
# @(#)caps	1.1	(1.19	10/31/82)
# Be sure to add new capabilties at the END of the appropriate section!
--- begin bool
auto_left_margin,	"bw"	"bw"	cub1 wraps from column 0 to last column
auto_right_margin,	"am"	"am"	Terminal has automatic margins
beehive_glitch,		"xsb"	"xb"	Beehive (f1=escape, f2=ctrl C)
ceol_standout_glitch,	"xhp"	"xs"	Standout not erased by overwriting (hp)
eat_newline_glitch,	"xenl"	"xn"	newline ignored after 80 cols (Concept)
erase_overstrike,	"eo"	"eo"	Can erase overstrikes with a blank
generic_type,		"gn"	"gn"	Generic line type (e.g. dialup, switch).
hard_copy,		"hc"	"hc"	Hardcopy terminal
has_meta_key,		"km"	"km"	Has a meta key (shift, sets parity bit)
has_status_line,	"hs"	"hs"	Has extra "status line"
insert_null_glitch,	"in"	"in"	Insert mode distinguishes nulls
memory_above,		"da"	"da"	Display may be retained above the screen
memory_below,		"db"	"db"	Display may be retained below the screen
move_insert_mode,	"mir"	"mi"	Safe to move while in insert mode
move_standout_mode,	"msgr"	"ms"	Safe to move in standout modes
over_strike,		"os"	"os"	Terminal overstrikes
status_line_esc_ok,	"eslok"	"es"	Escape can be used on the status line
teleray_glitch,		"xt"	"xt"	Tabs destructive, magic so char (t1061)
tilde_glitch,		"hz"	"hz"	Hazeltine; can't print ~'s
transparent_underline,	"ul"	"ul"	underline character overstrikes
xon_xoff,		"xon"	"xo"	Terminal uses xon/xoff handshaking
# Add new Booleans before this line.
--- end bool

--- begin num
columns,		"cols"	"co"	Number of columns in a line
init_tabs,		"it"	"it"	Tabs initially every # spaces.
lines,			"lines"	"li"	Number of lines on screen or page
lines_of_memory,	"lm"	"lm"	Lines of memory if > lines.  0 => varies
magic_cookie_glitch,	"xmc"	"sg"	Number blank chars left by smso or rmso
padding_baud_rate,	"pb"	"pb"	Lowest baud rate where padding needed
virtual_terminal,	"vt"	"vt"	Virtual terminal number (CB/Unix)
width_status_line,	"wsl"	"ws"	# columns in status line
# Add new numbers before this line.
--- end num

--- begin str
back_tab,		"cbt"	"bt"	Back tab (P)
bell,			"bel"	"bl"	Audible signal (bell) (P)
carriage_return,	"cr"	"cr"	Carriage return (P*)
change_scroll_region,	"csr"	"cs"	change to lines #1 thru #2 (vt100) (PG)
clear_all_tabs,		"tbc"	"ct"	Clear all tab stops. (P)
clear_screen,		"clear"	"cl"	Clear screen (P*)
clr_eol,		"el"	"ce"	Clear to end of line (P)
clr_eos,		"ed"	"cd"	Clear to end of display (P*)
column_address,		"hpa"	"ch"	Set cursor column (PG)
command_character,	"cmdch"	"CC"	Term. settable cmd char in prototype
cursor_address,		"cup"	"cm"	Cursor motion to row #1 col #2 (PG)
cursor_down,		"cud1"	"do"	Down one line
cursor_home,		"home"	"ho"	Home cursor (if no cup)
cursor_invisible,	"civis"	"vi"	Make cursor invisible
cursor_left,		"cub1"	"le"	Move cursor left one space.
cursor_mem_address,	"mrcup"	"CM"	Memory relative cursor addressing.
