
Compare this file to the similar file:
Show the results in this format:

/ machine language assist
/ for separate I & D space CPU's
/ 11/44, 11/45, & 11/70 CPUs
/ The following modifications have been made:
/ 1.	In order to allow a unibus disk (rm02/3, rl02, & rk06/7)
/	to be the root device on an 11/44 or 11/70, the
/	unibus map is no longer enabled in mch.s. Instead the map
/	is enabled in machdep.c, after it has been initialized.
/ 2.	The 11/44 CPU is supported.
/ 3.	Core dump code for the ts11 tape drive has been added.
/	The existing core dump code for the tm11 and tm02/3
/	tapes has been modified to use the unibus map (if required)
/	to dump all of memory.
/ 4.	The core dump code only saves the registers
/	on the first dump attempt. This prevents the register
/	contents from being lost if the initital core dump
/	attempt fails.
/ 5.	The core dump code halts after a good dump, i.e.,
/	the dump was terminated by a non existent memory
/	error (NXM). The code will hang on an unsuccessful
/	core dump, i.e., one terminated by any error
/	other than NXM.
/ 6.	The TS11 vector is autoconfigured, see comments
/	in code below, just prior to calling main().
/ 7.	The concept of cputype is now defunct,
/	instead the cpu is described by the hardware features
/	present, i.e., unibus map, display register,
/	rh70 controller, and separate I & D space.
/ 8.	Memory parity error traps thru 114 are now
/	enabled, they were not previously (except 11/70).
/ Fred Canter 8/2/81

/ Parameter for code size reduction,
/ .fpp in mch0.s header file.

/ non-UNIX instructions
mfpi	= 6500^tst
mtpi	= 6600^tst
mfpd	= 106500^tst
mtpd	= 106600^tst
spl	= 230
ldfps	= 170100^tst
stfps	= 170200^tst
stst	= 170300^tst
wait	= 1
rtt	= 6
reset	= 5
halt	= 0

HIPRI	= 340
HIGH	= 7
	.if	.PROFIL
HIGH	= 6
HIPRI	= 300

/ Mag tape core dump
/ save registers in low core and
/ write all core onto mag tape.
/ entry is thru 1000 abs

/ ***********************************************
/ *						*
/ *	The core dump code must be the first	*
/ *	code in this file and must be in	*
/ *	date space.				*
/ *						*
/ ***********************************************

.globl	dump

/ save regs r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,KDA6
/ starting at abs location 4

	inc	$-1	/ save reg's on first dump
	bne	1f	/ attempt only.
	mov	r0,4
	mov	$6,r0
	mov	r1,(r0)+
	mov	r2,(r0)+
	mov	r3,(r0)+
	mov	r4,(r0)+
	mov	r5,(r0)+
	mov	sp,(r0)+
	mov	KDSA6,(r0)+

/ dump all of core (ie to first mt error)
/ onto mag tape. (9 track or 7 track 'binary')

/ The core dump tape hardware addresses are
/ defined in the mch0.s header file.


	/register usage is as follows

	/reg 0 holds the CSR address for the tm02/3.
	/reg 1 points to UBMAP register 0 low
	/reg 2 is used to contain and calculate memory pointer
	/ for UBMAP register 0 low
	/reg 3 is used to contain and calculate memory pointer
	/ for UBMAP register 0 high
	/reg 4, r4 = 1 for map used, r4 = 0 for map not used.
	/reg 5 is used as an interation counter when mapping is enabled

	clr	r4		/clear map used indicator
/	cmp	_cputype,$44.	/is a 44 ?
/	bne	2f		/no, UBMAP not used
	tst	_ubmaps		/unibus map present ?
	beq	2f		/no
	tst	_rh70ht		/yes, rh70 controller ?
	bne	2f		/yes, don't need to use unibus map
				/no, will use map

	/this section of code initializes the Unibus map registers
	/and the memory management registers.
	/UBMAP reg 0 gets updated to point to the current
	/memory area.
	/Kernal I space 0 points to low memory
	/Kernal I space 7 points to the I/O page.

	inc	r4		/indicate that UB mapping is needed
	mov	$UBMR0,r1	/point to  map register 0
	clr	r2		/init for low map reg
	clr	r3		/init for high map reg
	mov	$77406,*$KISD0	/set KISDR0
	mov	$77406,*$KISD7	/set KISDR7
	clr	*$KISA0		/point KISAR0 to low memory
	mov	$IO,*$KISA7	/point KISAR7 to IO page
	inc	*$SSR0		/turn on memory mngt
	mov	$60,*$SSR3	/enable 22 bit mapping
	mov	r2,(r1)		/load map reg 0 low
	mov	r3,2(r1)	/load map reg 0 high
	/this section of code initializes the TM02/3

	mov	$HTCS1,r0	/get tm02/3 CSR addr
	mov	$40,10(r0)	/tm02/3 subsystem clear
	mov	$1300,32(r0)	/800 BPI + pdp11 mode
	clr	4(r0)		/clear unibus address
	mov	$1,(r0)		/nop command to tm02/3
	mov	$20,r5		/set up SOB counter for UBMAP

	/This section does the write.
	/ if mapping is needed the sob loop comes in play here
	/ when the sob falls through the UBAMP reg will be
	/ updated by 20000 to point to next loop section.

