
#flags	user	dir	comment
#flags: n(otified) d(one) p(roofable)

Andrew To Do: pi

		Front matter

	doug	Preface
	andrew	Contents
	andrew	Important references /n/bowell/usr/man/man0/v9references

		Doc prep

n	llc	MS	-ms macros + coversheet macros
n	llc	Docgen	docgen.d
n	bwk	EQN	eqn
n	llc	TBL	tbl.d
n	bwk	PIC	picmemo.d
d	cvw	IDEAL	??/pap/1127/11276/cvw/ideal_ref.c ideal_usr.d
n	bwk	GRAP
n	ulysses!north	DAG
d	sally	cip	??
	andrew	PED	/pap/1127/11271/theo/ped_usr.d ped.d
n	bwk	troff	reference manual and tutorial
n	frodo	Monk


	andrew	Pi	/pap/1127/11276/feel.d obj.d
n	ark	Snocone
d	dmg	f77
n	tom	Music
n	frodo	CIN	??
d	andrew	DC


n	rob	Sam	sam paper without implementation details.
d	andrew	Mk	(andrew)
n	ravi	yacc	yacc manual
	andrew	LEX	/pap/1127/unix/lex.d
n	tjiang	Twig	??
d	gerard	spin
d	gerard	Pico	/pap/1127/11271/gerard/pico.d
n	jlb	anim	animation cstr
n	UCDS	(andrew, jhc, bart)


n	presotto	IPC	/pap/1127/11271/presotto/ipc.d (presotto)
n 	ches	Upas	upas.d
	andrew	Honey Danber (login articles..)
	rago	Netfs

		Implementation and administration

n	norman	Configuring
d	dmr	Streams
d	andrew	Mpx protocols file /n/coma/usr/rob/rep/jerq.proto
n	ftg	Security
d	frodo	fsck
	andrew	File Motel
n	pg	lp