
Compare this file to the similar file:
Show the results in this format:

	.asciz	"@(#)locore.s 1.1 86/02/03 Copyr 1985 Sun Micro"
 *	Copyright (c) 1985 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.

#include "../h/param.h"
#include "../h/vmparam.h"
#include "../h/errno.h"
#include "../netinet/in_systm.h"

#include "../sundev/mbvar.h"

#include "../machine/asm_linkage.h"
#include "../machine/buserr.h"
#include "../machine/clock.h"
#include "../machine/cpu.h"
#include "../machine/diag.h"
#include "../machine/enable.h"
#include "../machine/interreg.h"
#include "../machine/memerr.h"
#include "../machine/mmu.h"
#include "../machine/pcb.h"
#include "../machine/psl.h"
#include "../machine/pte.h"
#include "../machine/reg.h"
#include "../machine/trap.h"

#include "assym.s"

 * Absolute external symbols
	.globl	_u, _DVMA
_u	= UADDR		| 32 bit virtual address for u-area
_DVMA	= 0x0FF00000	| 28 bit virtual address for system DVMA

 * The interrupt stack.  This must be the first thing in the data
 * segment (other than an sccs string) so that we don't stomp
 * on anything important during interrupt handling.  We get a
 * red zone below this stack for free when the kernel text is
 * write protected.  Since the kernel is loaded with the "-N"
 * flag, we pad this stack by a page because when the page
 * level protection is done, we will lose part of this interrupt
 * stack.  Thus the true interrupt stack will be at least MIN_INTSTACK_SZ
 * bytes and at most MIN_INTSTACK_SZ+NBPG bytes.  The interrupt entry
 * code assumes that the interrupt stack is at a lower address than
 * both eintstack and the kernel stack in the u area.
#define	MIN_INTSTACK_SZ	0x800
	.globl _intstack, eintstack
_intstack:				| bottom of interrupt stack
eintstack:				| end (top) of interrupt stack

 * System software page tables
#define vaddr(x)	((((x)-_Sysmap)/4)*NBPG + KERNELBASE)
#define SYSMAP(mname, vname, npte)	\
	.globl	mname;			\
mname:	.=.+(4*npte);			\
	.globl	vname;			\
vname = vaddr(mname);
	SYSMAP(_Sysmap   ,_Sysbase	,SYSPTSIZE	)
	SYSMAP(_Usrptmap ,_usrpt 	,USRPTSIZE	)
	SYSMAP(_Forkmap  ,_forkutl	,UPAGES		)
	SYSMAP(_Xswapmap ,_xswaputl	,UPAGES		)
	SYSMAP(_Xswap2map,_xswap2utl	,UPAGES		)
	SYSMAP(_Swapmap  ,_swaputl	,UPAGES		)
	SYSMAP(_Pushmap  ,_pushutl	,UPAGES		)
	SYSMAP(_Vfmap    ,_vfutl	,UPAGES		)
	SYSMAP(_Prusrmap ,_prusrutl	,UPAGES		)
	SYSMAP(_Prbufmap ,_priobuf	,CLSIZE		)
	SYSMAP(_CMAP1    ,_CADDR1	,1		) | local tmp
	SYSMAP(_CMAP2    ,_CADDR2	,1		) | local tmp
	SYSMAP(_mmap     ,_vmmap        ,1		)
	SYSMAP(_msgbufmap,_msgbuf 	,MSGBUFPTECNT	)
	SYSMAP(_Mbmap    ,_mbutl        ,NMBCLUSTERS*CLSIZE)
	SYSMAP(_ESysmap	 ,_Syslimit	,0		) | must be last

	.globl  _Syssize
_Syssize = (_ESysmap-_Sysmap)/4

 * Software copy of system enable register
 * This is always atomically updated
	.globl	_enablereg
_enablereg:	.byte	0			| UNIX's system enable register

 * Macro to save all registers and switch to kernel context
 * 1: Save and switch context
 * 2: Save all registers
 * 3: Save user stack pointer
#define SAVEALL() \
	clrw	sp@-;\
	moveml	#0xFFFF,sp@-;\
	movl	usp,a0;\
	movl	a0,sp@(R_SP)

