
/* @(#) defs: 1.3 3/17/84				*/

/*      machine dependent include file for IS25 */

# include <ctype.h>

#define IMPREGAL
/*	#define IMPSCRATCH 		*/
#define IMPLLSW
#define IMPTRIAD
#define IMPIL

#define LABEL	3
#define HLABEL	4
#define JMP	5
#define RET	6
#define SWITCH	7
#define SWITCHT	8
#define CALL	9
#define JSB	10
#define JZ	11
#define JNZ	12
#define JPOS	13
#define JNPOS	14
#define JNEG	15
#define JNNEG	16
#define JE	17
#define JNE	18
#define JL	19
#define JLE	20
#define JG	21
#define JGE	22
#define JLU	23
#define JLEU	24
#define JGU	25
#define JGEU	26
#define JBC	27
#define JBS	28
#define CMPB	29
#define CMPH	30
#define CMPW	31
#define BITW	32
#define MCOMB	33
#define MCOMH	34
#define MCOMW	35
#define MOVZBH	36
#define MOVZBW	37
#define MOVZHW	38
#define MOVAB	39
#define MOVAH	40
#define MOVAW	41
#define ANDB2	42
#define ANDH2	43
#define ANDW2	44
#define ANDB3	45
#define ANDH3	46
#define ANDW3	47
#define ORB2	48
#define ORH2	49
#define ORW2	50
#define ORB3	51
#define ORH3	52
#define ORW3	53
#define XORB2	54
#define XORH2	55
#define XORW2	56
#define XORB3	57
#define XORH3	58
#define XORW3	59
#define LLSW2	60
#define LLSW3	61
#define LRSW2	62
#define LRSW3	63
#define MOVB	64
#define MOVH	65
#define MOVW	66
#define MOVBBH	67
#define MOVBBW	68
#define MOVBHW	69
#define MOVTHB	70
#define MOVTWB	71
#define MOVTWH	72
#define MNEGB	73
#define MNEGH	74
#define MNEGW	75
#define ADDB2	76
#define ADDH2	77
#define ADDW2	78
#define ADDB3	79
#define ADDH3	80
#define ADDW3	81
#define SUBB2	82
#define SUBH2	83
#define SUBW2	84
#define SUBB3	85
#define SUBH3	86
#define SUBW3	87
#define MULW2	88
#define MULW3	89
#define DIVW2	90
#define DIVW3	91
#define MODW2	92
#define MODW3	93
#define ALSW2	94
#define ALSW3	95
#define ARSW2	96
#define ARSW3	97
#define UMULW2	98			/* unsigned ops set different result
					** indicators from other arith. ops.
#define UMULW3	99
#define UDIVW2	100
#define UDIVW3	101
#define UMODW2	102
#define UMODW3	103
#define INSV	104
#define EXTZV	105
#define MOVBLB	106
#define MOVBLH	107
#define MOVBLW	108
#define INCTST	109
#define INCPTH	110
#define INCPTW	111
#define DECPTH	112
#define DECPTW	113
#define ACJL	114
#define ACJLU	115
#define ACJLE	116
#define ACJLEU	117
#define ATJNZB	118
#define ATJNZH	119
#define ATJNZW	120
#define OTHER	121
#define PUSHAW	122
#define PUSHW	123
#define FADDD2	124
#define FADDD3	125
#define FADDS2	126
#define FADDS3	127
#define FSUBD2	128
#define FSUBD3	129
#define FSUBS2	130
#define FSUBS3	131
#define FMULD2	132
#define FMULD3	133
#define FMULS2	134
#define FMULS3	135
#define FDIVD2	136
#define FDIVD3	137
#define FDIVS2	138
#define FDIVS3	139
#define FCMPD	140
#define MOVTDW	141
#define MOVWD	142
#define MOVTSW	143
#define MOVWS	144
#define MOVDS	145
#define MOVSD	146
#define MOVDW	147
#define MOVSW	148
#define MOVDD	149
#define MOVD	150
#define PUSHD	151
#define SAVE	152
#define PUSHZB	153
#define PUSHZH	154
#define PUSHBB	155
#define PUSHBH	156

/* pseudo ops */

# define numpops	12

# define ALIGN	1
# define BSS	2
# define BYTE	3
# define DATA	4
# define DEF	5
# define FIL	6
# define GLOBL	7
# define LN	8
# define SET	9
# define TEXT	10
# define TV	11
# define WORD	12
# define POTHER	0

/* begin comment character */

# define CC '#'

/* predicates and functions */

# define islabel(p) (p != NULL && (p->op == LABEL || p->op == HLABEL))
# define ishl(p) (p->opcode[0] != '.' || p->op == HLABEL)
# define isuncbr(p) (JMP <= p->op && p->op <= SWITCHT)
# define iscbr(p) (p->op >= JZ && p->op <= JGEU)
# define isbr(p) (p->op >= JMP && p->op <= JBS && p->op != CALL)
# ifdef N3B
# define ishb(p) (p->op == RET)
# else
# define ishb(p) (0)
# endif
# define isrev(p) (p->op >= JZ && p->op <= JBS)
# define isret(p) (p->op == RET)
# define iscompare(p) (p->op == CMPW || p->op == CMPB || p->op == CMPH)
# define setlab(p) (p->op = LABEL)
# define setbr(p,l) {p->op = JMP; p->opcode = "jmp"; p->op1 = l;}
# define bboptim(f,l) 0
# define mvlivecc(p) (p->back->nlive = (p->back->nlive & ~CONCODES) | (p->nlive & CONCODES))
# define swplivecc(p,q) { int x; x=(p->nlive & CONCODES); mvlivecc(q); q->nlive = (q->nlive & ~CONCODES) | x; }

/* maximum number of operands */

# define MAXOPS 4

/* register usages */

# define REGS 0x1fff	/* bit 12 used for condition code analysis */
# define RETREG 0x0003
# define LIVEREGS 0x0e00

/* condition codes */

# define CONCODES 0x1000
# define isdeadcc(p) ((p->nlive & CONCODES) == 0)

/* options */

# define COMTAIL
# define LIVEDEAD
# define PEEPHOLE

/* line number stuff */

# define IDTYPE int
# define IDVAL 0

/* table sizes */

/* maximum number of labels referenced in a function,
   must be relatively prime to 5 */
# ifdef AR16WR
# define NUMLBLS 513
# else
# define NUMLBLS 917
# endif
/* maximum allocatable space (in shorts) */
# ifdef AR16WR
# define SPACE 19450
# else
# define SPACE 150000
# endif

/* The symbol UCODE50 is defined for 3B20's (only) when they are
** known to have the UNIX 5.0 microcode.  

#ifndef UCODE50			/* allow local definition */
#if defined(U3B) || defined(N3B)
#define UCODE50			/* turn on special instructions */
#endif	/* def U3B */
#endif	/* ndef UCODE50 */

/* There is an optimization in w2opt.c which removes certain "cmpw"
** instructions that follow a "call".  This option requires that
** C-callable assembly language routines that return values must
** set the result indicators according to the value of the returned
** result.  This improvement should only be turned on for systems
** which will adhere to that convention.

#ifndef	CALLCMPW		/* allow local definition */
#if defined(U3B)		/* presently enabled for 3B20S UNIX */
#define CALLCMPW		/* enable removal of extra "cmpw" */
#endif	/* defined ... */
#endif	/* ndef CALLCMPW */

#define spflg(i) ( (i) == 'y' )	/* indicate y flag has suboptions */