
phones:	central office codes with latitude and longitude
county.index:	standard USGS county and state numbers with names
	and bounding lat-lon boxes
*.x:	index to * for use by map(1)
101,102,...:	various World Data Bank II feature classes; see /usr/bin/map
counties:	US county and state boundaries from census DIME files
states:	US state boundaries only
world:	World Data Bank I coastlines
usplaces USGS PPLGAZ list of names of populated places from topo
	   maps of US and possessions. sorted -df. fields are
	1. name with state abbrev, occasionally commented, as
	   in `(Abandoned)'; sometimes prefixed # or suffixed *
	   for unknown reasons
	2. one or two state-county codes; first two digits are
	   state, last 3 are county. county code 000 is unknown.
	3. latitude in deg, positive north
	4. longitude in deg, positive west
	5. year of acceptance of name by board of geographic names
	6. altitude, feet
	7. population, 1980
	8. map reference, up to four 4-digit identifiers of 7.5-min
	   topo sheets. in pacific territories the identifiers may
	   have appendages -10, -25, or -DMA to indicate different
	   map series.  identifiers of other forms are errors.
	one or more of fields 3-8 may be empty, trailing empties elided
statecodes: 2-digit codes used in usplaces, abbreviations, and
	full names of states and possessions