	/ if mapping not needed then just let the
	/ hardware address registers increment.

	mov	$-512.,6(r0)	/set frame count
	mov	$-256.,2(r0)	/set word count
	movb	$61,(r0)	/set write comand + go
				/set ext. mem. bits to 0
	tstb	(r0)		/wait for tm02/3 ready
	bge	1b
	bit	$1,(r0)		/wait for go bit clear
	bne	1b
	bit	$40000,(r0)	/any error ?
	beq	2f		/no, continue xfer
	bit	$4000,10(r0)	/yes, must be MXM error
	beq	.		/hang here if not NXM
	mov	$27,(r0)	/error is NXM, write EOF
	halt			/halt on good dump !
	tst	r4		/mapping?
	beq	3b		/branch if not
	sob	r5,3b		/yes continue loop
	mov	$20,r5		/reset loop count
	add	$20000,r2	/bump low map
	adc	r3		/carry to high map
	mov	r2,(r1)		/load map reg 0 low
	mov	r3,2(r1)	/load map reg 0 high
	clr	4(r0)		/set bus addr to 0
	br	3b		/do some more

	/register useage is as follows

	/reg 0 holds the tm11 CSR address
	/reg 1 points to UBMAP register 0 low
	/reg 2 is used to contain and calculate memory pointer
	/ for UBMAP register 0 low
	/reg 3 is used to contain and calculate memory pointer
	/ for UBMAP register 0 high
	/reg 4, r4 = 1 for map used, r4 = 0 for map not used.
	/reg 5 is used as an interation counter when mapping is enabled

	clr	r4		/clear UB map used indicator
/	cmp	_cputype,$44.	/is a 44 ?
/	beq	1f		/yes, skip next
/	cmp	_cputype,$70.	/is a 70 ?
/	bne	2f		/not a 70 either. no UBMAP
	tst	_ubmaps		/unibus map present ?
	beq	2f		/no, skip map init
	/this section of code initializes the Unibus map registers
	/and the memory management registers.
	/UBMAP reg 0 gets updated to point to the current
	/memory area.
	/Kernal I space 0 points to low memory
	/Kernal I space 7 points to the I/O page.

	inc	r4		/indicate that UB mapping is needed
	mov	$UBMR0,r1	/point to  map register 0
	clr	r2		/init for low map reg
	clr	r3		/init for high map reg
	mov	$77406,*$KISD0	/set KISDR0
	mov	$77406,*$KISD7	/set KISDR7
	clr	*$KISA0		/point KISAR0 to low memory
	mov	$IO,*$KISA7	/point KISAR7 to IO page
	inc	*$SSR0		/turn on memory mngt
	mov	$60,*$SSR3	/enable 22 bit mapping
	mov	r2,(r1)		/load map reg 1 low
	mov	r3,2(r1)	/load map reg 1 high
	/this section of code initializes the TM11

	mov	$MTC,r0		/get tm11 CSR address
	mov	$60004,(r0)	/write command, no go
	clr	4(r0)		/set bus addr to 0
	mov	$20,r5		/set up SOB counter for UBMAP
	/This section does the write.
	/ if mapping is needed the sob loop comes in play here
	/ when the sob falls through the UBAMP reg will be
	/ updated by 20000 to point to next loop section.

	/ if mapping not needed then just let
	/ bus address register increment.

	mov	$-512.,2(r0)	/set byte count
	inc	(r0)		/start xfer
	tstb	(r0)		/wait for tm11 ready
	bge	1b
	tst	(r0)		/any error ?
	bge	2f		/no, continue xfer
	bit	$200,-2(r0)	/yes, must be NXM error
	beq	.		/hang if not NXM error
	reset			/error is NXM,
	mov	$60007,(r0)	/write EOF
	halt			/halt on good dump
	tst	r4		/mapping?
	beq	3b		/branch if not
	sob	r5,3b		/yes continue loop
	mov	$20,r5		/reset loop count
	add	$20000,r2	/bump low map
	adc	r3		/carry to high map
	mov	r2,(r1)		/load map reg 0 low
	mov	r3,2(r1)	/load map reg 0 high
	clr	4(r0)		/set bus address to 0
	br	3b		/do some more


	/register useage is as follows

	/reg 0 points to UBMAP register 1 low
	/reg 1 is used to calculate the current memory address
	/ for each 512 byte transfer.
	/reg 2 is used to contain and calculate memory pointer
	/ for UBMAP register 1 low
	/reg 3 is used to contain and calculate memory pointer
	/ for UBMAP register 1 high
	/reg 4 points to the command packet
	/reg 5 is used as an interation counter when mapping is enabled

