
Compare this file to the similar file:
Show the results in this format:

/*	static char  ID[] = "@(#) optim.c: 1.19 3/2/84";	*/

/*	machine independent improvement routines */

#include "optim.h"

/* unit of allocatable space (in char *'s) */
#ifndef NSPACE
#define NSPACE	1024

/* maximum number of labels referenced in a function */
#ifndef NUMLBLS
#define NUMLBLS	513
#define H_INCR	5
#define N_LBLS	(NUMLBLS / H_INCR * H_INCR + 1)

/* what to do if no input file specified */
#ifndef NOFILE
#define NOFILE()	/* by default, use stdin */

/* what to report if file-opening fails */
#ifndef FFILER
#define FFILER(S)	"can't open %s\n"

/* block of text */

typedef struct block {
	struct block *next;	/* pointer to textually next block */
	struct block *nextl;	/* pointer to next executed block if no br */
	struct block *nextr;	/* pointer to next executed block if br */
	struct block *ltest;	/* for loop termination tests */
	NODE *firstn;		/* first text node of block */
	NODE *lastn;		/* last text node of block */
	short index;		/* block index for debugging purposes */
	short length;		/* number of instructions in block */
	short indeg;		/* number of text references */
	short marked;		/* marker for various things */

/* symbol table entry */

typedef struct {
	char *cp;		/* the symbol */
	BLOCK *bl;		/* the block it is defined in */
} LBL;

/* data structures */

NODE n0;			/* header for text list */
NODE ntail = { NULL, NULL, TAIL };	/* trailer for text list */
REF r0;				/* header for non-text reference list */
REF *lastref;			/* pointer to last label reference */
static BLOCK b0;		/* header for block list */
static BLOCK * Lastb = NULL;	/* pointer to array of blocks previously
				** allocated for bldgr()
static LBL *Lbltbl;		/* pointer to hash table of labels */
static int Numlbls;		/* count of labels in hash table */
static BLOCK *Prevb;		/* pointer to previous block during
				   traversal of list */
int fnum = 0;			/* function counter */
int npass;			/* pass-through-this-function counter */
static int idx;			/* block index (for debugging) */

/* space allocation control */

static struct space_t {	/* to manage space allocation */
	struct space_t *next;
	char *space[NSPACE - 1];
} *s0 = NULL, **Space;
static char *Lasta, *Lastx;	/* pointers into allocatable space */
static long Maxu = 0, Maxm = 0, Maxa = 0;

/* statistic counters */

int ndisc = 0;			/* instructions discarded */
int ninst = 0;			/* total instructions */
static int nunr = 0;		/* unreachable instructions */
int nmerge = 0;			/* redundant instructions */
static int nsave = 0;		/* branches saved */
static int nrot = 0;		/* rotated loops */
static int noptim = 0;		/* calls to optim */
#define PCASES 13
static int Pcase[PCASES + 1];	/* block types during reconstruction of text */
static struct added {		/* to keep statistics on branches added */
	struct added *next;
	short fnum,
} a0, *lastadd = &a0;

/* debugging flags */

static int bflag = 0;		/* Blocks after initial construction */
int cflag = 0;			/* do Conservative Comtail */
int dflag = 0;			/* print live/Dead information if set */
static int eflag = 0;		/* Execution trace */
int hflag = 0;			/* peepHole disable if set */
static int lflag = 0;		/* Labels deleted */
static int mflag = 0;		/* Merged suffixes found */
static int pflag = 0;		/* Path reconstruction trace */
int sflag = 0;			/* Statistics (on stderr) */
static int uflag = 0;		/* Unreachable code deleted */
static int wflag = 0;		/* Window peephole trace */

/* for readability */

#ifdef MEMFCN	/* replace strncpy when memset is available (5.0 and after) */
#define CLEAR(s, n)	(void) memset((char *)(s), 0, (int)(n))
#define CLEAR(s, n)	(void) strncpy((char *)(s), "", (int)(n))
#define FATAL(S)	fatal((S), (char *)NULL)
#define FLAG(L, LFLAG)	case 'L': LFLAG = -1; continue;
#define ALLB(b, s)	b = (s); b != NULL; b = b->next
#define PRCASE(N)	if (pflag) { prcase(N, b); Pcase[N]++; }
#define TOPOFBLOCK(p)	((p) == NULL || islabel(p))
#define TRACE(F)	if (eflag) PRINTF("%cStarting F[%d, %d]\n", \
			    CC, fnum, npass)
#define MPRINTF		if (mflag) PRINTF
#define PRINDEX(P)	(b->P == NULL ? 0 : b->P->index)
#define PSTAT(S, N)	if ((N) > 0) FPRINTF(stderr, (S), (N))
#define FINDLBL(l)	lblhash((l), (BLOCK *)NULL)
#define ADDLBL(l, b)	(void) lblhash((l), (b))
#define ISUNCBL(b)	((b)->length == 1 && isuncbr((b)->lastn))
#define ISREMBL(b)	(ISUNCBL(b) && !ishb((b)->lastn))
#define ISREMBR(p)	(isbr(p) && !ishb(p))
#define RMBR(p)		(ndisc++, nsave++, DELNODE(p))
/* TARGET follows branches until a non-branch is reached.  However,
** there is the danger that we will loop on ourselves if we encounter
** an infinite loop.  Solve the problem partially by preventing
** self-loops.
#define TARGET(b)	while (b->nextl != NULL && ISUNCBL(b->nextl) &&\
				b->nextl != b) b = b->nextl
#define NEWBLK(n, type)	((type *) xalloc((n) * sizeof(type)))

/* function declarations */

extern char *label_left();
extern BLOCK *lblhash();
extern void bldgr(), putbr(), rmunrch(), modrefs(), indegree(), mkltbl();
#ifdef spflg
extern char * yysflgs();


main(argc, argv) /* initialize, process parameters,  control processing, etc. */
	int argc; register char *argv[]; {

	extern void mustopen();
	char usrflag[10];
	int ufl = 0, i, fileseen = 0;

