
C++, yacc,  347
C, yacc,  347, 349-352, 354-356, 358, 368-370, 373
Error Handling, yacc,  367, 370
error recovery, yacc,  363, 367-369, 372
Grammars for Expressions, yacc,  354
Grammars in Yacc Specifications, yacc,  348
LALR grammars, yacc,  347	g
lex, yacc,  347, 369
parsers, yacc,  347, 350, 352, 363	g
postfix notation, yacc,  354, 364
precedence, yacc,  353-355, 357, 364-366
syntax analyzer, yacc,  347, 350	g
Yacc: A Parser Generator, yacc,  347	g
yacc, %% ,  348, 352, 354-357, 359, 364, 368, 370, 373	S
yacc, %left,  355, 357, 365, 371-372	S
yacc, %nonassoc,  355, 365, 371	S
yacc, %prec,  355, 357, 366	S
yacc, %right,  355, 365, 371	S
yacc, %start,  348-349, 352, 373	S
yacc, %token,  349, 352, 354-355, 357, 359, 364-365, 369, 371-373	S
yacc, %type,  371-373	S
yacc, %union,  371	S
yacc, %{ ,  351-352, 355, 368, 370-371, 373	S
yacc, %} ,  351-352, 355, 368, 370-371, 373	S
yacc, -d option,  370-371	p
yacc, -ly,  350-351	S
yacc, -v option,  359, 363	p
yacc, accept action,  363
yacc, action ,  347, 351-354, 356, 358, 360, 362-364, 366-368, 371-374
yacc, Actions and Attributes,  351
yacc, Actions Embedded Within Rules,  358
yacc, Ambiguity and Conflicts,  363
yacc, ambiguous,  347, 359, 363, 366
yacc, arithmetic expressions,  353-354
yacc, Associativity and Precedence Declarations,  355
yacc, attribute value,  351-353, 356, 358, 369
yacc, backslash,  349
yacc, bottom-up,  352, 359
yacc, C,  347, 349-352, 354-356, 358, 368-370, 373
yacc, C++,  347
yacc, comment,  349, 372
yacc, Communicating Context to the Lexical Analyzer,  370
yacc, current lookahead,  360, 363, 367
yacc, current state,  362-363
yacc, default disambiguating rules,  363, 366
yacc, Depth-first,  357
yacc, disambiguating rule,  363-365
yacc, else-if,  366
yacc, embedded action,  358
yacc, Environment,  368-369
yacc, error action,  363, 368
yacc, Error Handling,  367, 370
yacc, error message,  367, 369
yacc, error recovery,  363, 367-369, 372
yacc, error state,  367-368
yacc, error symbol,  368
yacc, escape character,  348-349
yacc, Evaluation And Translation Of Expressions,  353
yacc, Execution Order for Actions,  357
yacc, expression,  347, 353-357, 364, 366, 370
yacc, grammar symbols,  348-349, 360
yacc, Grammars for Expressions,  354
yacc, Grammars in Yacc Specifications,  348
yacc, Grammars, Reviewed,  347
yacc, How The Parser Works,  359
yacc, if-else production,  366-367
yacc, input token,  359-360, 363, 367-368
yacc, left associative,  354, 356, 366
yacc, left side,  349, 351-353, 358-360, 362-363
yacc, lex,  347, 369	C
yacc, Lexical Tie-Ins,  369
yacc, literal,  349, 366, 370, 372-373
yacc, lookahead pointer,  360, 362
yacc, lookahead symbol,  359, 364, 366
yacc, lookahead token,  362-363, 368-369
yacc, lower precedence,  354-357
yacc, nonterminal,  348-350, 353-354, 356, 358, 361, 363, 366, 371
yacc, operator,  353-357
yacc, parse tree,  348, 354, 357, 359, 363
yacc, Parser States,  360-361
yacc, Parsing Actions,  360, 362
yacc, parsing conflicts,  359, 365
yacc, postfix notation,  354, 364
yacc, precedence,  353-355, 357, 364-366
yacc, precedence declarations,  355-357, 365-366
yacc, productions,  348-351, 353-355, 361, 363-364, 366-368, 370
yacc, Program Organization,  368
yacc, pseudo-variable,  351
yacc, reduce action,  359-360, 362-363
yacc, reduce/reduce conflict,  363, 366
yacc, right associative,  354-356, 364, 366
yacc, right side,  349, 351-352, 357, 359-368
yacc, Shift a Dangling Else,  366
yacc, shift action,  359-360, 363, 366
yacc, Shift or To Reduce,  363
yacc, Shift-Reduce Parsing,  359-360
yacc, shift/reduce conflict,  363-364, 366
yacc, side effects,  353, 357
yacc, simple-if,  366-367
yacc, simple-if production,  366-367
yacc, specification,  347-353, 355, 357, 363, 366, 368-369, 372
yacc, stack,  360, 362-367, 371
yacc, start symbol,  348-349
yacc, starting state,  361-362
yacc, Style for Specifications,  353
yacc, Support for Arbitrary Attribute Types,  371
yacc, symbols,  348-349, 351, 357, 360-361, 363
yacc, syntax,  347-348, 350, 371-372
yacc, syntax error,  351, 367
yacc, terminal,  348
yacc, token names,  353, 370
yacc, token number,  369-370
yacc, tokens,  348-351, 354-355, 357, 359, 361, 365-369, 371
yacc, union member name,  371
yacc, union type,  371
yacc, user-supplied function,  369
yacc, Using Yacc,  350
yacc, y.output,  359, 362-366	S
yacc, y.tab.c,  350, 368-369	S
yacc, y.tab.h,  370-371	S
yacc, yychar,  369	S
yacc, yyclearin,  368	S
yacc, yydebug,  369	S
yacc, yyerrok,  368	S
yacc, yyerror,  351, 369	S
yacc, yylex,  348, 350-352, 356, 363, 368-370	S
yacc, yylval,  351-352, 356, 369, 371	S
yacc, yyparse,  350-351, 369	S
yacc, YYSTYPE,  351-352, 355, 368-369, 371	S
yacc, yyval,  371	S
yacc, $ sign,  351, 354	p
yacc, $$ ,  351-352, 354-356, 358, 368, 371, 374	S