
Compare this file to the similar file:
Show the results in this format:

#include <stdio.h>
 *	PR command (print files in pages and columns, with headings)
 *	2+head+2+page[56]+5

#define ESC	'\033'
#define LENGTH	66
#define LINEW	72
#define NUMW	5
#define MARGIN	10
#define DEFTAB	8

FILE *fopen(), *mustopen();
char nulls[] = "";
typedef struct { FILE *f_f; char *f_name; int f_nextc; } FILS;
FILS *Files;
int Multi = 0, Nfiles = 0, Error = 0, Balance = 0, onintr();

#include <signal.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
typedef char CHAR;
typedef int ANY;
typedef unsigned UNS;
#define NFILES	10
int Mode;
char *ttyname(), *Ttyout, obuf[BUFSIZ];
#define istty(F)	ttyname(fileno(F))
fixtty(argc, argv) char **argv;
	struct stat sbuf;

	setbuf(stdout, obuf);
	if (signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) signal(SIGINT, onintr);
	if (Ttyout= istty(stdout)) {
		stat(Ttyout, &sbuf);
		Mode = sbuf.st_mode&0777;
		chmod(Ttyout, 0600);
	return (argc);

#define done()	if (Ttyout) chmod(Ttyout, Mode)
#define INTREXIT	_exit
char *GETDATE() /* return date file was last modified */
	char *ctime();
	static char *now = NULL;
	static struct stat sbuf, nbuf;

	if (Nfiles > 1 || Files->f_name == nulls) {
		if (now == NULL)
			{ time(&nbuf.st_mtime); now = ctime(&nbuf.st_mtime); }
		return (now);
	} else {
		stat(Files->f_name, &sbuf);
		return (ctime(&sbuf.st_mtime));

#define CADDID()
#define HEAD	"%12.12s %4.4s  %s Page %d\n\n\n", date+4, date+20, head, Page
#define TOLOWER(c)	(isupper(c) ? tolower(c) : c)	/* ouch! */
#define cerror(S)	fprintf(stderr, "pr: %s", S)

char *ffiler(s) char *s;
	static char buf[100];

	sprintf(buf, "can't open %s", s);
	return (buf);

#define STDINNAME()	nulls
#define TTY	"/dev/tty", "r"
#define PROMPT()	putc('\7', stderr) /* BEL */
#define TABS(N,C)	if ((N = intopt(argv, &C)) < 0) N = DEFTAB
#define INSTABS()	if (Itabn == 0 && Ttyout) Itabn = DEFTAB
#define ETABS	(Inpos % Etabn)
#define ITABS	(Itabn > 0 && Nspace >= (nc = Itabn - Outpos % Itabn))
#define NSEPC	'\t'

ANY *getspace();

main(argc, argv) char *argv[];
	int nfdone = 0;

	Files = fstr;
	for (argc = findopt(argc, argv); argc > 0; --argc, ++argv)
		if (Multi == 'm') {
			if (Nfiles >= NFILES - 1) die("too many files");
			if (mustopen(*argv, &Files[Nfiles++]) == NULL)
				++nfdone; /* suppress printing */
		} else {
			if (print(*argv))
	if (!nfdone) /* no files named, use stdin */
		print(nulls); /* on GCOS, use current file, if any */
	errprint(); /* print accumulated error reports */

long Lnumb = 0;
FILE *Ttyin = stdin;
int Dblspace = 1, Fpage = 1, Formfeed = 0,
	Length = LENGTH, Linew = 0, Offset = 0, Ncols = 1, Pause = 0, Sepc = 0,
	Colw, Plength, Margin = MARGIN, Numw, Nsepc = NSEPC, Report = 1,
	Etabn = 0, Etabc = '\t', Itabn = 0, Itabc = '\t';
char *Head = NULL;
CHAR *Buffer = NULL, *Bufend;
typedef struct { CHAR *c_ptr, *c_ptr0; long c_lno; } *COLP;
COLP Colpts;

findopt(argc, argv) char *argv[];
	char **eargv = argv;
	int eargc = 0, c;

