

view2d -Tc:
  -B   use blue background
  -SF  download one frame at a time  (hence, arbitrarily long movies)
       GO? s   snaps camera
       GO? 4   skips 4 frames forward;  default=1
  -SMn like -SF, but "snap n" after each frame
  -SA  "autopilot"  like -SF, but keeps going
  -b   don't show blank frame
  -mf file   color map is taken from file, which has n lines (where n is
       the number of colors, specified by -cn).  Each line has three integers
       from 0 to 255 for red, green, and blue.
       For a sample program, see /n/bowell/src/cmd/view2d/makemap.c.
  -mg  use grey rather than color
  -mr  use red to blue, omitting green
  -v   verbose
  -vc    print colors
  -w   warmstart
  -D   debugging   (don't write on /dev/cv0)

view2d -Tp:
   -clx,x,x,x  sets contour levels at x, x, x, and x.   up to 8 levels allowed.

view2d -Th  produces a halftone image on the 202
      regrid -nNX,NY ... | view2d -Th | panther /usr/ehg/bin/half NX NY
  Panther half takes NX=NY=300 by default.
  The default number of levels is 10, but can be changed by view2d -cN.

   reads triangle formats and converts to grids

antial -c20 | level -ma    produces antialiased movies

. commands .

flood r g b          fill screen.  0 <= r,g,b <= 255
snap n   take n exposures of what is currently on the display  (default n=1)
xhair    interactive pan and zoom.   Type ? for help.
view2d, regrid, vdata    {see man pages}

. titles .
view2d -vc ... 2>movie.color
title movie.color movie.text >t
flood; dcv -r t

. making slides .

  mount the Contax 35mm camera on the Dunn using two bolts, hand tight
  plug in the cord from the Contax to the Dunn
  wiggle stretch cord where it plugs into Contax; this is flaky!
  set switch G to 1 on the logic board inside the Dunn on the right side
     (unlock the panel by giving a quarter-turn to a screw, reaching
     through from the left hand side of the Dunn.)
POWER   on the Dunn
  reset exposure counter
  set aperture to f/5.6 for Ektachrome ASA 100 film
FOCUS mode
EXPOSE      hit again when it times out
display typical image
adjust camera lens focus
    slide eyepiece into viewing position if necessary
if necessary, adjust VERT and HORIZ POS knobs inside the Dunn cabinet
     There is a lock tab on the side of the knob.
slide eyepiece out of the way
open camera back by pulling on rewind lever
load film an inch onto sprocket and takeup spool
   see the refrigerator or Theo's "Princeton" drawer
close back
film advance indicator should be at S
set motor drive to C
advance film until indicator is 1
set shutter speed to B at rewind knob

view2d -Sf ...
   answer s for those frames you want slides of
   answer 6 to skip forward six frames

  12-exp Polaroid cassette allows 13 or 14 exposures
  momentarily press R level on drive
  rewind manually

Photo Express Ltd at the Short Hills Mall (near Altmans)
  will develop Ektachrome in one hour, for $8.95/36exp


. making movies .

Prepare an outline and makefile as in /n/swift/usr/ehg/cur/view2d/sample.make.
Movies are projected at 24 frames/second; there are 40 frames/foot-of-film;
a standard film roll is 100 feet.

regrid your data files to the desired number of frames

Making a movie ties up the display for a long time;  check with
ehg to make sure you're not getting in somebody's way.

We currently use 7247 or 7291 film.  (The two emulsions are similar, and
  can be processed together.)  Often there will be film already in
  the Bolex animation camera.
Mount bracket using the same two bolts from the Contax camera bracket.
  (Never remove the brackets from the cameras!)
  The necessary 3/16" allen wrench is in the plastic Bolex bag; if it
  is gone, check Joe's drawer in the network lab.
  The high part of the bracket should be towards the rear of the Dunn.
Plug in the cord from the Bolex to the Dunn.
Set switch G on the logic board inside the panel on the right side.

set f/4; adjust baffle
In dim light (since the film spool is not sealed!), open Bolex case.
Focus using prism held in focal plane
  hit expose button, switch on motor, and focus   (about .32 ft)
   as necessary, turn off motor, then repeat.
  verify that film advance and shutter are working correctly
  (to reset phase of shutter, use needle-nose pliars on drive shaft)
  An eye loupe is in the plastic camera bag.
Stash prism and loupe; reinstall pressure plate.  Do not lose these small parts!
To thread film:
   Be sure that the film winds off the spool as indicated by the arrows.
   "squeeze things together" says Lynn
   turn on motor to verify that film is advancing properly
   replace cover
set two buttons to "normal", hit reset
advance 5 feet using switch on motor drive
  (film footage indicator moves from "ft" to "0")
  may have to hit RESET occasionally as camera self-triggers
hit reset
nohup make&
cut film and send to TVC Labs
     TVC Labs
     311 W. 43rd St
     New York  NY  10036
The running purchase order number is 164-802.  Send the invoice to Chris.
Enclose a letter with the negative asking "develop using normal processing and
make a dailies print; return by first class mail the negative, print, spool,
and can to ..."    Your home address is probably faster than the Labs mailroom.
When the print returns, use a split reel and moviola in Lillian's office
to transfer to a normal reel.  16mm projectors are available from CIB x2122.

artistic suggestions from Lillian:
snap 2 is ok;  snap 3 gives noticeable jerkiness
fade up title in about 8 to 16 frames
leave 85 frames for the first line of text, less for extra lines


4x5 Polacolor
  set f/4
  load on L
  pull for processing on P
     wait 2 min for developing


* frame buffer *     swift  /dev/cv0

  Raster Technologies Model One/20  controller
    512 * 512 * 3 * 8-bit image planes
    3 * 256 * 8 color lookup tables
    RS170 RGB output
    DMA interface
  Hitachi monitor
  Dunn camera


coordinate system:
  lower left of screen = (0,0),  upper right = (511,511)

cvinit(1);     at start of each program.      0 for warm start.

cvflush();   flush i/o buffer.

image(data,x0,y0,x1,y1,bank)  write 8-bit image
  data   char[x1-x0+1][y1-y0+1]
    stored as if a Fortran array with d(i,j) at x=i, y=j,
       (scan rows left to right, starting with bottom row)
    maximum image size is 128^2.
  x0,y0,x1,y1  coordinates of lower left and upper right of window
  bank  3-bit value  (red,green,blue)  indicating banks to be written

lutrte(bank)  set which bank drives the display
  bank  0x0   each bank indexes its own color table
        0x7E  red drives all
        0x75  green drives all
        0x53  blue drives all

  char *map;   /* string describing kind of map */
  int maxi;    /* indices from 0 through maxi */
  int zero;    /* currently unused */
 map=ffile   read triples from file
     r       blue-to-red  (for 8 bit in; gamma corrected)
     s       spectrum     (for 8 bit in; gamma corrected)
     n       normal map (for 24 bin in; not gamma corrected)
     g       normal map (for 24 bin in; gamma corrected)

cvload(n,x,y);   load coordinate register n.     0<=n<=63
   creg 4  coordinates of center of screen    (useful for panning)
  fact = 1, 2, 4, or 8    (to see 512, 256, 128, or 64 -size images)

cvvalue(r,g,b)    set current color

cvflood()     erase screen