a sno-bee will break a block
that is blocking its way).