	/* process parameters on command line */

	while (--argc > 0) {
		if (**++argv != '-') { /* alternate file(s) */
			switch (fileseen) {
			case 0: /* none yet, open input file */
				mustopen(*argv, "r", stdin);
			case 1: /* input seen, open output file */
				mustopen(*argv, "w", stdout);
			FATAL("too many filenames\n");
		while ((i = *++*argv) != '\0') { /* debugging flags */
			switch (tolower(i)) {
			case 'i': /* alternate input file */
				if (--argc <= 0)
					FATAL("no argument for -I option\n");
				mustopen(*++argv, "r", stdin);
			case 'o': /* alternate output file */
				if (--argc <= 0)
					FATAL("no argument for -O option\n");
				mustopen(*++argv, "w", stdout);
			FLAG(b, bflag);
			FLAG(c, cflag); /* kill comtail */
			FLAG(d, dflag);	/* display live/dead info */
			FLAG(e, eflag);
			FLAG(h, hflag);	/* kill peephole optimizations */
			FLAG(l, lflag);
			FLAG(m, mflag);
			FLAG(n, noptim); /* kill optimization */
			FLAG(p, pflag);
			FLAG(r, nrot); /* kill loop rotations */
			FLAG(s, sflag);
			FLAG(u, uflag);
			FLAG(w, wflag);
#ifdef spflg
				if(spflg(i)) {
					*argv = yysflgs(*argv);
				usrflag[ufl++] = i;
	if (bflag | eflag | lflag | mflag | pflag | uflag | wflag)
		setbuf(stdout, (char *)NULL); /* for easier debugging */
	NOFILE(); /* if no input file specified */

	/* initialize everything */

	Lbltbl = NEWBLK(N_LBLS, LBL);
	usrflag[ufl] = '\0';

	/* transfer to the machine dependent part */

	(void) yylex();

	/* print statistics if asked for */

	if (sflag) {
		register struct added *a;

		for (a = a0.next; a != NULL; a = a->next)
			FPRINTF(stderr, "%d branch(es) added to function %d\n",
			    a->n_added, a->fnum);
		dstats();	/* machine dependent statistics */
		PSTAT("%d unreachable instruction(s) deleted\n", nunr);
		PSTAT("%d branch(es) saved\n", nsave);
		PSTAT("%d instruction(s) merged\n", nmerge);
		FPRINTF(stderr, "%d of %d total instructions discarded\n",
		    ndisc, ninst);
		PSTAT("%d loop(s) rotated\n", nrot);
		"%ld bytes used, %ld allocated\n%d function(s), %d optim(s)\n",
		    Maxm, Maxa, fnum - 1, noptim > 0 ? noptim : 0);
		if (pflag && noptim > 0)
			for (FPRINTF(stderr, "case\tnumber\n"),
			    i = 0; i <= PCASES; i++)
				FPRINTF(stderr, "%2d\t%3d\n", i, Pcase[i]);
	return (0);

	static void
mustopen(name, dir, file) char *name, *dir; FILE *file; {

	if (freopen(name, dir, file) == NULL)
		fatal(FFILER(name), name);

init() { /* reset pointers, counters, etc for next function */

	register struct space_t *p, *pp;
	long maxa = N_LBLS * sizeof(LBL);

	if (Lastb != NULL)		/* free bldgr's storage */
	    xfree((char *) Lastb);
	Lastb = NULL;			/* no memory now allocated */

	for (p = s0; p != NULL; p = pp) {
		maxa += sizeof(struct space_t);
		pp = p->next;
		xfree((char *) p);
	if ((Maxu += Numlbls * sizeof(LBL)) > Maxm)
		Maxm = Maxu;
	if (maxa > Maxa)
		Maxa = maxa;
	Maxu = 0;
	Space = &s0;
	s0 = NULL;
	Lasta = Lastx = NULL;
	n0.forw = &ntail;
	ntail.back = &n0;
	b0.firstn = b0.lastn = &n0;
	r0.nextref = NULL;
	lastref = &r0;
	npass = 0;

optim() { /* control improvement sequencing */

	if (noptim < 0)
	if (n0.forw != &ntail) {

		extern void rmlbls(), mrgbrs(), comtail(), reord(), rmbrs();
		int onsave = nsave;

		rmlbls();	/* remove useless labels */
		bldgr(true);	/* build flow graph and call bboptim */
		mrgbrs();	/* merge branches to branches */
		rmunrch(false);	/* remove unreachable code, don't preserve
				** block/node connectivity
		comtail();	/* remove common tails */
		reord();	/* reorder code */
		rmbrs();	/* remove redundant branches */
		rmlbls();	/* remove useless labels */
		ldanal();	/* perform live/dead analysis */
		if (sflag && onsave > nsave) {
			register struct added *a = lastadd = lastadd->next =
			    NEWBLK(1, struct added);

			a->next = NULL;
			a->fnum = fnum;
			a->n_added = onsave - nsave;

	static void
rmlbls() { /* remove unreferenced labels */

	register REF *r;
	register NODE *p;
	register char *s;



	/* add references from data section */

	for (r = r0.nextref; r != NULL; r = r->nextref)
		ADDLBL(r->lab, &b0);

	/* add references from branches in text section */

	for (ALLN(p))
		if ((isbr(p) || ISLABREF(p)) && (s = getp(p)) != NULL)
			ADDLBL(s, &b0);

	/* delete non-hard labels that are not now in the label table */

	for (ALLN(p))
		if (islabel(p) && !ishl(p) && FINDLBL(p->ops[0]) == NULL) {
			if (lflag)
				PRINTF("%clabel %s removed\n", CC, p->ops[0]);