/* Normal trap sequence */
#define TRAP(type) \
	movl	#type,sp@-;\
	jra	trap

 * System initialization
 * UNIX receives control at the label `_start' which
 * must be at offset zero in this file; this file must
 * be the first thing in the boot image.
	.globl	_start
 * We should reset the world here, but it screws the UART settings.
 * Do a halfhearted job of setting up the mmu so that we can run out
 * of the high address space.  We do this by reading the current pmegs
 * for the `real' locations and using them for the virtual relocation.
 * NOTE - Assumes that the real and virtual locations have the same
 * segment offsets from 0 and KERNELBASE!!!
 * We make the following assumptions about our environment
 * as set up by the monitor:
 *	- we have enough memory mapped for the entire kernel + some more
 *	- all pages are writable
 *	- the last pmeg [SEGINV] has no valid pme's
 *	- the highest virtual segment has a pmeg allocated to it
 *	- when the monitor's romp->v_memorybitmap points to a zero
 *	    - each low segment i is mapped to use pmeg i
 *	    - each page map entry i maps physical page i
 *	- the monitor's scb is NOT in low memory
 *	- on systems w/ ecc memory, that the monitor has set the base
 *	    addresses and enabled all the memory cards correctly
 * We will set the protection properly in startup().

 * Before we set up the new mapping and start running with the correct
 * addresses, all of the code must be carefully written to be position
 * independent code, since we are linked for running out of high addresses,
 * but we get control running in low addresses.  We continue to run
 * off the stack set up by the monitor until after we set up the u area.
	movw	#SR_HIGH,sr		| lock out interrupts
	moveq	#FC_MAP,d0
	movc	d0,sfc			| set default sfc to FC_MAP
	movc	d0,dfc			| set default dfc to FC_MAP
	moveq	#KCONTEXT,d0	
	movsb	d0,CONTEXTBASE		| now running in KCONTEXT

leax:	lea	pc@(_start-(leax+2)),a2	| a2 = true current location of _start
	movl	a2,d2			| real start address
	andl	#SEGMENTADDRBITS,d2	| clear extraneous bits
	orl	#SEGMENTBASE,d2		| set to segment map offset
	movl	d2,a2			| a2 = real adddress map pointer

	movl	#_start,d3		| virtual start address
	andl	#SEGMENTADDRBITS,d3	| clear extraneous bits
	orl	#SEGMENTBASE,d3		| set to segment map offset
	movl	d3,a3			| a3 = virtual address map pointer

 * Compute the number used to control the dbra loop.
 * By doing ((end - 1) - KERNELBASE) >> SGSHIFT we
 * essentially get ctos(btoc(end - KERNELBASE)) - 1
 * where the - 1 is adjustment for the dbra loop.
	movl	#_end-1,d1		| get virtual end
	subl	#KERNELBASE,d1		| subtract off base address
	movl	#SGSHIFT,d0		| load up segment shift value
	lsrl	d0,d1			| d1 = # of segments to map - 1

 * Now loop through the real addresses where we are loaded and set
 * up the virtual segments for where we want to be virtually to be the same.
	movsb	a2@,d0			| get real segno value
	movsb	d0,a3@			| set virtual segno value
	addl	#NBSG,a2		| bump real address map pointer
	addl	#NBSG,a3		| bump virtual address map pointer
	dbra	d1,0b			| decrement count and loop

	movc	d0,cacr			| clear (and enable) the cache

	jmp	cont:l			| force non-PC rel branch

 * PHEW!  Now we are running with correct addresses
 * and can use non-position independent code.

