
.nr VS \n(.v
.nr PQ \n(.f
.nr PS \n(.s
.vs 6
.ft CW
.ps 6
scale = 16/0.125
line from (192,-144) to (280,-144)
"rclk<00:15>" ljust above at (24,-104)
"HOLD1" rjust   at (192,-88)
"RCLK" ljust   at (112,-104)
line from (0,-104) to (112,-104)
line from (0,-32) to (0,-104)
line from (384,-96) to (384,-32)
line from (192,-88) to (288,-88)
line from (368,-96) to (384,-96)
line from (192,-104) to (288,-104)
"HOLD2" rjust   at (192,-104)
"int<00:15>-" rjust above at (280,-176)
line from (192,-176) to (280,-176)
"INT-" rjust   at (192,-176)
"bd<0:7>" ljust above at (0,-136)
"A0" ljust   at (112,-152)
line from (112,-152) to (0,-152)
"RD-" ljust   at (112,-184)
line from (112,-184) to (0,-184)
"WR-" ljust   at (112,-168)
line from (112,-168) to (0,-168)
"CLK" ljust   at (112,-216)
line from (112,-216) to (0,-216)
"D?" ljust   at (112,-136)
line from (112,-136) to (0,-136)
"opm<00:15>" center above at (152,-64)
"opm" center above at (152,-72)
box ht 176 wid 80 with .nw at (112,-48)
line from (112,-200) to (0,-200)
"CS-" ljust   at (112,-200)
"ba0" ljust above at (0,-152)
"bwe-" ljust above at (0,-168)
"bre-" ljust above at (0,-184)
line from (112,-120) to (0,-120)
"OE-" ljust   at (112,-120)
"opmdecode<00:15>-" ljust above at (0,-120)
"ops<00:15>-" ljust above at (0,-200)
"OUT??" rjust   at (192,-144)
"opmout<00:15>" rjust above at (280,-144)
"hold1<00:15>" ljust above at (200,-88)
"hold2<00:15>" ljust above at (200,-104)
"colorburst" ljust above at (0,-216)
line from (0,-32) to (384,-32)
box ht 48 wid 80 with .nw at (288,-64)
"A?" ljust   at (288,-88)
"B?" ljust   at (288,-104)
"Y?" rjust   at (368,-96)
"nor<0:3>" center above at (328,-80)
"74F02" center above at (328,-88)
.vs \n(VSu
.ft \n(PQ
.ps \n(PS