/* This routine attempts to economize on space be allocating a hunk
** of storage big enough for all program blocks.  It deallocates that
** hunk on the next call in hopes it can be reused.

	static void
bldgr(opt) boolean opt; { /* build flow graph of procedure */

	register BLOCK *b = &b0;
	register NODE *p;


	if (Lastb != NULL)		/* deallocate old array, if any */
	    xfree((char *)Lastb);

	/* Count number of blocks so we can allocate an array */

	idx = 0;			/* use this to count blocks */
	p = n0.forw;			/* point at first node */
	while (p != &ntail)
	    idx++;			/* count one more block */
	    while (islabel(p))		/* skip leading labels */
		p = p->forw;
	    for ( ; p != &ntail && !islabel(p); p = p->forw) {
		    if (isbr(p)) {
			    p = p->forw;

	/* idx is now the number of blocks.  Allocate array. */

	Lastb = (BLOCK *) xalloc(idx * sizeof(BLOCK));

	/* now build the flow graph */

	idx = 0;
	b = b0.next = Lastb;		/* point at prospective first block */
	for (p = n0.forw; p != &ntail; ) {

		register NODE *prevn = p->back;

		b->next = b + 1;	/* "next" will be physically next */
		b->index = ++idx;
		b->length = b->indeg = 0;

		/* a block starts with 0 or more labels */

		while (islabel(p))
			p = p->forw;

		/* followed by 0 or more non-branch instructions
		   terminated with a branch or before another label */

		for ( ; p != &ntail && !islabel(p); p = p->forw) {
			if (isbr(p)) {
				p = p->forw;
		if (opt) { /* do dependent basic-block optimization */

			int omit = bboptim(prevn->forw, p->back);
			if (omit > b->length)
				omit = b->length;
			b->length -= omit;
			ndisc += omit;
		b->lastn = p->back;
		if ((b->firstn = prevn->forw) != p) /* if non-empty block */
			b++;		/* we will next do next block */
	b[-1].next = NULL;		/* (assumes at least one block) next
					** pointer of last block we filled in
					** is NULL

	mkltbl(); /* make label table with only definitions */

	/* set branch pointers */

	for (ALLB(b, b0.next)) {
		char *s;

		p = b->lastn;
		b->nextl = b->next;
		b->nextr = isbr(p) && (s = getp(p)) != NULL ?
		    FINDLBL(s) : NULL;
		if (isuncbr(p)) {
			b->nextl = b->nextr;
			b->nextr = NULL;
		if (bflag) {
		"%c\n%cblock %d (left: %d, right: %d, length: %d)\n%cfirst:\t",
			    CC, CC, b->index, PRINDEX(nextl), PRINDEX(nextr),
			    b->length, CC);
			PRINTF("%clast:\t", CC);

	static void
mrgbrs() { /* merge branches to unconditional branches */

	register BLOCK *b, *bb;


	/* merge unconditional branches to their destinations */

	for (ALLB(b, b0.next))
		if ((bb = b->nextl) == b->next) { /* fall-through */
			if ((b = bb) == NULL)
		else if (bb != NULL && bb != b &&
		    islabel(b->firstn) && ISREMBL(b)) {
			modrefs(b->lastn->back, b, bb);

	 * It is assumed that "ret" is an unconditional branch;
	 * that getp on a "ret" returns NULL; that this can be
	 * placed on an unconditional branch ("jbr");
	 * that prinst() will convert "jbr NULL" back to "ret";
	 * but that the NULL
	 * cannot be placed on a conditional branch ("jne").
	 * (NULL is also returned by a multi-way branch (switch).)

	for (ALLB(b, b0.next)) {

		char *t;
		register NODE *p = b->lastn;

		if (!isbr(p))
		if (isuncbr(p))
			while ((bb = b->nextl) != NULL && bb != bb->nextl &&
			    ISREMBL(bb)) {
				register NODE *pp = bb->lastn;

				if ((t = getp(pp)) != NULL)
					putp(p, t);
				else { /* pp is a dead-end */
#ifdef MEMFCN
					(void) memcpy((char *)p->ops,
					    (char *)pp->ops,
					register char **b_p = p->ops,
					    **bb_p = pp->ops;
					register int i = MAXOPS + 1;
					while (--i >= 0)
						*b_p++ = *bb_p++;
					p->op = pp->op;
				b->nextl = bb->nextl;
			while ((bb = b->nextr) != NULL && bb != bb->nextl &&
			    ISREMBL(bb) && (t = getp(bb->lastn)) != NULL) {
				putp(p, t);
				b->nextr = bb->nextl;

	static void
comtail() { /* merge common tails from code blocks */

	boolean changed;


	do {
		extern boolean chktail();
		register BLOCK *bi, *bj, *bi0, *bj0;

		changed = false;
		if (cflag) /* for conservative analysis only */
			indegree(); /* compute indegree (0 from bldgr()) */
		for (ALLB(bi, b0.next)) { /* compute a key for each block */
			bi->marked = 0;
			if (bi->length == 1 && isbr(bi->lastn))
			bi0 = bi;
			if (isbr(bi->lastn) && !isuncbr(bi->lastn)) {
				bi->marked += bi0->lastn->op;
			bi->marked += bi0->nextl - &b0;
		for (ALLB(bi, b0.next)) {
			int cond_br;

			if (!bi->marked)
			for (ALLB(bj, bi->next)) {
				if (bi->marked != bj->marked)
					continue; /* quick sieve on key */
				if (bi->nextr != bj->nextr)
				bi0 = bi; bj0 = bj;
				/* if both blocks end in conditional branches,
				 * look ahead for left targets */
				if (cond_br =
				    isbr(bj->lastn) && !isuncbr(bj->lastn)) {
					if (bi->lastn->op != bj->lastn->op)
					if(bi->nextr == NULL &&
				/* blocks must fall through to same place */
				if (bi0->nextl != bj0->nextl)
				/* dead-end branches must have same text */
				if (bi0->nextl == NULL &&
				    !same(bi0->lastn, bj0->lastn))
				if (chktail(bi, bj, bi0->nextl) == true)
					 changed = true;
	} while (changed == true);

	static boolean
chktail(bi, bj, bl) /* merge tails of bi-> and bj-> */
	register BLOCK *bi, *bj; BLOCK *bl; {

	extern void rmtail();
	register BLOCK *bn;
	NODE *pi = bi->lastn, *pj = bj->lastn, *firstn, *lastn, *pb = NULL;
	int length = 0, isbri = 0, isbrj = 0;

