
Compare this file to the similar file:
Show the results in this format:

/*	"mkti4" produces a C file, ti4.c, which contains the		*/
/*	proper string definitions found in "caps", the source of	*/
/*	curses structure element definitions.				*/

#include	<stdio.h>

/*	@(#) mkti4.c: 1.1 10/15/83	(1.3	12/16/83)	*/

#define		TRUE		1
#define		FALSE		0
#define		FAILURE		(-1)

#define		CAPS		"caps"

char *part1[] =
	    " * ti4 [term]\n",
	    " * dummy program to test termlib.\n",
	    " * gets entry, counts it, and prints it.\n",
	    " */\n",
	    "#include <stdio.h>\n",
	    "#include \"curses.h\"\n",
	    "#include \"term.h\"\n",
	    "#define prb(name)\tif (name) printf(\"name\\n\")\n",
	    "#define prn(name)\tif (name != -1) printf(\"name = %d\\n\", \
	    "#define prs(name)\tif (name) {printf(\"name = '\"); pr(name); \
	    "char buf[1024];\n",
	    "char *getenv();\n",
	    "main(argc, argv) char **argv; {\n",
	    "\tchar *p;\n",
	    "\tint rc;\n",
	    "\tif (argc < 2)\n",
	    "\t\tp = getenv(\"TERM\");\n",
	    "\t\tp = argv[1];\n",
	    "\tprintf(\"Terminal type %s\\n\", p);\n",
  } ;
char *part2[] =
  } ;
char *part3[] =
  } ;
char *part4[] =
	    "\tprintf(\"end of strings\\n\");\n",
	    "register char *p;\n",
	    "\tchar *rdchar();\n",
	    "\tfor (; *p; p++)\n",
	    "\t\tprintf(\"%s\", rdchar(*p));\n",
	    " * rdchar: returns a readable representation of an ASCII char, \
using ^ notation.\n",
	    " */\n",
	    "#include <ctype.h>\n",
	    "char *rdchar(c)\n",
	    "char c;\n",
	    "\tstatic char ret[4];\n",
	    "\tregister char *p;\n",
	    "\t * Due to a bug in isprint, this prints spaces as ^`, but \
this is OK\n",
	    "\t * because we want something to show up on the screen.\n",
	    "\t */\n",
	    "\tret[0] = ((c&0377) > 0177) ? '\\'' : ' ';\n",
	    "\tc &= 0177;\n",
	    "\tret[1] = isprint(c) ? ' ' : '^';\n",
	    "\tret[2] = isprint(c) ?  c  : c^0100;\n",
	    "\tret[3] = 0;\n",
	    "\tfor (p=ret; *p==' '; p++)\n",
	    "\treturn (p);\n",
  } ;


int argc ;
char **argv ;

	register char **section ;
	register char *ptr ;
	register int i ;
	char line[256],word[120] ;
	FILE *fp ;

	if (--argc <= 0) ptr = CAPS ;
	else ptr = *++argv ;

	if ((fp = fopen(ptr,"r")) == (FILE*)NULL)
	    perror(ptr) ;
	    exit(1) ;

/*	Print out the first section of the program.			*/

	for (section= &part1[0]; *section ;) fputs(*section++,stdout) ;

/*	Look for "--- begin bool" in "caps" file.			*/

	while (ptr = fgets(&line[0],sizeof(line),fp))
	    if (strncmp(ptr,"--- begin bool",sizeof("--- begin bool")-1)
		== 0) break ;
	if (ptr == (char*)NULL)
	    fprintf(stderr,"Unable to find \"--- begin bool\"\n") ;
	    exit(1) ;

	while (ptr = fgets(&line[0],sizeof(line),fp))
	    if (*ptr == '#') continue ;
	    if (strncmp(ptr,"--- end bool",sizeof("--- end bool")-1)
		== 0) break ;

	    if (sscanf(ptr,"%s",&word[0]) == 1)
/*	Remove the comma after the word.				*/

		word[strlen(&word[0])-1] = '\0' ;
		fprintf(stdout,"\t    prb(%s) ;\n",&word[0]) ;
	if (ptr == (char*)NULL)
	    fprintf(stderr,"Premature termination during bools\n") ;
	    exit(1) ;

/*	Print out the second section of the program.			*/

	for (section= &part2[0]; *section ;) fputs(*section++,stdout) ;

/*	Look for "--- begin num" in "caps" file.			*/

	while (ptr = fgets(&line[0],sizeof(line),fp))
	    if (*ptr == '#') continue ;
	    if (strncmp(ptr,"--- begin num",sizeof("--- begin num")-1)
		== 0) break ;
	if (ptr == (char*)NULL)
	    fprintf(stderr,"Unable to find \"--- begin num\"\n") ;
	    exit(1) ;

	while (ptr = fgets(&line[0],sizeof(line),fp))
	    if (*ptr == '#') continue ;
	    if (strncmp(ptr,"--- end num",sizeof("--- end num")-1)
		== 0) break ;

	    if (sscanf(ptr,"%s",&word[0]) == 1)
/*	Remove the comma after the word.				*/

		word[strlen(&word[0])-1] = '\0' ;
		fprintf(stdout,"\t    prn(%s) ;\n",&word[0]) ;
	if (ptr == (char*)NULL)
	    fprintf(stderr,"Premature termination during nums\n") ;
	    exit(1) ;

/*	Print out the third section of the program.			*/

	for (section= &part3[0]; *section ;) fputs(*section++,stdout) ;

/*	Look for "--- begin str" in "caps" file.			*/

	while (ptr = fgets(&line[0],sizeof(line),fp))
	    if (*ptr == '#') continue ;
	    if (strncmp(ptr,"--- begin str",sizeof("--- begin str")-1)
		== 0) break ;
	if (ptr == (char*)NULL)
	    fprintf(stderr,"Unable to find \"--- begin str\"\n") ;
	    exit(1) ;

	while (ptr = fgets(&line[0],sizeof(line),fp))
	    if (*ptr == '#') continue ;
	    if (strncmp(ptr,"--- end str",sizeof("--- end str")-1)
		== 0) break ;

	    if (sscanf(ptr,"%s",&word[0]) == 1)
/*	Remove the comma after the word.				*/

		word[strlen(&word[0])-1] = '\0' ;
		fprintf(stdout,"\t    prs(%s) ;\n",&word[0]) ;
	if (ptr == (char*)NULL)
	    fprintf(stderr,"Premature termination during strs\n") ;
	    exit(1) ;

/*	Print out final section of program.				*/

	for (section= &part4[0]; *section ;) fputs(*section++,stdout) ;
	exit(0) ;