/	cmp	_cputype,$44.	/is a 44 ?
/	beq	1f		/yes, skip next
/	cmp	_cputype,$70.	/is a 70 ?
/	bne	2f		/not a 70 either. no UBMAP
	tst	_ubmaps		/unibus map present ?
	beq	2f		/no, skip map init
	/this section of code initializes the Unibus map registers
	/and the memory management registers.
	/UBMAP reg 0 points to low memory for the TS11 command,
	/characteristics, and message buffers.
	/UBMAP reg 1 gets updated to point to the current
	/memory area.
	/Kernal I space 0 points to low memory
	/Kernal I space 7 points to the I/O page.

	inc	setmap		/indicate that UB mapping is needed
	mov	$UBMR0,r0	/point to  map register 0
	clr	r2		/init for low map reg
	clr	r3		/init for high map reg
	clr	(r0)+		/load map reg 0 low
	clr	(r0)+		/load map reg 0 high
	mov	$77406,*$KISD0	/set KISDR0
	mov	$77406,*$KISD7	/set KISDR7
	clr	*$KISA0		/point KISAR0 to low memory
	mov	$IO,*$KISA7	/point KISAR7 to IO page
	inc	*$SSR0		/turn on memory mngt
	mov	$60,*$SSR3	/enable 22 bit mapping
	mov	r2,(r0)		/load map reg 1 low
	mov	r3,2(r0)	/load map reg 1 high
	/this section of code initializes the TS11

	tstb	*$TSSR		/make sure
	bpl	2b		/drive is ready
	mov	$comts,r4	/point to command packet
	add	$2,r4		/set up mod 4
	bic	$3,r4		/alignment
	mov	$140004,(r4)	/write characteristics command
	mov	$chrts,2(r4)	/characteristics buffer
	clr	4(r4)		/clear ext mem addr (packet)
	clr	tsxma		/clear extended memory save loc
	mov	$10,6(r4)	/set byte count for command
	mov	$mests,*$chrts	/show where message buffer is
	clr	*$chrts+2	/clear extended memory bits here too
	mov	$16,*$chrts+4	/set message buffer length
	mov	r4,*$TSDB	/start command
	mov	$20,r5		/set up SOB counter for UBMAP
	clr	r1		/init r1 beginning memory address
	tstb	*$TSSR		/wait for ready
	bpl	1b		/not yet
	mov	*$TSSR,tstcc	/error condition (SC) ?
	bpl	2f		/no error
	bic	$!16,tstcc	/yes error, get TCC
	cmp	tstcc,$10	/recoverable error ?
	bne	8f		/no
	mov	$101005,(r4)	/yes, load write data retry command
	clr	4(r4)		/clear packet ext mem addr
	mov	r4,*$TSDB	/start retry
	br	1b
	bit	$4000,*$TSSR	/is error NXM ?
	beq	.		/no, hang (not sure of good dump)
	mov	$140013,(r4)	/load a TS init command
	mov	r4,*$TSDB	/to clear NXM error
	tstb	*$TSSR		/wait for ready
	bpl	6b
	mov	$1,6(r4)	/set word count = 1
	mov	$100011,(r4)	/load write EOF command
	mov	r4,*$TSDB	/do write EOF
	tstb	*$TSSR		/wait for ready
	bpl	7b
	halt			/halt after good dump
	br	1b
	/If mapping is needed this section calculates the
	/ base address to be loaded into map reg 1
	/ the algorithm is (!(r5 - 21))*1000) | 20000
	/ the complement is required because an SOB loop
	/ is being used for the counter
	/This loop causes 20000 bytes to be written
	/before the UBMAP is updated.

	tst	setmap		/UBMAP ?
	beq	3f		/no map
	mov	r2,(r0)		/load map reg 1 low
	mov	r3,2(r0)	/load map reg 1 high
	mov	r5,r1		/calculate
	sub	$21,r1		/address for this pass
	com	r1		/based on current
	mul	$1000,r1	/interation
	bis	$20000,r1	/select map register 1
	clr	4(r4)		/clear extended memory bits
	/This section does the write.
	/ if mapping is needed the sob loop comes in play here
	/ when the sob falls through the UBAMP reg will be
	/ updated by 20000 to point to next loop section.

	/ if mapping not needed then just calculate the
	/ next 512 byte address pointer

	mov	r1,2(r4)	/load mem address
	mov	tsxma,4(r4)	/load ext mem address
	mov	$512.,6(r4)	/set byte count
	mov	$100005,(r4)	/set write command
	mov	r4,*$TSDB	/initiate xfer
	tst	setmap		/mapping?
	beq	4f		/branch if not
	sob	r5,9b		/yes continue loop
	mov	$20,r5		/reset loop count
	add	$20000,r2	/bump low map
	adc	r3		/carry to high map
	br	1b		/do some more
	add	$512.,r1	/bump address for no mapping
	adc	tsxma		/carry to extended memory bits
	br	1b		/do again
	halt			/ halt if no core dump code
	bne	1b		/ included in this monitor
.globl	start, _end, _edata, _etext, _main