	/* pi and pj scan backwards through blocks bi and bj 
	   until difference or no more code */

	if (isbr(pi)) { /* trailing branches have already been matched */
		pb = pi;
		pi = pi->back;
	if (isbr(pj)) {
		pb = pj;
		pj = pj->back;
	for (firstn = lastn = pj; !TOPOFBLOCK(pi) && !TOPOFBLOCK(pj) &&
	   same(pi, pj) == true; length++) {
		firstn = pj;
		pi = (pi == bi->firstn) ? NULL : pi->back;
		pj = (pj == bj->firstn) ? NULL : pj->back;
	if (length == 0)
		return (false);

	/* if blocks identical, change references to one to the other */

	if (TOPOFBLOCK(pi) && TOPOFBLOCK(pj)) {
		isbri = 0;
		modrefs(pj, bj, bn = bi);
		MPRINTF("%cblock %d merged into block %d and deleted\n",
		    CC, bj->index, bi->index);

	 * Conservative common-tail merging avoids adding a branch to
	 * achieve a merge.  It merges only blocks which join with no other
	 * blocks joining at that point, so that the joining branch is merely
	 * raised above the common tail, and no new branch is added.

	else if (cflag && (bl == NULL || bl->indeg > 2))
		return (false); /* conservative common tails */

	/* if one block is a tail of the other, remove the tail from the
	   larger block and make it reference the smaller */

	else if (TOPOFBLOCK(pi)) {
		isbri = 0;
		bj->lastn = pj;
		bj->length -= length + isbrj;
		bj->nextl = bn = bi;
	else if (TOPOFBLOCK(pj)) {
		isbrj = 0;
		bi->lastn = pi;
		bi->length -= length + isbri;
		bi->nextl = bn = bj;

	/* otherwise make a new block, remove tails from common blocks and
	   make them reference the new block */

	else {
		bi->lastn = pi;
		bj->lastn = pj;
		bi->length -= length + isbri;
		bj->length -= length + isbrj;
		*bn = *bj;
		bn->firstn = firstn;
		bn->lastn = lastn;
		bn->length = length;
		bn->index = ++idx;
		bn->indeg = 2;
		bi->nextl = bj->nextl = bj->next = bn;
		bi->nextr = bj->nextr = NULL;
		MPRINTF("%ctails of %d and %d merged into new block %d\n",
		    CC, bi->index, bj->index, idx);
	if (pb != NULL && !isbr(bn->lastn)) { /* save final branch */
		pb->back = bn->lastn;
		bn->lastn = bn->lastn->forw = pb;

#ifdef IDVAL
	for (pb = bn->firstn; pb != NULL; pb = pb->forw) {
		pb->uniqid = IDVAL;
		if (pb == bn->lastn)

	ndisc += length + isbri + isbrj;
	nmerge += length;
	nsave += isbri + isbrj; /* don't blame resequence for added branch */
	MPRINTF("%c%d instruction(s) common to blocks %d and %d\n",
	    CC, length, bi->index, bj->index);
	return (true);

	static void
rmtail(b) register BLOCK *b; { /* remove tail of b */

	b->nextr = NULL;
	MPRINTF("%ctail of block %d deleted\n", CC, b->index);

	static void
modrefs(pi, bi, bj) /* change all refs from bi to bj */
	register NODE *pi; register BLOCK *bi, *bj; {

	register BLOCK *b;

	if (pi != NULL) { /* transfer labels, if any, from bi to bj */
		/* bi->firstn points to the first label to be transferred,
		 * pi points to the last. */
		bj->firstn->back = pi;
		pi->forw = bj->firstn;
		bj->firstn = bi->firstn;
		for ( ; ; pi = pi->back) { /* update the label table */
			ADDLBL(pi->ops[0], bj);
			if (pi == bi->firstn)
	for (ALLB(b, &b0)) { /* update the block structure */
		if (b->next == bi)
			b->next = bi->next;
		if (b->nextl == bi)
			b->nextl = bj;
		if (b->nextr == bi)
			b->nextr = bj;

	static void
reord() { /* reorder code */

	extern BLOCK *reord1();
	extern void findlt();
	register BLOCK *b;


	for (ALLB(b, b0.next)) {
		b->ltest = NULL;
		b->marked = 0; /* mark all blocks as unprocessed */
	indegree(); /* compute indegree */

	if (nrot >= 0)
		findlt(); /* find rotatable loops */

	/* tie blocks back together */

	if (pflag)
		PRINTF("%cblock\tleft\tright\tcase\tlabels\n", CC);
	Prevb = &b0;
	for (b = b0.next; b != NULL; )
		b = reord1(b);
	if (Prevb->nextl != NULL)
	Prevb->lastn->forw = &ntail;
	ntail.back = Prevb->lastn; /* tack on tail node to text list */

	mkltbl(); /* make label table with only definitions */
	rmunrch(true); /* remove unreachable code */

	static void
indegree() { /* compute indegree */

	register BLOCK *b, *bb;

	for (ALLB(b, b0.next))
		b->indeg = 0;
	for (ALLB(b, b0.next)) { /* compute indegree */
		if ((bb = b->nextl) != NULL)
		if ((bb = b->nextr) != NULL)

	static void
findlt() { /* find rotatable loops */

	 * To identify the top and termination-test of a rotatable loop:
	 * Look at the target of an unconditional backward branch.
	 * If it has only one reference, then it isn't the start of a loop.
	 * Then look at all intermediate blocks in lexical order
	 * to find a conditional jump past the backward branch.
	 * This is a very simplistic heuristic approach, because the loop
	 * test is actually never made.
	 * But it seems to give reasonable results rather rapidly.
	 * If there is more than one exit from the loop,
	 * rotate at the exit nearest to the bottom,
	 * in order to keep the elements of a compound test near each
	 * other (in case of window optimization)
	 * and near the bottom (in case of span-dependent branches).

