
frame ht 2 wid 2
coord x 0,100 y 0,100
grid dotted bot from 20 to 80 by 20
grid dotted left from 20 to 80 by 20

"Text above"   above at 50,50
"Text rjust  " rjust at 50,50
bullet at 80,90
vtick  at 80,80
box    at (80,70)
times  at 80, 60

circle at 50,50
circle at 50,80 radius .25
line dashed from 10,90 to 30,90
arrow from 10,70 to 30,90

draw A solid
draw B dashed delta
next A at 10,10
next B at 10,20
next A at 50,20
next A at 90,10
next B at 50,30
next B at 90,30