/ startup code for separate I & D space CPU's
/ entry is via a trap thru 34
/ memory management must be enabled

	bit	$1,SSR0
	beq	.
	mov	$trap,34
	mov	$trap,40
	mov	$trap,0
	mov	$340+15.,2
	mov	$340+15.,42
	bit	$20,SSR3
	beq	9f
/	mov	$70.,_cputype
	mov	$4,_nmser	/ 4 memory system error reg's
	mov	$3,*$MSCR
	bit	$2,*$MSCR	/*** if bit 1 didn't set
	bne	9f		/*** then its an 11/44.
/	mov	$44.,_cputype	/*** yea !,its an 11/44.
	clr	*$MSCR		/*** clear the mem cont. reg.
	clr	_cdreg		/ no display register
	mov	$2,_nmser	/ 2 memory system error reg's
	clr	PS
	br	9f
/ 	inc	$-1
/ 	bne	.
/ 	reset
/ / Set loc. 0 to trap to system, in case of
/ / hardware glitch
/ 	mov	$trap,0		/ in case of bad trap through 0
/ 	mov	$340+15.,2	/ high pri, trap type 15
/ 	clr	PS
/ / set KI0 to physical 0
/ 	mov	$77406,r3
/ 	mov	$KISA0,r0
/ 	mov	$KISD0,r1
/ 	clr	(r0)+
/ 	mov	r3,(r1)+
/ / set KI1-6 to eventual text resting place
/ 	mov	$_end+63.,r2
/ 	ash	$-6,r2
/ 	bic	$!1777,r2
/ 1:
/ 	mov	r2,(r0)+
/ 	mov	r3,(r1)+
/ 	add	$200,r2
/ 	cmp	r0,$KISA7
/ 	blos	1b
/ / set KI7 to IO seg for escape
/ 	mov	$IO,-(r0)
/ / set KD0-7 to physical
/ 	mov	$KDSA0,r0
/ 	mov	$KDSD0,r1
/ 	clr	r2
/ 1:
/ 	mov	r2,(r0)+
/ 	mov	r3,(r1)+
/ 	add	$200,r2
/ 	cmp	r0,$KDSA7
/ 	blos	1b
/ / initialization
/ / get a temp (1-word) stack
/ / turn on segmentation
/ / copy text to I space
/ / clear bss in D space
/ 	mov	$stk+2,sp
/ /*** turn map on in machdep.c not here.
/ 	mov	$25,SSR3		/ 22-bit, K+U sep
/ 	bit	$20,SSR3
/ 	beq	1f
/ 	mov	$70.,_cputype
/ 	mov	$3,*$MSCR		/ Disable UNIBUS traps, non-fatal traps
/ 	bit	$2,*$MSCR	/*** if bit 1 didn't set
/ 	bne	1f		/*** then its an 11/44.
/ 	mov	$44.,_cputype	/*** yea !,its an 11/44.
/ 	clr	*$MSCR		/*** clear the mem cont. reg.
/ 1:
/ 	inc	SSR0
/ 	mov	$_etext+100,r2
/ 	mov	$_edata+100,r1
/ 	add	$_etext-8192.,r1
/ 1:
/ 	mov	-(r1),-(sp)
/ 	mtpi	-(r2)
/ 	cmp	r1,$_edata
/ 	bhi	1b
/ 1:
/ 	clr	(r1)+
/ 	cmp	r1,$_end
/ 	blo	1b
/ / use KI escape to set KD7 to IO seg
/ / set KD6 to first available core
/ / If profiling, snag supervisor registers.
/ 	mov	$IO,-(sp)
/ 	mtpi	*$KDSA7
	mov	$_etext-8192.+63.,r2
	ash	$-6,r2
	bic	$!1777,r2
	add	KISA1,r2
	.if	.PROFIL
	mov	r2,SISA2
	mov	r2,_proloc
	mov	$77406,SISD2
	add	$200,r2
	mov	r2,SISA2+2
	mov	$77406,SISD2+2
	add	$200,r2
	mov	r2,KDSA6

/ Turn off write permission on kernel text
/ Take stuff above data out of address space

	mov	$KISD0,r0
	mov	$77402,(r0)+
	cmp	r0,$KISD7
	blos	1b

	mov	$_end+63.,r0
	ash	$-6,r0
	bic	$!1777,r0
	mov	$KDSD0,r1
	cmp	r0,$200
	bge	2f
	dec	r0
	bge	4f
	clr	(r1)
	br	3f
	movb	r0,1(r1)
	br	3f
	movb	$177,1(r1)
	tst	(r1)+
	sub	$200,r0
	cmp	r1,$KDSD5
	blos	1b

/ set up supervisor D registers

	mov	$6,SISD0
	mov	$6,SISD1

/ set up real sp
/ clear user block
/ test for floating point hardware

	mov	$_u+[usize*64.],sp
.if	.fpp
	mov	$1f,nofault
	setd			/ jump to 1f if this traps
	inc	fpp
	mov	$1f,nofault
	tst	UBMR0		/ unibus map present ?
	inc	_ubmaps		/ yes, remember it
	clr	nofault		/ no unibus map
	mov	$_u,r0
	clr	(r0)+
	cmp	r0,sp
	blo	1b
	.if	.PROFIL
	mov	$40000,r0
	mov	$10000,PS	/ prev = super
	clr	-(sp)
	mtpi	(r0)+
	cmp	r0,$100000
	blo	1b
	jsr	pc,_isprof