	register BLOCK *b, *bl, *bb, *br;

	if (bflag)
		PRINTF("%cltests are:", CC);
	for (ALLB(b, b0.next)) {
		if (b->nextr != NULL || (bl = b->nextl) == NULL ||
		    bl->indeg < 2 || bl->index > b->index || bl->ltest != NULL)
		for (bb = bl; bb != NULL && bb->index < b->index; bb = bb->next)
			if ((br = bb->nextr) != NULL && br->index > b->index)
				bl->ltest = bb;
		if (bflag && bl->ltest != NULL)
			PRINTF(" %d/%d", bl->index, bl->ltest->index);
	if (bflag)

#define B_EXIT	2

	static BLOCK *
reord1(b) register BLOCK *b; {

	extern BLOCK *nextbr();
	extern void prcase();
	register BLOCK *bl, *br, *blt;

	/* top of rotatable loop */
	/* don't rotate unless there already must be a branch to the entry */

	if (b->ltest != NULL && b != Prevb->nextl &&
	    (bl = b->ltest->nextl)->ltest == NULL && !bl->marked) {
		b->ltest = NULL;
		return (bl);

	/* mark block as processed and tie it in */

	if (b != Prevb->nextl)
	Prevb->lastn->forw = b->firstn;
	b->firstn->back = Prevb->lastn;
	Prevb = b;

	/* dead-end block */

	if ((bl = b->nextl) == NULL) {
		return (nextbr(b));

	if ((br = b->nextr) != NULL)

	/* top of rotatable loop */

	if ((blt = bl->ltest) != NULL && blt->nextl->ltest == NULL &&
	    !blt->nextl->marked && !blt->nextr->marked && outdeg(bl) <= 1) {
		b = blt->nextl;
		bl->ltest = NULL;
		return (b);

	if (br == NULL) { /* unconditional branch or conditional to dead-end */

		if (!bl->marked) { /* to unprocessed block */

			if (bl->indeg <= 0) { /* with indeg 1 */
				return (bl);

			/* branch to block with indeg > 1
			   that originally followed this one */

			if (bl == b->next) {
				return (bl);

			/* branch to dead-end block */

			if (bl->nextl == NULL) {
				return (bl);


		/* all other unconditional branches */

		return (nextbr(b));

	/* conditional branch to processed block */

	if (br->marked && !bl->marked) {

		/* fall through to unprocessed block with indeg = 1 */

		if (bl->indeg <= 0) {
			return (bl);

		/* fall through to unprocessed block with indeg > 1
		   that originally followed this one */

		if (bl == b->next) {
			return (bl);

	/* reversible conditional branch to unprocessed block,
	   fall through to processed block */

	if (bl->marked && !br->marked && isrev(b->lastn)) {
		putp(b->lastn, label_left(b));
		b->nextr = b->nextl;
		b->nextl = br;
		return (br->indeg <= 0 ? br : nextbr(b));

	/* all other conditional branches that have one leg or the
	   other going to processed blocks */

	if (bl->marked || br->marked) {
		return (nextbr(b));

	/* fall through to block with indeg = 1
	   but not if it is an unlabeled unconditional transfer */

	if (bl->indeg <= 0 && !(isuncbr(bl->firstn) && isrev(b->lastn))) {
		return (bl);

	/* reversible branch to block with indeg = 1 */

	if (br->indeg <= 0 && isrev(b->lastn)) {
		putp(b->lastn, label_left(b));
		b->nextr = b->nextl;
		b->nextl = br;
		return (br);

	/* fall through to block with indeg > 1 that
	   originally followed this block */

	if (bl == b->next) {
		return (bl);

	/* everything else */

	return (nextbr(b));

/* Routine outdeg works in conjunction with loop rotation.  It uses a
** heuristic to determine how many of the loop exit target's remaining
** incoming arcs are due to exits from the loop that is to be rotated.
** Outdeg is called with a pointer to the top-of-loop block.  It scans
** lexically through the blocks that follow the top (much like findlt())
** until
**	1) there is no next block
**	2) the "left" path points at the loop top, indicating the block
**		is the loop end
**	3) the new block's index is at or past the loop target (since
**		findlt calls something a loop exit when the block index
**		of the "right" path is beyond the loop end)
** As we scan through the blocks lexically, we decrement the effective
** indegree of the loop target whenever we find a "right" path that
** goes to the target from an unmarked block.  (If the block was marked,
** its contribution to indegree has already been accounted for.)

	static int
BLOCK * top;				/* pointer to top of loop */
    BLOCK * target = top->ltest->nextr;	/* loop exit target */
    BLOCK * bp;				/* scanning block pointer */
    int indegree = target->indeg;	/* in-degree of target block */

    /* As a short-circuit, discontinue searching when the new indegree
    ** is <= 1

    if (indegree <= 1)
    for (bp = top;
	      bp != NULL		/* have a block */
	   && bp->nextl != top		/* it doesn't close the loop */
	   && bp->index < target->index ; /* it isn't past the target */
	 bp = bp->next)
	if (
	      ! bp->marked		/* the block is unmarked */
	    && bp->nextr == target	/* it branches cond. to target */
	    && --indegree <= 1		/* time to quit */

    return(indegree);			/* return effective indegree */

	static void
prcase(n, b) int n; register BLOCK *b; { /* print information during reord */

	register NODE *p;

