

			Fred Canter 8/23/81

	There are now three versions of adb, `adb40' for non-separate
	I & D space CPU's, `adb70' for separate I & D space CPU's, and
	`adb40ov' for non-separate I & D space CPU's using the overlay
	text kernel. Each of the three adb versions also has two variations,
	one without the floating point interpreter, for use with CPU's
	having the FP11 hardware and one with the floating point interpreter
	included, to be used with CPU's that do not have the FP11.
	CPU's without the FP11 hardware must use the version of adb with
	the floating point interpreter included, CPU's with the FP11 may
	use either version, but the non interpreter version is optimal
	because it contains less code. The three versions of adb destributed
	with the system all contain the floating point interpreter code.
	The following `make' procedure is used to create the three versions
	of adb and copy them to /bin. The `makefile' in /bin is used
	to select the version of adb appropriate to the CPU being used:

	make -f mf04 cp		(non I & D CPU, with FP11)
	make -f mf04f cp	(non I & D CPU, without FP11)
	make -f mf70 cp		(I & D CPU, with FP11)
	make -f mf70f cp	(I & D CPU, without FP11)
	make -f mf40ov cp	(non I & D CPU, with FP11, overlay kernel)
	make -f mf40ovf cp	(non I & D CPU, without FP11, overlay kernel)