
Compare this file to the similar file:
Show the results in this format:

 * Modify current screen line 'old' to match desired line 'new'.
 * The old line is at position ln.  Each line is divided into 4 regions:
 *	nlws, olws		- amount of leading white space on new/old line
 *	com_head		- length of common head
 *	nchanged, ochanged	- length of the parts changed
 *	com_tail		- length of a common tail

/*	@(#) _id_char.c: 1.1 10/15/83	(1.20	3/6/83)	*/

#include "curses.ext"

#define min(a,b) (a<b ? a : b)

_id_char (old, new, ln)
register struct line   *old, * new;
	register chtype  *oc_beg, *nc_beg,/* Beginning of changed part */
			 *oc_end, *nc_end;/* End of changed part */
	chtype *p, *q;			/* scratch */
	int olws, nlws;			/* old/new leading white space */
	int com_head, com_tail;		/* size of common head/tail */
	int ochanged, nchanged;		/* size of changed part */
	int samelen;			/* both lines are same length */
	int nbl;	/* # blanks in new line replacing nonblanks in old */
	int nms;	/* # chars same in new and old in middle part */
	int cw_idc;	/* cost of update with insert/delete character */
	int cwo_idc;	/* cost of update without insert/delete character */
	int i, j, n;	/* scratch */
	int len, diff;
	static chtype nullline[] = {0, 0};

#ifdef DEBUG
	if(outf) fprintf(outf, "_id_char(%x, %x, %d)\n", old, new, ln);
	if(outf) fprintf(outf, "old: ");
	if(outf) fprintf(outf, "%8x: ", old);
	if (old == NULL) {
		if(outf) fprintf(outf, "()\n");
	} else {
		if(outf) fprintf(outf, "%4d ", old->length);
		for (j=0; j<old->length; j++) {
			n = old->body[j];
			if (n & A_ATTRIBUTES)
				putc('\'', outf);
			n &= 0177;
			if(outf) fprintf(outf, "%c", n>=' ' ? n : '.');
		if(outf) fprintf(outf, "\n");
	if(outf) fprintf(outf, "new: ");
	if(outf) fprintf(outf, "%8x: ", new);
	if (new == NULL) {
		if(outf) fprintf(outf, "()\n");
	} else {
		if(outf) fprintf(outf, "%4d ", new->length);
		for (j=0; j<new->length; j++) {
			n = new->body[j];
			if (n & A_ATTRIBUTES)
				putc('\'', outf);
			n &= 0177;
			if(outf) fprintf(outf, "%c", n>=' ' ? n : '.');
		if(outf) fprintf(outf, "\n");
#endif	DEBUG

	if (old == new)

	/* Start at the ends of the lines */
	if( old )
		oc_beg = old -> body;
		oc_end = &old -> body[old -> length];
		oc_beg = nullline;
		oc_end = oc_beg;
	if( new )
		nc_beg = new -> body;
		nc_end = &new -> body[new -> length];
		nc_beg = nullline;
		nc_end = nc_beg;

	/* Find leading and trailing blanks */
	olws = nlws = com_head = com_tail = 0;
	while (*--oc_end == ' ' && oc_end >= oc_beg)
	while (*--nc_end == ' ' && nc_end >= nc_beg)
	samelen = (nc_end-nc_beg) == (oc_end-oc_beg)
	while( *oc_beg == ' ' && oc_beg <= oc_end )
	while( *nc_beg == ' ' && nc_beg <= nc_end )

	 * Now find common heads and tails (com_head & com_tail).  If the
	 * lengths are the same, the change was probably at the beginning,
	 * so count common tail first.  This only matters if it could match
	 * both ways, for example, when changing
	 * "                  ####"
	 *    to
	 * "####              ####"
	if( samelen )
		while( *oc_end==*nc_end && oc_beg<=oc_end && nc_beg<=nc_end )
		while( *oc_beg==*nc_beg && oc_beg<=oc_end && nc_beg<=nc_end )
		while( *oc_beg==*nc_beg && oc_beg<=oc_end && nc_beg<=nc_end )
		while( *oc_end==*nc_end && oc_beg<=oc_end && nc_beg<=nc_end )
	ochanged = oc_end - oc_beg + 1;
	nchanged = nc_end - nc_beg + 1;

