
paper	dist.words	headings
f77.ms	.B 	good & many	done
lex.ms	.I	marginal	done
yacc.ms	.I	not useful getital	done
spin.ms	.CW	most .IH
sam.ms	.CW	ok commands with ngetcw	done - must edit sam.ind to get rid of dbl ref cmds
pico.ms	.CW	ok cmds with ngetcw	done
ipc.ms	.I	ok getital	done
upas.ms	.I/.CW	only ok	done
security.ms	.CW	ok	done
anim.ms	.CW/.UL/.I	good withmore	too many terms
history.ms		DEFERED	uucp
admin.ms		DEFERED	uucp
ms/ms	none	ok .BI		SCHEME FAILS - DOESN'T use mpm
eqn/guide	IT CW	good	- must edit guide.ind - merge sub/sup up/down etc - out CW to s/guide/eqn
ideal/user			must edit s/user/ideal/ & resort
tbl			contains .tr~ - disaster - fixed
sed		ok	must edit cmd dbl reference
setup		ok	edit setup.ind for make reference
grap	UL/IT/UC	useless
ped		sed 's/	hd /	/' ped.x before making index
mpx		mkindex proto.x mpx
netb		ok embedded \f...\f

no caps in terms files - diction can locate - maybe write sed script
since it has line number of match
.Tm words puts out pg# +words on stdout

to get terms:
	gettop file
	gethd file
	getital/getcw/getul >file.dist
	getdist BI >>file dist
	maybe sed -f tools/fontch.sed (gets \\f.*\\f) constructs)
	sort file.top file.hd file.dist|uniq >file.terms

terms of form
	words or words \t[sg] where s=specific - just entry under `name'
		g=general - just entry in general, not under name
		no \t entry in both places

to get index:
runind	tr A-Z a-z <file.terms|sort|uniq|awk -f tools/dups.awk >file.lterms
	diction -n -f file.lterms -l -o file.hits file.ms >/dev/null
	doinsert base >base.ms

	prefer ... base.ms 2>file.x
	mkindex file.x

solutions - awk prog to make sure not inserting term in .TS or .PS
tr $ to ~ in hits & back again in mkindex

remaining editing - index has lost caps, font changes and plurals

bugs - .Tm before title is lost
	.Tm containing troff \stuff is converted - shouldn't be