	PRINTF("%c%d\t%d\t%d\t%d", CC, b->index,
	    PRINDEX(nextl), PRINDEX(nextr), n);
	for (p = b->firstn; islabel(p); p = p->forw)
		PRINTF("\t%s", p->ops[0]);

	static BLOCK *
nextbr(b) register BLOCK *b; { /* select next block to process */

	register BLOCK *bb;

	/* first look for orphan blocks (no more references) from the top */

	for (ALLB(bb, b0.next))
		if (!bb->marked && bb->indeg <= 0)
			return (bb);

	/* now look for unmarked block with live consequent (circularly) */

	for (bb = b->next; bb != b; bb = bb->next)
		if (bb == NULL) /* circular scan for next block */
			bb = &b0;
		else if (!bb->marked &&
		    bb->nextl != NULL && !bb->nextl->marked)
			return (bb);

	/* now look for any unmarked block (circularly) */

	for (bb = b->next; bb != b; bb = bb->next)
		if (bb == NULL) /* circular scan for next block */
			bb = &b0;
		else if (!bb->marked)
			return (bb);

	return (NULL); /* no more blocks to process */

	static void
putbr(b) register BLOCK *b; { /* append a branch to b->nextl onto b */

	register NODE *p, *pl = b->lastn;
	char *s;

	if (b == &b0 || isuncbr(pl))
	p = Saveop(0, (char *)NULL, 0, GHOST); /* make node but don't link */
	b->lastn = pl->forw = p; /* link at end of this block */
	p->back = pl;
	s = label_left(b); /* get destination label, in 2 steps */
	setbr(p, s); /* in case setbr is a macro which double-evaluates */

	static char *
label_left(b) register BLOCK *b; { /* get label of b->nextl */

	register NODE *pf, *p;
	register BLOCK *bl;

	if ((bl = b->nextl) == NULL)
		FATAL("label of nonexistent block requested\n");
	for ( ; ISUNCBL(bl) && bl->nextl != bl; bl = bl->nextl)
		if (bl->nextl == NULL) {

			char *s = getp(bl->lastn);

			if (s == NULL) /* no target */
			b->nextl = NULL; /* dead-end */
			return (s);
	b->nextl = bl; /* re-aim b at final target */
	pf = bl->firstn;
	if (islabel(pf) && !ishl(pf))
		return (pf->ops[0]);
	p = Saveop(0, newlab(), 0, GHOST); /* make node but don't link */
	p->forw = pf; /* link at beginning of this block */
	p->back = pf->back;
	if (bl->marked) /* this block already processed by reord */
		pf->back->forw = p;
	bl->firstn = pf->back = p;
	return (p->ops[0]);

	static void
rmunrch(preserve) boolean preserve; { /* remove unreachable code */

	extern void reach();
	register REF *r;
	register BLOCK *b, *prevb;


	if (b0.next == NULL)
	for (ALLB(b, b0.next))
		b->marked = 0;
	reach(b0.next); /* mark all blocks reachable from initial block */

	/* mark all blocks reachable from hard-label blocks */

	for (ALLB(b, b0.next))
		if (!b->marked && ishlp(b->firstn))

	/* mark all blocks reachable from non-text references */

	for (r = r0.nextref; r != NULL; r = r->nextref)
		if ((b = FINDLBL(r->lab)) != NULL && !b->marked)

	for (ALLB(b, b0.next)) /* remove unmarked blocks */
		if (b->marked)
			prevb = b;
		else {
			ndisc += b->length;
			if (ISUNCBL(b) && islabel(b->firstn))
			else {
				if (uflag)
					PRINTF("%cunreachable block %d removed\n",
					    CC, b->index);
				nunr += b->length;
			if (preserve) { /* node sequence must be preserved */
			    b->firstn->back->forw = b->lastn->forw;
			    b->lastn->forw->back = b->firstn->back;
			prevb->next = b->next;

	static void
reach(b) register BLOCK *b; { /* recursively mark reachable blocks */

	register BLOCK *bb;


	 * Link around the second of successive removable branches with same
	 * op-codes; multi-way branches (switches) must be identical in text.

    	while ((bb = b->nextl) != NULL && !bb->marked && bb->length == 1 &&
	    bb->lastn->op == b->lastn->op && ISREMBR(bb->lastn)) {
	    	if(!(isuncbr(bb->lastn) || 
		     bb->nextr != NULL || same(bb->lastn, b->lastn)))
		b->nextl = bb->nextl;
	if (bb != NULL && !bb->marked)
	if ((bb = b->nextr) != NULL && !bb->marked)

	static void
rmbrs() { /* remove redundant branches */

	register BLOCK *b, *bl;
	register NODE *p;


	for (ALLB(b, b0.next))
		if ((bl = b->nextl) != NULL &&
		    (p = b->lastn)->forw == bl->firstn && ISREMBR(p)) {

			/* delete unconditional branch ahead of target */

			if (isuncbr(p)) {

			/* delete conditional branch ahead of target
			   or ahead of unconditional branch to same target */

			do {
				if (b->nextr == bl || b->nextr == NULL &&
				    bl->nextl == NULL && ISUNCBL(bl) &&
				    sameaddr(p, bl->lastn)) {
			} while (    ISUNCBL(bl)
				 &&  bl != bl->nextl	/* avoid self-loop */
				 && (bl = bl->nextl) != NULL);
/* ldanal -- perform live/dead analysis over flow graph
** This routine calculates live/dead register information for the
** entire flow graph in these steps:
**  1.	Allocate temporary array to hold block-level live/dead info.
**	Initialize it.
**  2.	On a block-wise basis, determine registers set and used by
**	each instruction.  Determine registers used and set by the
**	block.
**  3.	Propagate register use/set information throughout the flow
**	graph blocks.
**  4.	Propagate final information back through each block to
**	reflect correct live/dead information for each instruction.
**  We use the live/dead algorithm described in the Aho and Ullman
**  "dragon book".