/ Set up the TS11 interrupt vector
/ (mkconf) sets the TS11 vector to 050.
/ The following code copies the vector
/ from 050 to 0224 if the TS11 is the only
/ tape on the system or to 0260 if there
/ is also a TM11 on the system.
/ If the vector at 260 is used, the code halts.
/ This allows the TS11 and TM11 to coexist
/ on the same system, see the comments in the
/ TS11 driver "/sys/dev/ts.c" for more on this
/ strangeness.

	mov	$50,r0		/ pointer to TS11 vector
	mov	$224,r1		/ pointer to first choice
	tst	2(r0)		/ is TS11 configured ?
	beq	1f		/ no, don't copy vector
	tst	*$226		/ yes, is vector at 224 used (TM11) ?
	beq	2f		/ no, copy vector to 0224
	tst	*$262		/ yes, is vector at 260 used ?
	beq	3f		/ no, copy vector to 0260
	halt			/ yes, something is very wrong - HALT !
	mov	$260,r1		/ pointer to second choice
	mov	(r0)+,(r1)+	/ copy vector address
	mov	(r0)+,(r1)+	/ copy new psw
	clr	-(r0)		/ clear loc 052
	clr	-(r0)		/ clear loc 050
/ load all usused vector locations with the
/ address of the trap handler and
/ trap type 15 to catch stray vectors.

	mov	$40,r0
	tst	(r0)+
	tst	(r0)+
	tst	2(r0)
	bne	2b
	mov	$trap,(r0)+
	mov	$340+15.,(r0)+
	cmp	r0,$1000
	blt	3b

/ set up previous mode and call main
/ on return, enter user mode at 0R

	mov	$30000,PS
	jsr	pc,_main
	mov	$170000,-(sp)
	clr	-(sp)

.globl	_rkboot, _rpboot
	jmp	*$173000

	jmp	*$173006

.globl	trap, call
.globl	_trap

/ all traps and interrupts are
/ vectored thru this routine.

	mov	PS,saveps
	tst	_cdreg		/ do following on 11/45 or 11/70 only !
	beq	1f		/ 11/44 has no PIRQ or display register
	clrb	PIRQ+1		/ clear the programmed interrupt request
				/ register, or else the system will hang
				/ in a for ever loop of PIRQ's if the trap
				/ was a PIRQ (trap type 7).
				/ UNIX does not use the PIRQ register.
	tst	nofault
	bne	1f
	mov	SSR0,ssr
	mov	SSR1,ssr+2
	mov	SSR2,ssr+4
	mov	$1,SSR0
	jsr	r0,call1; jmp _trap
	/ no return
	mov	$1,SSR0
	mov	nofault,(sp)

.globl	_runrun
	mov	saveps,-(sp)
	spl	0
	br	1f

	mov	PS,-(sp)
	mov	r1,-(sp)
	mfpd	sp
	mov	4(sp),-(sp)
	bic	$!37,(sp)
	bit	$30000,PS
	beq	1f
	jsr	pc,(r0)+
	tstb	_runrun
	beq	2f
	mov	$12.,(sp)		/ trap 12 is give up cpu
	jsr	pc,_trap
	tst	(sp)+
	mtpd	sp
	br	2f
	bis	$30000,PS
	jsr	pc,(r0)+
	cmp	(sp)+,(sp)+
	mov	(sp)+,r1
	tst	(sp)+
	mov	(sp)+,r0

.globl	_savfp
.if	.fpp
	tst	fpp
	beq	9f		/ No FP hardware
	mov	2(sp),r1
	stfps	(r1)+
	movf	fr0,(r1)+
	movf	fr1,(r1)+
	movf	fr2,(r1)+
	movf	fr3,(r1)+
	movf	fr4,fr0
	movf	fr0,(r1)+
	movf	fr5,fr0
	movf	fr0,(r1)+
	rts	pc

.globl	_restfp
.if	.fpp
	tst	fpp
	beq	9f
	mov	2(sp),r1
	mov	r1,r0
	add	$8.+2.,r1
	movf	(r1)+,fr1
	movf	(r1)+,fr2
	movf	(r1)+,fr3
	movf	(r1)+,fr0
	movf	fr0,fr4
	movf	(r1)+,fr0
	movf	fr0,fr5
	movf	2(r0),fr0
	ldfps	(r0)
	rts	pc

/ save floating point error registers
/ argument is a pointer to a two-word
/ structure