cursor_normal,		"cnorm"	"ve"	Make cursor appear normal (undo vs/vi)
cursor_right,		"cuf1"	"nd"	Non-destructive space (cursor right)
cursor_to_ll,		"ll"	"ll"	Last line, first column (if no cup)
cursor_up,		"cuu1"	"up"	Upline (cursor up)
cursor_visible,		"cvvis"	"vs"	Make cursor very visible
delete_character,	"dch1"	"dc"	Delete character (P*)
delete_line,		"dl1"	"dl"	Delete line (P*)
dis_status_line,	"dsl"	"ds"	Disable status line
down_half_line,		"hd"	"hd"	Half-line down (forward 1/2 linefeed)
enter_alt_charset_mode,	"smacs"	"as"	Start alternate character set (P)
enter_blink_mode,	"blink"	"mb"	Turn on blinking
enter_bold_mode,	"bold"	"md"	Turn on bold (extra bright) mode
enter_ca_mode,		"smcup"	"ti"	String to begin programs that use cup
enter_delete_mode,	"smdc"	"dm"	Delete mode (enter)
enter_dim_mode,		"dim"	"mh"	Turn on half-bright mode
enter_insert_mode,	"smir"	"im"	Insert mode (enter);
enter_secure_mode,	"invis"	"mk"	Turn on blank mode (chars invisible)
enter_protected_mode,	"prot"	"mp"	Turn on protected mode
enter_reverse_mode,	"rev"	"mr"	Turn on reverse video mode
enter_standout_mode,	"smso"	"so"	Begin stand out mode
enter_underline_mode,	"smul"	"us"	Start underscore mode
erase_chars,		"ech"	"ec"	Erase #1 characters (PG)
exit_alt_charset_mode,	"rmacs"	"ae"	End alternate character set (P)
exit_attribute_mode,	"sgr0"	"me"	Turn off all attributes
exit_ca_mode,		"rmcup"	"te"	String to end programs that use cup
exit_delete_mode,	"rmdc"	"ed"	End delete mode
exit_insert_mode,	"rmir"	"ei"	End insert mode;
exit_standout_mode,	"rmso"	"se"	End stand out mode
exit_underline_mode,	"rmul"	"ue"	End underscore mode
flash_screen,		"flash"	"vb"	Visible bell (may not move cursor)
form_feed,		"ff"	"ff"	Hardcopy terminal page eject (P*)
from_status_line,	"fsl"	"fs"	Return from status line
init_1string,		"is1"	"i1"	Terminal initialization string
init_2string,		"is2"	"is"	Terminal initialization string
init_3string,		"is3"	"i2"	Terminal initialization string
init_file,		"if"	"if"	Name of file containing is
insert_character,	"ich1"	"ic"	Insert character (P)
insert_line,		"il1"	"al"	Add new blank line (P*)
insert_padding,		"ip"	"ip"	Insert pad after character inserted (P*)
key_backspace,		"kbs"	"kb"	Sent by backspace key
key_catab,		"ktbc"	"ka"	Sent by clear-all-tabs key.
key_clear,		"kclr"	"kC"	Sent by clear screen or erase key.
key_ctab,		"kctab"	"kt"	Sent by clear-tab key
key_dc,			"kdch1"	"kD"	Sent by delete character key.
key_dl,			"kdl1"	"kL"	Sent by delete line key.
key_down,		"kcud1"	"kd"	Sent by terminal down arrow key
key_eic,		"krmir"	"kM"	Sent by rmir or smir in insert mode.
key_eol,		"kel"	"kE"	Sent by clear-to-end-of-line key.
key_eos,		"ked"	"kS"	Sent by clear-to-end-of-screen key.
key_f0,			"kf0"	"k0"	Sent by function key f0.
key_f1,			"kf1"	"k1"	Sent by function key f1.
key_f10,		"kf10"	"k;"	Sent by function key f10.
key_f2,			"kf2"	"k2"	Sent by function key f2.
key_f3,			"kf3"	"k3"	Sent by function key f3.
key_f4,			"kf4"	"k4"	Sent by function key f4.
key_f5,			"kf5"	"k5"	Sent by function key f5.
key_f6,			"kf6"	"k6"	Sent by function key f6.
key_f7,			"kf7"	"k7"	Sent by function key f7.
key_f8,			"kf8"	"k8"	Sent by function key f8.
key_f9,			"kf9"	"k9"	Sent by function key f9.
key_home,		"khome"	"kh"	Sent by home key.
key_ic,			"kich1"	"kI"	Sent by ins char/enter ins mode key.
key_il,			"kil1"	"kA"	Sent by insert line.