ldanal() { /* perform live-dead register analysis */

    typedef unsigned int LDREG;
    register BLOCK * b;			/* pointer to current block */
    register NODE * p;			/* pointer to current inst. node */
    struct ldinfo			/* temporary block-level structure */
	LDREG buses;			/* registers used by block */
	LDREG bdef;			/* registers defined (set) by block */
	LDREG bin;			/* registers live coming into block */
	LDREG bout;			/* registers live exiting block */
    struct ldinfo * lddata;		/* array of data for each block */
    register struct ldinfo * ldptr;	/* pointer to one of the above */
    unsigned i;
    boolean changed;


    bldgr(false); /* update block structure but don't call bboptim */
    lddata = NEWBLK(idx + 1, struct ldinfo);

/* Initialize:  set the recently allocated array to zero.  The idea, here,
** is that each entry in the array corresponds to one block in the flow
** graph.  We assume that blocks have sequential index numbers and that
** idx is the last index number.

    CLEAR(lddata, (idx + 1) * sizeof(struct ldinfo));

/* Step 2.  Calculate uses/def for each node and for the containing block. */

    for (ALLB(b,b0.next))
	ldptr = lddata + b->index;
	for (p = b->lastn; !islabel(p); p = p->back)
	    p->nlive = uses(p) | LIVEREGS; /* what's used here, + always live */
	    p->ndead = sets(p) & ~p->nlive; /* what's set, but not used, here */
	    ldptr->buses = (p->nlive | (ldptr->buses & ~p->ndead)) & REGS;
					/* current live registers */
	    ldptr->bdef = (p->ndead | (ldptr->bdef & ~p->nlive)) & REGS;
					/* current registers killed by block */

	    if (p == b->firstn)		/* stop if reached first node */


/* Propagate live/dead data throughout the flow graph, using Aho and
** Ullman algorithm.

	changed = false;		/* will continue until no changes */

	for (ALLB(b,b0.next))
	    LDREG in, out;

	    if (b->nextr == NULL && (b->nextl == NULL || 
					(isbr(b->lastn) && !isuncbr(b->lastn))))
	    /* This case represents a return, or an unconditional indexed
	    ** jump, or a switch.  If we had better connectivity in the
	    ** flow graph, we could trace all successors correctly.  As
	    ** things are, we have to assume the worst about what registers
	    ** are live going into the next block.  For a return, this means
	    ** those registers that can be used to return a value.  For
	    ** others, we mark all registers live.
		out = isret(b->lastn) ? RETREG : REGS;
		/* OUT = union (of successors) IN */
		out = 0;		/* registers out of current block. */
		if (b->nextr != NULL)
		    out |= lddata[b->nextr->index].bin;
		if (b->nextl != NULL)
		    out |= lddata[b->nextl->index].bin;

	    ldptr = lddata + b->index;	/* point at data for current block */
	    /* IN = OUT - DEF u USE */
	    in = (out & ~ldptr->bdef) | ldptr->buses;

	    /* see what changed */

	    if (in != ldptr->bin || out != ldptr->bout)
		changed = true;
		ldptr->bin = in;	/* set changed values */
		ldptr->bout = out;
	} /* end for */
    } while (changed);

/* Now set the final live/dead (really, just live) information in
** each node of each block.

    for (ALLB(b,b0.next))
	/* go backward again through each block */
	/* initial live is outgoing regs of block */

	LDREG live = lddata[b->index].bout;
	for (p = b->lastn; !islabel(p); p = p->back)
	    LDREG newlive = (p->nlive | (live & ~p->ndead)) & REGS;
	    p->nlive = live;		/* live for this node is what was
					** live going into successor
	    live = newlive;		/* live for next node is whatever
					** else we used, but didn't kill
	    if (p == b->firstn)
		break;			/* quit if first node in block */

    xfree((char *) lddata);		/* free up temp. storage */

#endif /* def LIVEDEAD */

static NODE *pf;	/* pointer to first window node */
static NODE *opf;	/* pointer to predecessor of first window node */
static int wsize;	/* window size for peephole trace */

window(size, func) register int size; boolean (*func)(); { /* peephole scan */

	extern NODE *initw();
	register NODE *pl;
	register int i;


	/* find first window */

	wsize = size;
	if ((pl = initw(n0.forw)) == NULL)

	/* move window through code */

	for (opf = pf->back; ; opf = pf->back) {
		if ((*func)(pf, pl) == true) {
			if (wflag)
				if (opf->forw == pl->forw)
					PRINTF("%cdeleted\n", CC);
				else {
					PRINTF("%cchanged to:\n", CC);
					prwindow(opf->forw, size);
			if (size > 1) {

				/* move window back in case
				   there is an overlapping improvement */

				for (i = 2; i <= size; i++)
					if ((opf = opf->back) == &n0) {
						opf = n0.forw;
				if ((pl = initw(opf)) == NULL)

		/* move window ahead */

		if ((pl = pl->forw) == &ntail)
		pf = pf->forw;
		if (islabel(pl) && (pl = initw(pl->forw)) == NULL)

	static NODE *
initw(p) register NODE *p; { /* find first available window */

	register int i;

	if ((pf = p) == NULL)
		return (NULL);

	/* move p down until window is large enough */

	for (i = 1; i <= wsize; i++) {
		if (p == &ntail) /* no more windows */
			return (NULL);
		if (islabel(p)) { /* restart scan */
			pf = p->forw;
			i = 0;
		p = p->forw;
	return (p->back);

wchange() { /* print window before change */

	if (wflag) {
		PRINTF("%cwindow:\n", CC);
		prwindow(opf->forw, wsize);

prwindow(p, size) /* print "size" instructions starting at p */
	register NODE *p; register int size; {

	for ( ; --size >= 0 && p != &ntail && !islabel(p); p = p->forw) {
		PRINTF("(live: 0x%X)", p->nlive);

	static void
mkltbl() { /* make label table with only definitions */

	register BLOCK *b;
	register NODE *p;