.globl	_stst
.if	.fpp
	tst	fpp
	beq	9f
	stst	*2(sp)
	rts	pc

.globl	_addupc
	mov	r2,-(sp)
	mov	6(sp),r2	/ base of prof with base,leng,off,scale
	mov	4(sp),r0	/ pc
	sub	4(r2),r0	/ offset
	ror	r0
	mov	6(r2),r1
	ror	r1
	mul	r1,r0		/ scale
	ashc	$-14.,r0
	inc	r1
	bic	$1,r1
	cmp	r1,2(r2)	/ length
	bhis	1f
	add	(r2),r1		/ base
	mov	nofault,-(sp)
	mov	$2f,nofault
	mfpd	(r1)
	add	12.(sp),(sp)
	mtpd	(r1)
	br	3f
	clr	6(r2)
	mov	(sp)+,nofault
	mov	(sp)+,r2
	rts	pc

.globl	_display
/ 	cmp	$44.,_cputype	/*** 11/44 has no display reg.
	tst	_cdreg		/ display register present ?
	beq	2f		/ no
	dec	dispdly		/ yes
	bge	2f
	clr	dispdly
	mov	PS,-(sp)
	mov	$HIPRI,PS
	mov	CSW,r1
	bit	$1,r1
	beq	1f
	bis	$30000,PS
	dec	r1
	jsr	pc,fuword
	mov	r0,CSW
	mov	(sp)+,PS
	cmp	r0,$-1
	bne	2f
	mov	$120.,dispdly		/ 2 sec delay after CSW fault
	rts	pc

.globl	_backup
.globl	_regloc
	mov	2(sp),r0
	movb	ssr+2,r1
	jsr	pc,1f
	movb	ssr+3,r1
	jsr	pc,1f
	movb	_regloc+7,r1
	asl	r1
	add	r0,r1
	mov	ssr+4,(r1)
	clr	r0
	rts	pc
	mov	r1,-(sp)
	asr	(sp)
	asr	(sp)
	asr	(sp)
	bic	$!7,r1
	movb	_regloc(r1),r1
	asl	r1
	add	r0,r1
	sub	(sp)+,(r1)
	rts	pc

.globl	_fubyte, _subyte
.globl	_fuword, _suword
.globl	_fuibyte, _suibyte
.globl	_fuiword, _suiword
	mov	2(sp),r1
	bic	$1,r1
	jsr	pc,giword
	br	2f

	mov	2(sp),r1
	bic	$1,r1
	jsr	pc,gword

	cmp	r1,2(sp)
	beq	1f
	swab	r0
	bic	$!377,r0
	rts	pc

	mov	2(sp),r1
	bic	$1,r1
	jsr	pc,giword
	mov	r0,-(sp)
	cmp	r1,4(sp)
	beq	1f
	movb	6(sp),1(sp)
	br	2f
	movb	6(sp),(sp)
	mov	(sp)+,r0
	jsr	pc,piword
	clr	r0
	rts	pc

	mov	2(sp),r1
	bic	$1,r1
	jsr	pc,gword
	mov	r0,-(sp)
	cmp	r1,4(sp)
	beq	1f
	movb	6(sp),1(sp)
	br	2f
	movb	6(sp),(sp)
	mov	(sp)+,r0
	jsr	pc,pword
	clr	r0
	rts	pc

	mov	2(sp),r1
	jsr	pc,giword
	rts	pc

	mov	2(sp),r1
	jsr	pc,gword
	rts	pc

	mov	PS,-(sp)
	spl	HIGH
	mov	nofault,-(sp)
	mov	$err,nofault
	mfpi	(r1)
	mov	(sp)+,r0
	br	1f

	mov	PS,-(sp)
	spl	HIGH
	mov	nofault,-(sp)
	mov	$err,nofault
	mfpd	(r1)
	mov	(sp)+,r0
	br	1f

	mov	2(sp),r1
	mov	4(sp),r0
	jsr	pc,piword
	rts	pc

	mov	2(sp),r1
	mov	4(sp),r0
	jsr	pc,pword
	rts	pc

	mov	PS,-(sp)
	spl	HIGH
	mov	nofault,-(sp)
	mov	$err,nofault
	mov	r0,-(sp)
	mtpi	(r1)
	br	1f

	mov	PS,-(sp)
	spl	HIGH
	mov	nofault,-(sp)
	mov	$err,nofault
	mov	r0,-(sp)
	mtpd	(r1)
	mov	(sp)+,nofault
	mov	(sp)+,PS
	rts	pc

	mov	(sp)+,nofault
	mov	(sp)+,PS
	tst	(sp)+
	mov	$-1,r0
	rts	pc

.globl	_copyin, _copyout
.globl	_copyiin, _copyiout
	jsr	pc,copsu
	mfpi	(r0)+
	mov	(sp)+,(r1)+
	sob	r2,1b
	br	2f

	jsr	pc,copsu
	mfpd	(r0)+
	mov	(sp)+,(r1)+
	sob	r2,1b
	br	2f

	jsr	pc,copsu
	mov	(r0)+,-(sp)
	mtpi	(r1)+
	sob	r2,1b
	br	2f

	jsr	pc,copsu
	mov	(r0)+,-(sp)
	mtpd	(r1)+
	sob	r2,1b
	mov	(sp)+,nofault
	mov	(sp)+,r2
	clr	r0
	rts	pc