	argc = fixtty(argc, argv);
	while (--argc > 0) {
		switch (c = **++argv) {
		case '-':
			if ((c = *++*argv) == '\0') break;
		case '+':
			do {
				if (isdigit(c))
					{ --*argv; Ncols = atoix(argv); }
				else switch (c = TOLOWER(c)) {
				case '+': if ((Fpage = atoix(argv)) < 1)
						Fpage = 1;
				case 'd': Dblspace = 2; continue;
				case 'e': TABS(Etabn, Etabc); continue;
				case 'f': ++Formfeed; continue;
				case 'h': if (--argc > 0) Head = argv[1];
				case 'i': TABS(Itabn, Itabc); continue;
				case 'l': Length = atoix(argv); continue;
				case 'a':
				case 'm': Multi = c; continue;
				case 'o': Offset = atoix(argv); continue;
				case 'p': ++Pause; continue;
				case 'r': Report = 0; continue;
				case 's':
					if ((Sepc = (*argv)[1]) != '\0') ++*argv;
					else Sepc = '\t';
				case 't': Margin = 0; continue;
				case 'w': Linew = atoix(argv); continue;
				case 'n':
				case 'x': /* retained for historical reasons */
					if ((Numw = intopt(argv, &Nsepc)) <= 0)
						Numw = NUMW;
				case 'b': Balance = 1; continue;
				case 'q': /* retained for historical reasons */
				case 'j': /* ignore GCOS jprint option */
				default : die("bad option");
			} while ((c = *++*argv) != '\0');
			if (Head == argv[1]) ++argv;
		*eargv++ = *argv;
	if (Length == 0) Length = LENGTH;
	if (Length <= Margin) Margin = 0;
	Plength = Length - Margin/2;
	if (Multi == 'm') Ncols = eargc;
	switch (Ncols) {
	case 0:
		Ncols = 1;
	case 1:
		if (Etabn == 0) /* respect explicit tab specification */
			Etabn = DEFTAB;
	if (Linew == 0) Linew = Ncols != 1 && Sepc == 0 ? LINEW : 512;
	if (Lnumb) Linew -= Multi == 'm' ? Numw : Numw * Ncols;
	if ((Colw = (Linew - Ncols + 1)/Ncols) < 1)
		die("width too small");
	if (Ncols != 1 && Multi == 0) {
		UNS buflen = ((UNS)(Plength/Dblspace + 1))*(Linew+1)*sizeof(CHAR);
		Buffer = (CHAR *)getspace(buflen);
		Bufend = &Buffer[buflen];
		Colpts = (COLP)getspace((UNS)((Ncols+1)*sizeof(*Colpts)));
	if (Ttyout && (Pause || Formfeed) && !istty(stdin))
		Ttyin = fopen(TTY);
	return (eargc);

intopt(argv, optp) char *argv[]; int *optp;
	int c;

	if ((c = (*argv)[1]) != '\0' && !isdigit(c)) { *optp = c; ++*argv; }
	return ((c = atoix(argv)) != 0 ? c : -1);

int Page, C = '\0', Nspace, Inpos;

print(name) char *name;
	static int notfirst = 0;
	char *date = NULL, *head = NULL;
	int c;

	if (Multi != 'm' && mustopen(name, &Files[0]) == NULL) return (0);
	if (Buffer) ungetc(Files->f_nextc, Files->f_f);
	if (Lnumb) Lnumb = 1;
	for (Page = 0; ; putpage()) {
		if (C == EOF) break;
		if (Buffer) nexbuf();
		Inpos = 0;
		if (get(0) == EOF) break;
		if (++Page >= Fpage) {
			if (Ttyout && (Pause || Formfeed && !notfirst++)) {
				PROMPT(); /* prompt with bell and pause */
				while ((c = getc(Ttyin)) != EOF && c != '\n') ;
			if (Margin == 0) continue;
			if (date == NULL) date = GETDATE();
			if (head == NULL) head = Head != NULL ? Head :
				Nfiles < 2 ? Files->f_name : nulls;
			Nspace = Offset;
	C = '\0';
	return (1);

int Outpos, Lcolpos, Pcolpos, Line;

	register int colno;

	for (Line = Margin/2; ; get(0)) {
		for (Nspace = Offset, colno = 0, Outpos = 0; C != '\f'; ) {
			if (Lnumb && C != EOF && (colno == 0 || Multi == 'a')) {
				if (Page >= Fpage) {
					printf("%*ld", Numw, Buffer ?
						Colpts[colno].c_lno++ : Lnumb);
					Outpos += Numw;
			for (Lcolpos = 0, Pcolpos = 0;
				C != '\n' && C != '\f' && C != EOF; get(colno))
			if (C == EOF || ++colno == Ncols ||
				C == '\n' && get(colno) == EOF) break;
			if (Sepc) put(Sepc);
			else if ((Nspace += Colw - Lcolpos + 1) < 1) Nspace = 1;
		if (C == EOF) {
			if (Margin != 0) break;
			if (colno != 0) put('\n');
		if (C == EOF && colno == 0) {
			if (Margin != 0) break;
		if (C == '\f') break;
		if (Dblspace == 2 && Line < Plength) put('\n');
		if (Line >= Plength) break;
	if (Formfeed) put('\f');
	else while (Line < Length) put('\n');

	register CHAR *s = Buffer;
	register COLP p = Colpts;
	int j, c, bline = 0;