	/* add definitions from labels in text section */

	for (ALLB(b, b0.next))
		for (p = b->firstn; islabel(p); p = p->forw)
			ADDLBL(p->ops[0], b);

clrltbl() { /* clear label table */

	CLEAR(Lbltbl, N_LBLS * sizeof(LBL));
	Numlbls = 0;

	static BLOCK *
lblhash(l, b) register char *l; BLOCK *b; { /* add or find label in label table */

	register LBL *p;
	register int lh = 0, c;
	register char *ll = l;

	while ((c = *ll++) != '\0')
		lh += c;
	 * The precheck on the third character avoids many superfluous
	 * calls to strcmp when the hash table is fairly full.  The third
	 * character is chosen because most compilers generate labels
	 * with an invariant two-character prefix.  In a later version,
	 * perhaps labels should be converted at the machine-dependent
	 * level into unique integers instead of being stored as strings.
	for (p = Lbltbl + lh % N_LBLS; p->cp != NULL &&
	    (l[2] != p->cp[2] && l[1] != '\0' || strcmp(p->cp, l)); )
		if ((p -= H_INCR) < Lbltbl)
			p += N_LBLS;
	if (b != NULL) { /* enter or overwrite the block entry */
		if (p->bl == NULL && ++Numlbls >= N_LBLS)
			FATAL("too many labels\n");
		p->cp = l;
		p->bl = b;
	return (p->bl);

	char *
getspace(n) register unsigned n; { /* return a pointer to "n" bytes */

	register char *p = Lasta;

	/* round up so pointers are always word-aligned */
	/* int conversions are to avoid call to software remaindering */

	n += sizeof(char *) - ((int) n % (int) sizeof(char *));
	Maxu += n;
	while ((Lasta += n) >= Lastx) {
		*Space = NEWBLK(1, struct space_t);
		p = Lasta = (char *) &(*Space)->space[0];
		Lastx = (char *) &(*Space)->space[NSPACE - 1];
		(*Space)->next = NULL;
		Space = &(*Space)->next;
	return (p);
/* Branch shortening
** This code shortens span-dependent branches with assistance from
** machine dependent routines.  The interface is as follows:
**	bspan(flag)	is the entry point available to machine-
**			dependent routines; the flag is true to print
**			debugging information
**	BSHORTEN	symbol, defined in "defs"; enables all this
**	int instsize(node)
**			routine or macro; returns upper bound on size of
**			instruction in node in arbitrary units
**	void bshorten(node,dist)
**			routine or macro; changes op at node to be
**			shortened version of branch, based on (long)
**			distance (dist) between branch and target
** The algorithm proceeds in two passes over the blocks of the program.
** The first pass calculates the relative PC (program counter) value for
** the beginning of each block.  (Remember, labels are always at the
** beginning of a block.)  Since branches are always at the end of blocks,
** the assumption is that the machine's program counter register always
** points to the beginning of the block following the branch when the
** branch is executed.  (This assumption for the purpose of calculating
** distances.)  Branches are assumed to be shortenable both forward and
** backward.
** The PC values for the blocks are kept in a dynamically allocated
** array.  The array is size idx+2, where idx is the highest block
** number.  The +2 accounts for not using array[0] (we index into
** the array by block index numbers which are non-zero) and for one
** additional entry at the end to contain the PC just after the
** last block.
** Pass two calculates distances between branches and their targets
** and shortens branches which can be shortened.


bspan(flag)				/* shorten span-dependent branches */
boolean flag;				/* true to print debug info. */
    long * bpc;				/* point to array of PC's */
    register BLOCK * block;		/* block pointer */
    register NODE * node;		/* pointer for scanning block's nodes */
    BLOCK * target;			/* branch target block */
    char * label;			/* branch label string */
    long pc;				/* current PC */
    long pcdiff;			/* PC difference, branch to target */
    extern int instsize();		/* returns size of instruction */

    bldgr(false);			/* build flow graph */
/* allocate array for block start PC's */

    bpc = (long *) xalloc( sizeof(long) * (idx+2));
    pc = 0;				/* current PC */

    /* make first pass to compute PC at start of each block */

    if (flag)
	PRINTF("%c Block starting PC:\n", CC);

    for ( ALLB(block, b0.next) )
	if (flag)
	    PRINTF("%c\t%d\t%d\n", CC, block->index, pc);

	bpc[block->index] = pc;		/* current PC is block start PC */
	for (node = block->firstn ; ; node = node->forw)
	    pc += instsize(node);	/* increase PC by instruction size */
	    if (node == block->lastn)
		break;			/* done this block at last inst. */
    bpc[idx+1] = pc;			/* set PC of non-existent next block */
    if (flag)
	PRINTF("%c\t(last)\t%d\n", CC, pc);
    /* Pass 2.  Try to shorten branches. */

    for ( ALLB(block, b0.next) )
	if (isbr(block->lastn) && (label = getp(block->lastn)) != NULL)
	    /* Beware of non-existent target for branch */

	    if((target = FINDLBL(label)) == NULL)
		pcdiff = ~((unsigned long) 0) >> 1; /* maximum offset */
		pcdiff = bpc[target->index]	/* target PC */
			- bpc[block->index + 1];
					/* branch PC (PC of next block */

	    /* shorten branch if branch-to-target distance short enough */

	    if (flag)
		PRINTF("%c Difference:  %d -- Shorten:\t", CC, pcdiff);
    xfree((char *) bpc);		/* free up array */

#endif	/* def BSHORTEN */