	/* Optimization: lines are identical, so return now */
	if( ochanged==0 && nchanged==0 && nlws==olws )
#ifdef DEBUG
		if(outf) fprintf(outf, "identical lines, returning early\n");

#ifdef DEBUG
	if(outf) fprintf (outf, "Before costs: nlws=%2d  olws=%2d\
  com_head=%2d  nchanged=%2d  ochanged=%2d  com_tail=%2d, icfixed %d,\
 icvar %d/32\n", nlws, olws, com_head, nchanged, ochanged, com_tail,
		SP->term_costs.icfixed, SP->term_costs.icvar);
	if(outf) fprintf (outf, "samelen %d, *oc_beg %o *nc_beg %o\
 *oc_end %o *nc_end %o\n", samelen, *oc_beg, *nc_beg, *oc_end, *nc_end);
#endif DEBUG

	/* Decide whether to use insert/delete character */
#define		costic(nchars)	(SP->term_costs.icfixed + \
	(((nchars)*SP->term_costs.icvar)>>5) )

/* #define costic(nchars) (fprintf(outf,"costic %d, add %g\n", nchars, SP->term_costs.icfixed + (nchars)*SP->term_costs.icvar),(SP->term_costs.icfixed + (nchars)*SP->term_costs.icvar)) */

	cw_idc = cwo_idc = nchanged;
	if( olws > nlws )				/* delete char */
		cw_idc += costic(olws-nlws);
		if( nlws > olws )			/* insert char */
			cw_idc += costic(nlws-olws);
	if( ochanged > nchanged )			/* delete char */
		cw_idc += costic(ochanged-nchanged);
		if( nchanged > ochanged )		/* insert char */
			cw_idc += costic(nchanged-ochanged);
	if( olws != nlws )
		cwo_idc += com_head;
	if( olws+ochanged != nlws+nchanged )
		cwo_idc += com_tail;

	if( cw_idc > cwo_idc )
		 * It's cheaper to NOT use insert/delete character!
		 * This may be because the gain from saving the common head
		 * and tail is not worth the cost of doing the insert and
		 * delete chars (some terminals are slow at this, or the
		 * tails may be really short) or because the cost is
		 * infinite (i.e. the terminal does not have ins/del char).
		 * We note this fact by forgetting about the common heads
		 * and tails.
		ochanged += com_head+com_tail;
		nchanged += com_head+com_tail;
		oc_end += com_tail;
		nc_end += com_tail;
		oc_beg -= com_head;
		nc_beg -= com_head;
		com_head = 0;
		com_tail = 0;

	 * On magic cookie terminals, we have to check for the possibility
	 * that there is a cookie that we must overwrite.  This is only
	 * necessary because a "go normal" cookie looks like an ordinary
	 * blank but must compare differently.
	if( magic_cookie_glitch >= 0 && com_tail > 0 && nc_end[1] == ' ' &&
			oc_end[0]&A_ATTRIBUTES && oc_end[1] == ' ' )
#ifdef DEBUG
		if (outf) fprintf(outf, "adding one because of magic cookie\n");

#ifdef DEBUG
	if(outf) fprintf (outf, "After costs: nlws=%2d  olws=%2d  com_head=%2d  nchanged=%2d  ochanged=%2d  com_tail=%2d, cost w/idc %d, cost wo/idc %d\n",
	nlws, olws, com_head, nchanged, ochanged, com_tail, cw_idc, cwo_idc);
#endif DEBUG

	 * Now actually go fix up the line.
	 * There are several cases to consider.
	 * The most important thing to keep in mind is
	 * that deletions need to be done before insertions
	 * to prevent shifting good text off the end of the line.

	if( com_head == 0 && com_tail == 0 )
		/* No common text - must redraw entire line */
		if( ochanged == 0 && nchanged == 0 )
			/* Empty lines - do nothing */
		/* If empty old line, pretend leading blanks */
		if( ochanged == 0 && !insert_null_glitch )
			olws = nlws;