	for ( ; ; ) {
		p->c_ptr0 = p->c_ptr = s;
		if (p == &Colpts[Ncols]) return;
		(p++)->c_lno = Lnumb + bline;
		for (j = (Length - Margin)/Dblspace; --j >= 0; ++bline)
			for (Inpos = 0; ; ) {
				if ((c = getc(Files->f_f)) == EOF) {
					for (*s = EOF; p <= &Colpts[Ncols]; ++p)
						p->c_ptr0 = p->c_ptr = s;
					if (Balance)
				if (isprint(c)) ++Inpos;
				if (Inpos <= Colw || c == '\n') {
					*s = c;
					if (++s >= Bufend)
						die("page-buffer overflow");
				if (c == '\n') break;
				switch (c) {
				case '\b': if (Inpos == 0) --s;
				case ESC:  if (Inpos > 0) --Inpos;

balance(bline) /* line balancing for last page */
	register CHAR *s = Buffer;
	register COLP p = Colpts;
	int colno = 0, j, c, l;

	c = bline % Ncols;
	l = (bline + Ncols - 1)/Ncols;
	bline = 0;
	do {
		for (j = 0; j < l; ++j)
			while (*s++ != '\n') ;
		(++p)->c_lno = Lnumb + (bline += l);
		p->c_ptr0 = p->c_ptr = s;
		if (++colno == c) --l;
	} while (colno < Ncols - 1);

	static int peekc = 0;
	register COLP p;
	register FILS *q;
	register int c;

	if (peekc)
		{ peekc = 0; c = Etabc; }
	else if (Buffer) {
		p = &Colpts[colno];
		if (p->c_ptr >= (p+1)->c_ptr0) c = EOF;
		else if ((c = *p->c_ptr) != EOF) ++p->c_ptr;
	} else if ((c = 
		(q = &Files[Multi == 'a' ? 0 : colno])->f_nextc) == EOF) {
		for (q = &Files[Nfiles]; --q >= Files && q->f_nextc == EOF; ) ;
		if (q >= Files) c = '\n';
	} else
		q->f_nextc = getc(q->f_f);
	if (Etabn != 0 && c == Etabc) {
		peekc = ETABS;
		c = ' ';
	} else if (isprint(c))
		switch (c) {
		case '\b':
		case ESC:
			if (Inpos > 0) --Inpos;
		case '\f':
			if (Ncols == 1) break;
			c = '\n';
		case '\n':
		case '\r':
			Inpos = 0;
	return (C = c);

	int move;

	switch (c) {
	case ' ':
		++Nspace; ++Lcolpos; return;
	case '\b':
		if (Lcolpos == 0) return;
		if (Nspace > 0) { --Nspace; --Lcolpos; return; }
		if (Lcolpos > Pcolpos) { --Lcolpos; return; }
	case ESC:
		move = -1;
	case '\n':
	case '\r':
	case '\f':
		Pcolpos = 0; Lcolpos = 0; Nspace = 0; Outpos = 0;
		move = (isprint(c) != 0);
	if (Page < Fpage) return;
	if (Lcolpos > 0 || move > 0) Lcolpos += move;
	if (Lcolpos <= Colw) {
		Pcolpos = Lcolpos;
		Outpos += move;

	int nc;

	for ( ; Nspace > 0; Outpos += nc, Nspace -= nc)
		if (ITABS)
		else {
			nc = 1;
			putchar(' ');

atoix(p) register char **p;
	register int n = 0, c;

	while (isdigit(c = *++*p)) n = 10*n + c - '0';
	return (n);

/* Defer message about failure to open file to prevent messing up
   alignment of page with tear perforations or form markers.
   Treat empty file as special case and report as diagnostic.
#define EMPTY	14	/* length of " -- empty file" */
typedef struct err { struct err *e_nextp; char *e_mess; } ERR;
ERR *Err = NULL, *Lasterr = (ERR *)&Err;

FILE *mustopen(s, f) char *s; register FILS *f;
	if (*s == '\0') {
		f->f_name = STDINNAME();
		f->f_f = stdin;
	} else if ((f->f_f = fopen(f->f_name = s, "r")) == NULL) {
		char *strcpy();
		s = ffiler(f->f_name);
		s = strcpy((char *)getspace((UNS)(strlen(s) + 1)), s);
	if (f->f_f != NULL) {
		if ((f->f_nextc = getc(f->f_f)) != EOF || Multi == 'm')
			return (f->f_f);
		sprintf(s = (char *)getspace((UNS)(strlen(f->f_name) + 1 + EMPTY)),
			"%s -- empty file", f->f_name);
	Error = 1;
	if (Report)
		if (Ttyout) { /* accumulate error reports */
			Lasterr = Lasterr->e_nextp = (ERR *)getspace((UNS)sizeof(ERR));
			Lasterr->e_nextp = NULL;
			Lasterr->e_mess = s;
		} else { /* ok to print error report now */
			putc('\n', stderr);
	return ((FILE *)NULL);

ANY *getspace(n) UNS n;
	ANY *t;

	if ((t = (ANY *)malloc(n)) == NULL) die("out of space");
	return (t);

die(s) char *s;
	putc('\n', stderr);


errprint() /* print accumulated error reports */
	for ( ; Err != NULL; Err = Err->e_nextp) {
		putc('\n', stderr);