	mov	(sp)+,r0
	mov	r2,-(sp)
	mov	nofault,-(sp)
	mov	r0,-(sp)
	mov	10(sp),r0
	mov	12(sp),r1
	mov	14(sp),r2
	asr	r2
	mov	$1f,nofault
	rts	pc

	mov	(sp)+,nofault
	mov	(sp)+,r2
	mov	$-1,r0
	rts	pc

.globl	_idle, _waitloc
	mov	PS,-(sp)
	spl	0
	mov	(sp)+,PS
	rts	pc


.globl	_save
	mov	(sp)+,r1
	mov	(sp),r0
	mov	r2,(r0)+
	mov	r3,(r0)+
	mov	r4,(r0)+
	mov	r5,(r0)+
	mov	sp,(r0)+
	mov	r1,(r0)+
	clr	r0
	jmp	(r1)

	.globl	_resume
	mov	2(sp),r0		/ new process
	mov	4(sp),r1		/ new stack
	spl	7
	mov	r0,KDSA6		/ In new process
	mov	(r1)+,r2
	mov	(r1)+,r3
	mov	(r1)+,r4
	mov	(r1)+,r5
	mov	(r1)+,sp
	mov	$1,r0
	spl	0
	jmp	*(r1)+

.globl	_spl0, _spl1, _spl4, _spl5, _spl6, _spl7, _splx
	mov	PS,r0
	spl	0
	rts	pc

	mov	PS,r0
	spl	1
	rts	pc

	mov	PS,r0
	spl	4
	rts	pc

	mov	PS,r0
	spl	5
	rts	pc

	mov	PS,r0
	spl	6
	rts	pc

	mov	PS,r0
	spl	HIGH
	rts	pc

	mov	2(sp),PS
	rts	pc

.globl	_copyseg
	mov	PS,-(sp)
	mov	4(sp),SISA0
	mov	6(sp),SISA1
	mov	$10000+HIPRI,PS
	mov	r2,-(sp)
	clr	r0
	mov	$8192.,r1
	mov	$32.,r2
	mfpd	(r0)+
	mtpd	(r1)+
	sob	r2,1b
	mov	(sp)+,r2
	mov	(sp)+,PS
	rts	pc

.globl	_clearseg
	mov	PS,-(sp)
	mov	4(sp),SISA0
	mov	$10000+HIPRI,PS
	clr	r0
	mov	$32.,r1
	clr	-(sp)
	mtpd	(r0)+
	sob	r1,1b
	mov	(sp)+,PS
	rts	pc

/ Long quotient

	.globl	ldiv
	jsr	r5,csv
	mov	10.(r5),r3
	sxt	r4
	bpl	1f
	neg	r3
	cmp	r4,8.(r5)
	bne	hardldiv
	mov	6.(r5),r2
	mov	4.(r5),r1
	bge	1f
	neg	r1
	neg	r2
	sbc	r1
	com	r4
	mov	r4,-(sp)
	clr	r0
	div	r3,r0
	mov	r0,r4		/high quotient
	mov	r1,r0
	mov	r2,r1
	mov	r0,-(sp)	/ *
	div	r3,r0
	bvc	1f
	mov	r2,r1		/ *
	mov	(sp),r0		/ *
	sub	r3,r0		/ this is the clever part
	div	r3,r0
	tst	r1
	sxt	r1
	add	r1,r0		/ cannot overflow!
	tst	(sp)+		/ *
	mov	r0,r1
	mov	r4,r0
	tst	(sp)+
	bpl	9f
	neg	r0
	neg	r1
	sbc	r0
	jmp	cret


/ Long remainder

	.globl	lrem
	jsr	r5,csv
	mov	10.(r5),r3
	sxt	r4
	bpl	1f
	neg	r3
	cmp	r4,8.(r5)
	bne	hardlrem
	mov	6.(r5),r2
	mov	4.(r5),r1
	mov	r1,r4
	bge	1f
	neg	r1
	neg	r2
	sbc	r1
	clr	r0
	div	r3,r0
	mov	r1,r0
	mov	r2,r1
	mov	r0,-(sp)	/ *
	div	r3,r0
	bvc	1f
	mov	r2,r1		/ *
	mov	(sp),r0		/ *
	sub	r3,r0
	div	r3,r0
	tst	r1
	beq	9f
	add	r3,r1
	tst	(sp)+		/ *
	tst	r4
	bpl	9f
	neg	r1
	sxt	r0
	jmp	cret

/ The divisor is known to be >= 2^15.  Only 16 cycles are
/ needed to get a remainder.

