
This Eighth Edition manual describes the lineal descendant
of the original operating system pioneered by
Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie
in the Computing Science Research Center at
AT&T Bell Laboratories.
It is an experimental system, not a commercial prototype,
which incorporates facilities from the Seventh Edition, 
System V, and Berkeley BSD 4.1.
The distinctive theme of the Eighth Edition is distributed computing:
Ritchie's coroutine-based stream IO system 
and the Datakit\u\fH\s-2TM\s0\fP\d
virtual circuit switch
realization by Lee McMahon and Bill Marshall
provide the basis for networking, Peter Weinberger's
remote file systems make it painless, and Rob Pike's
software for the Teletype 5620 moves system action right out
to the terminal.
These facilities have spurred a host of programs for remote
information services, interactive
graphics, debugging, and simple fun.
Many other people have contributed significantly, including, but not limited to
L. Cardelli,
T. A. Cargill,
L. L. Cherry,
R. J. Elliot,
S. I. Feldman,
F. T. Grampp,
A. G. Hume,
B. W. Kernighan,
T. Killian,
A. R. Koenig,
M. E. Lesk,
J. P. Linderman,
B. N. Locanthi,
M. S. Manasse,
R. T. Morris,
T. Pavlidis,
D. L. Presotto,
J. D. Reiser,
M. J. Shannon,
B. Stroustrup,
N. Wilson.
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M. D. McIlroy
February, 1985
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