key_left,		"kcub1"	"kl"	Sent by terminal left arrow key
key_ll,			"kll"	"kH"	Sent by home-down key
key_npage,		"knp"	"kN"	Sent by next-page key
key_ppage,		"kpp"	"kP"	Sent by previous-page key
key_right,		"kcuf1"	"kr"	Sent by terminal right arrow key
key_sf,			"kind"	"kF"	Sent by scroll-forward/down key
key_sr,			"kri"	"kR"	Sent by scroll-backward/up key
key_stab,		"khts"	"kT"	Sent by set-tab key
key_up,			"kcuu1"	"ku"	Sent by terminal up arrow key
keypad_local,		"rmkx"	"ke"	Out of "keypad transmit" mode
keypad_xmit,		"smkx"	"ks"	Put terminal in "keypad transmit" mode
lab_f0,			"lf0"	"l0"	Labels on function key f0 if not f0
lab_f1,			"lf1"	"l1"	Labels on function key f1 if not f1
lab_f10,		"lf10"	"la"	Labels on function key f10 if not f10
lab_f2,			"lf2"	"l2"	Labels on function key f2 if not f2
lab_f3,			"lf3"	"l3"	Labels on function key f3 if not f3
lab_f4,			"lf4"	"l4"	Labels on function key f4 if not f4
lab_f5,			"lf5"	"l5"	Labels on function key f5 if not f5
lab_f6,			"lf6"	"l6"	Labels on function key f6 if not f6
lab_f7,			"lf7"	"l7"	Labels on function key f7 if not f7
lab_f8,			"lf8"	"l8"	Labels on function key f8 if not f8
lab_f9,			"lf9"	"l9"	Labels on function key f9 if not f9
meta_off,		"rmm"	"mo"	Turn off "meta mode"
meta_on,		"smm"	"mm"	Turn on "meta mode" (8th bit)
newline,		"nel"	"nw"	Newline (behaves like cr followed by lf)
pad_char,		"pad"	"pc"	Pad character (rather than null)
parm_dch,		"dch"	"DC"	Delete #1 chars (PG*)
parm_delete_line,	"dl"	"DL"	Delete #1 lines (PG*)
parm_down_cursor,	"cud"	"DO"	Move cursor down #1 lines. (PG*)
parm_ich,		"ich"	"IC"	Insert #1 blank chars (PG*)
parm_index,		"indn"	"SF"	Scroll forward #1 lines. (PG)
parm_insert_line,	"il"	"AL"	Add #1 new blank lines (PG*)
parm_left_cursor,	"cub"	"LE"	Move cursor left #1 spaces (PG)
parm_right_cursor,	"cuf"	"RI"	Move cursor right #1 spaces. (PG*)
parm_rindex,		"rin"	"SR"	Scroll backward #1 lines. (PG)
parm_up_cursor,		"cuu"	"UP"	Move cursor up #1 lines. (PG*)
pkey_key,		"pfkey"	"pk"	Prog funct key #1 to type string #2
pkey_local,		"pfloc"	"pl"	Prog funct key #1 to execute string #2
pkey_xmit,		"pfx"	"px"	Prog funct key #1 to xmit string #2
print_screen,		"mc0"	"ps"	Print contents of the screen
prtr_off,		"mc4"	"pf"	Turn off the printer
prtr_on,		"mc5"	"po"	Turn on the printer
repeat_char,		"rep"	"rp"	Repeat char #1 #2 times.  (PG*)
reset_1string,		"rs1"	"r1"	Reset terminal completely to sane modes.
reset_2string,		"rs2"	"r2"	Reset terminal completely to sane modes.
reset_3string,		"rs3"	"r3"	Reset terminal completely to sane modes.
reset_file,		"rf"	"rf"	Name of file containing reset string.
restore_cursor,		"rc"	"rc"	Restore cursor to position of last sc.
row_address,		"vpa"	"cv"	Like hpa but sets row. (PG)
save_cursor,		"sc"	"sc"	Save cursor position. (P)
scroll_forward,		"ind"	"sf"	Scroll text up (P)
scroll_reverse,		"ri"	"sr"	Scroll text down (P)
set_attributes,		"sgr"	"sa"	Define the video attributes (PG9)
set_tab,		"hts"	"st"	Set a tab in all rows, current column.
set_window,		"wind"	"wi"	Current window is lines #1-#2 cols #3-#4
tab,			"ht"	"ta"	Tab to next 8 space hardware tab stop.
to_status_line,		"tsl"	"ts"	Go to status line
underline_char,		"uc"	"uc"	Underscore one char and move past it
up_half_line,		"hu"	"hu"	Half-line up (reverse 1/2 linefeed)
init_prog,		"iprog"	"iP"	Path name of program for init.
key_a1,			"ka1"	"K1"	Upper left of keypad
key_a3,			"ka3"	"K3"	Upper right of keypad
key_b2,			"kb2"	"K2"	Center of keypad
key_c1,			"kc1"	"K4"	Lower left of keypad
key_c3,			"kc3"	"K5"	Lower right of keypad
prtr_non,		"mc5p"	"pO"	Turn on the printer for #1 bytes.
# Add new strings before this line.
--- end str