
From bin Thu Aug  8 15:16 EDT 1985
Date: Next week
From: The Tty of v8generic!bin
Apparently-From: , Esquire, and Sons
Position: Short square leg
Salary: on commission
His-Drink: Tequilla Sunrise
Shoe-Size: 11D
Subject: Goddam Berkeley Subject: line
Via: several ARPANET discussion groups
Via: UCBVAX.@MIT-MC.@udel-relay.ARPA.chris.umcp-cs@UDEL-Relay
Date: As above, or N/A
Message-Id: 2898613245017960821803090202995773730920027266274015041
Status: R
Terminal: jerq
Date: Thu Aug  8 15:16:08 EDT 1985
Sccs-Id: 4.15	81/05/03
Weather: Heavy breathing
Forecast: Tomorrow, hurricane warning in the Upper Volta region
To: all uninterested parties
Cc: research!ucbvax!mrose%NRTC.#USCnet@USC-ECL.ARPA
Authentic-Sender: cbosgd!rob
Comment: :


From bin Thu Aug  8 15:17 EDT 1985
Date: Next week
From: The Tty of v8generic!bin
Apparently-From: , Esquire, and Sons
Position: Factotum
Salary: yearly
His-Drink: Chocolate
Shoe-Size: left 6, right 9
Subject: The following note may have some interest
Via: several ARPANET discussion groups
Via: alice!npoiv!npois!cbosgd!mhuxj!mhuxt!eagle!harpo!duke!decvax!utzoo!utcsrgv
Date: As above, or N/A
Message-Id: 2898623245017960821803090302995373730920027266274015041
Status: R
Terminal: jerq
Date: Thu Aug  8 15:17:10 EDT 1985
Sccs-Id: 4.10	81/04/24
Weather: Oppressive
Forecast: Tomorrow, rain, turning to cats and dogs towards evening
To: sender; eat upon receipt
Cc: -n -o junk junk.c
Authentic-Sender: cbosgd!root
Comment: Sender Address Incorrect -- Please contact NIC
