
# ------------------------
#	@(#)header	1.3
#	Terminfo source file @(#)header	1.1 (CBOSGD) 12/28/82
#	U.C. Berkeley, Bell Telephone Laboratories
# This file describes capabilities of various terminals, as needed by
# software such as screen editors.  It does not attempt to describe
# printing terminals very well, nor graphics terminals.  Someday.
# See terminfo(4) in the Unix Programmers Manual for documentation.
# Terminfo was developed from termcap. Termcap is based on software
# developed at U.C. Berkeley.
# Conventions: First entry is two chars, first char is manufacturer,
# second char is canonical name for model or mode.
# Third entry is the one the editor will print with "set" command.
# Last entry is verbose description.
# Others are mnemonic synonyms for the terminal.
# Terminal naming conventions:
# Terminal names look like <manufacturer> <model> - <modes/options>
# Certain abbreviations (e.g. c100 for concept100) are also allowed
# for upward compatibility.  The part to the left of the dash, if a
# dash is present, describes the particular hardware of the terminal.
# The part to the right can be used for flags indicating special ROM's,
# extra memory, particular terminal modes, or user preferences.
# All names are always in lower case, for consistency in typing.
# Because of file naming restrictions, terminal names should not contain
# period or slash, in fact, entirely alphanumeric characters plus dash are
# highly recommended.  These restrictions do not apply to the verbose name.
# The following are conventionally used flags:
#	rv	Terminal in reverse video mode (black on white)
#	2p	Has two pages of memory.  Likewise 4p, 8p, etc.
#	w	Wide - in 132 column mode.
#	pp	Has a printer port which is used.
#	na	No arrow keys - terminfo ignores arrow keys which are
#		actually there on the terminal, so the user can use
#		the arrow keys locally.
#	#	The number of lines on the screen.
#	s	With a status line.
# There are some cases where the same name is used for two different
# terminals, e.g. "teleray" or "2621" or "vt100".  In these cases,
# if a site has one of these, they should choose a local default and
# bring that terminal to the front in the reorder script.  This works
# because tgetent picks the first match in /usr/lib/terminfo.
# If you absolutely MUST check for a specific terminal (this is discouraged)
# check for the 1st entry (the canonical form) since all other codes are
# subject to change.  We would much rather put in special capabilities to
# describe your terminal rather than having you key on the name.