/.globl	lmul
/	mov	r2,-(sp)
/	mov	r3,-(sp)
/	mov	8(sp),r2
/	sxt	r1
/	sub	6(sp),r1
/	mov	12.(sp),r0
/	sxt	r3
/	sub	10.(sp),r3
/	mul	r0,r1
/	mul	r2,r3
/	add	r1,r3
/	mul	r2,r0
/	sub	r3,r0
/	mov	(sp)+,r3
/	mov	(sp)+,r2
/	rts	pc

.globl	csv
	mov	r5,r0
	mov	sp,r5
	mov	r4,-(sp)
	mov	r3,-(sp)
	mov	r2,-(sp)
	jsr	pc,(r0)

.globl	cret
	mov	r5,r2
	mov	-(r2),r4
	mov	-(r2),r3
	mov	-(r2),r2
	mov	r5,sp
	mov	(sp)+,r5
	rts	pc

.globl	_u
_u	= 140000
usize	= 16.

CSW	= 177570
PS	= 177776
SSR0	= 177572
SSR1	= 177574
SSR2	= 177576
SSR3	= 172516
PCSR	= 172100
KISA0	= 172340
KISA1	= 172342
KISA7	= 172356
KISD0	= 172300
KISD7	= 172316
KDSA0	= 172360
KDSA6	= 172374
KDSA7	= 172376
KDSD0	= 172320
KDSD5	= 172332
SISA0	= 172240
SISA1	= 172242
SISA2	= 172244
SISD0	= 172200
SISD1	= 172202
SISD2	= 172204
MSCR	= 177746	/ 11/70 memory control register
			/ 11/44 cache control register
UBMR0	= 170200	/ unibus map reg. base address
PIRQ	= 177772	/ programmed interrupt request register

IO	= 177600
SWR	= 177570
.globl	_ka6
.globl _sepid, _ubmaps, _cdreg, _nmser
.globl _rh70hs, _rh70ml, _rh70hp, _rh70ht, _rh70hm

_ka6:	KDSA6

/ The following seven parameters describe the
/ hardware features available on this CPU.

_sepid:	1	/ seperate I & D space
		/ always one in mch_id.s

_ubmaps: 0	/ unibus map
		/ set at startup time

_rh70hs: 0	/ hs - massbus controller type
_rh70ml: 0	/ ml - "	"	"
_rh70hp: 0	/ hp - "	"	"
_rh70hm: 0	/ hm - "	"	"
_rh70ht: 0	/ ht - "	"	"
		/ checked in main.c (binit())

_nmser: 0	/ number of memory system error registers
		/ set up at startup time

_cdreg: 1	/ console display register
		/ set up at startup time
stk:	0

/ The following TS11 command and message buffers,
/ must be in initialized data space instead of
/ bss space. This allows them to be mapped by the
/ first M/M mapping register, which is the only one
/ used durring a core dump.

tsxma:	0	/ts11 extended memory address bits
setmap:	0	/UB map usage indicator
tstcc:	0	/ts11 temp location for TCC
comts:		/ts11 command packet
chrts:		/ts11 characteristics
mests:		/ts11 message buffer

.if	.fpp
fpp:	.=.+2
ssr:	.=.+6
saveps:	.=.+2

/ system profiler
/  Expects to have a KW11-P in addition to the line-frequency
/  clock, and it should be set to BR7.
/  Uses supervisor I space register 2&3 (40000-100000)
/  to maintain the profile.

	.if	.PROFIL
CCSB	= 172542
CCSR	= 172540

.globl	_sprof, _xprobuf, _probsiz, _mode
_probsiz = 37777

	mov	$1f,nofault
	mov	$_sprof,104	/ interrupt
	mov	$340,106	/ pri
	mov	$100.,CCSB	/ count set = 100
	mov	$113,CCSR	/ count down, 10kHz, repeat
	clr	nofault
	rts	pc

	mov	r0,-(sp)
	mov	PS,r0
	ash	$-10.,r0
	bic	$!14,r0
	add	$1,_mode+2(r0)
	adc	_mode(r0)
	cmp	r0,$14		/ user
	beq	done
	mov	2(sp),r0	/ pc
	asr	r0
	asr	r0
	bic	$140001,r0
	cmp	r0,$_probsiz
	blo	1f
	inc	_outside
	br	done
	mov	$10340,PS		/ prev = super
	mfpi	40000(r0)
	inc	(sp)
	mtpi	40000(r0)
	bne	done
	mov	r1,-(sp)
	mov	$_xprobuf,r1
	cmp	(r1)+,r0
	bne	3f
	inc	(r1)
	br	4f
	tst	(r1)+
	bne	2b
	sub	$4,r1
	mov	r0,(r1)+
	mov	$1,(r1)+
	mov	(sp)+,r1
	mov	(sp)+,r0
	mov	$113,CCSR

/ count subroutine calls during profiling
/  of the system.

.globl	mcount, _profcnts, _profsize


.globl countbase

	mov	(r0),r1
	bne	1f
	mov	countbase,r1
	beq	2f
	add	$6,countbase
	cmp	countbase,$_profcnts+[6*340.]
	blo	3f
	clr	countbase
	rts	pc
	mov	(sp),(r1)+
	mov	r1,(r0)
	inc	2(r1)
	bne	2f
	inc	(r1)
	rts	pc

_mode:	.=.+16.
_outside: .=.+2