		/* Make sure changed parts start at same column */
		j = nlws - olws;
		if( j > 0 )
			nc_beg -= j;
			nchanged += j;
			nlws = olws;
			if( j < 0 )
				oc_beg += j;
				ochanged -= j;
				olws = nlws;

		for(nbl=nms=0,p=oc_beg,q=nc_beg;p<=oc_end && q<=nc_end;p++,q++)
			if( *q==' ' && *p != ' ' )
			if( *q == *p )
			if (outf) fprintf(outf, "*p '%c', *q '%c', nms %d, nbl %d\n", *p, *q, nms, nbl);
		if( !clr_eol || insert_null_glitch || nms>=nbl )
			_showstring(ln, min(nlws, olws), nc_beg, nc_end, old);
			if( nlws + nchanged < olws + ochanged )
				_pos(ln, nlws + nchanged);
			if( ochanged > 0 )
				_pos(ln, olws);
				for (p=oc_beg; p<=oc_end; p++)
					*p = ' ';
			_showstring(ln, nlws, nc_beg, nc_end, old);

	if( com_head==0 )
		/* We have only a common tail. */
		if( nchanged == 0 && ochanged == 0 )
		i = (nlws + nchanged) - (olws + ochanged);
		/* Simplify things - force olws == nlws */
		j = nlws - olws;
		if( j > 0 )
			nc_beg -= j;
			nchanged += j;
			nlws = olws;
			if( j < 0 )
				oc_beg += j;
				ochanged -= j;
				olws = nlws;
		if( i >= 0 )
			_showstring(ln, nlws, nc_beg, nc_end-i, old);
			if( i > 0 )
				_ins_string(ln, nlws+nchanged-i, nc_end-i+1, nc_end);
			_showstring(ln, nlws, nc_beg, nc_end, old);

	/* At this point, we know there is a common head (com_head != 0) */
	if( nlws < olws )
		/* Do the leading delete chars right away */
		_pos(ln, 0);
		_delchars(diff = olws - nlws);
		olws = nlws;
		len = old->length;
		for( i=0; i<len; i++ )
			old->body[i] = old->body[i]+diff;
	if (com_tail == 0)
		if( nchanged == 0 && ochanged == 0 )
			if( nlws > olws )
				_ins_blanks(ln, 0, nlws - olws);
		_showstring(ln, olws+com_head, nc_beg, nc_end, old);
		if( nchanged < ochanged )
			_pos(ln, olws + com_head + nchanged);
		if( nlws > olws )
			_ins_blanks(ln, 0, nlws - olws);
		if( nchanged > 0 && ochanged > 0 )
			i = min(nchanged, ochanged);
			_showstring(ln, olws+com_head, nc_beg, nc_beg+i-1, old);
		if( nchanged < ochanged )
			_pos(ln, nlws + com_head + nchanged);
			_delchars(ochanged - nchanged);
			if( nchanged > ochanged )
				_ins_string(ln, olws+com_head+ochanged,
					nc_beg + ochanged, nc_end);
		if( nlws > olws )
			_ins_blanks(ln, 0, nlws-olws);

 * Insert nblanks blanks at position (sline, scol).
static int
_ins_blanks(sline, scol, nblanks)
int sline, scol, nblanks;
#ifdef DEBUG
	if (outf) fprintf(outf, "_ins_blanks at (%d, %d) %d blanks\n",
		sline, scol, nblanks);
	_pos(sline, scol);
	if( nblanks > 1 && parm_ich )
		/* Insert the characters and then draw on the blanks */
		 * Type the blanks in "insert mode".  This includes
		 * having to send insert_character before each character
		 * is output.

 * Insert the given string on the screen.
 * This is like _showstring but you know you're in insert mode.
_ins_string(sline, scol, first, last)
int sline, scol;
chtype *first, *last; 
	int len = last-first+1;

#ifdef DEBUG
	if (outf) fprintf(outf, "_ins_string at (%d, %d) %d chars\n",
		sline, scol, len);
	_pos(sline, scol);
	if( len > 1 && parm_ich )
		/* Insert the characters and then draw on the blanks */
		_showstring(sline, scol, first, last, NULL);
		 * Type the characters in "insert mode".  This includes
		 * having to send insert_character before each character
		 * is output.
		_showstring(sline, scol, first, last, NULL);