 * Now map in our own copies of the eeprom, clock, memory error
 * register, interrupt control register, and ecc regs into the
 * last virtual segment which already has a pmeg allocated to it
 * when we get control from the monitor.
	lea	EEPROM_ADDR_MAPVAL,a0	| map in eeprom
	movsl	d0,a0@

	lea	CLKADDR_MAPVAL,a0	| map in clock
	movl	#CLKADDR_PTE,d0
	movsl	d0,a0@

	lea	MEMREG_MAPVAL,a0	| map in memory error register
	movl	#MEMREG_PTE,d0
	movsl	d0,a0@

	lea	INTERREG_MAPVAL,a0	| map in interrupt control reg
	movl	#INTERREG_PTE,d0
	movsl	d0,a0@

	lea	ECCREG_MAPVAL,a0	| map in ecc regs
	movl	#ECCREG_PTE,d0
	movsl	d0,a0@

 * Check to see if memory was all mapped in correctly.  On versions >= 'N',
 * if ROMP_ROMVEC_VERSION is greater than zero, then ROMP_MEMORYBITMAP
 * contains the address of a pointer to an array of bits
 * If this pointer is non-zero, then we had some bad pages
 * Until we get smarter, we give up if we find this condition.
	ble	1f			| field is <= zero, don't do next test
	tstl	a0@
	jeq	1f			| pointer is zero, all ok
	pea	0f
	jsr	_halt
	addqw	#4,sp			| in case they really want to try this
0:	.asciz "Memory bad"

 * Set up mapping for the u page(s) now, using the physical page(s)
 * after _end.  This code and uinit() are closely related.
	movl	#(UPAGES-1),d1		| dbra loop counter
	pea	_end-KERNELBASE+NBPG-1	| phys addr of starting page past end
	jsr	_getpgmap		| getpgmap(end - KERNELBASE + NBPG - 1)
	addqw	#4,sp			| pop argument
	orl	#(PG_S+PG_W),d0		| make a system writable page
	lea	_u,a0			| get addr of u area
	movl	d0,sp@-			| push pte
	pea	a0@			| push addr
	jsr	_setpgmap		| setpgmap(u + i*NBPG, pte + i)
	addqw	#8,sp			| pop arguments
	addql	#1,d0			| bump pte to next phys page
	addl	#NBPG,a0		| bump addr
	dbra	d1,0b

| zero first page which will be scb/usrpt page
	movl	#((NBPG-1)/4),d0	| dbra byte count
	lea	0,a0			| start at zero
0:	clrl	a0@+			| clear long word and increment
	dbra	d0,0b			| decrement count and loop

| zero bss + u page(s) (using low addresses)
	movl	#_end-KERNELBASE+(NBPG*(UPAGES+1))-1,d0
	andl	#~(NBPG-1),d0		| mask off to page boundary
	lea	_edata-KERNELBASE,a0	| get bss start
	subl	a0,d0			| get bss length
	lsrl	#2,d0			| shift for long count
0:	clrl	a0@+			| clear long word and increment
	subql	#1,d0
	jne	0b			| decrement count and loop

 * Set up the stack.  From now we continue to use the 68020 ISP
 * (interrupt stack pointer).  This is because the MSP (master
 * stack pointer) as implemented by Motorola is too painful to
 * use since we have to play lots of games and add extra tests
 * to set something in the master stack if we running on the
 * interrupt stack and we are about to pop off a throw away
 * stack frame.
 * Thus it is possible to having naming conflicts.  In general,
 * when the term "interrupt stack" (no pointer) is used, it
 * is referring to the software implemented interrupt stack
 * and the "kernel stack" is the per user kernel stack in the
 * user area.  We handling switching between the two different
 * address ranges upon interrupt entry/exit.  We will use ISP
 * and MSP if we are referring to the hardstack stack pointers.
	lea	_u+U_STACK+KERNSTACK,sp | set to top of kernel stack

	 * See if we have a 68881 attached.
	 * _fppstate is 0 if no fpp,
	 * 1 if fpp is present and enabled,
	 * and -1 if fpp is present but disabled
	 * (not currently used).
	.globl	_fppstate
_fppstate:	.word 1		| mark as present until we find out otherwise

flinevec = 0x2c
	movsb	ENABLEREG,d0		| get the current enable register
	orb	#ENA_FPP,d0		| or in FPP enable bit
	movsb	d0,ENABLEREG		| set in the enable register
	movl	sp,a1			| save sp in case of fline fault
	movc	vbr,a0			| get vbr
	movl	a0@(flinevec),d1	| save old f line trap handler
	movl	#ffault,a0@(flinevec)	| set up f line handler
	frestore fnull
	jra	1f

fnull:	.long	0			| null fpp internal state

ffault:					| handler for no fpp present
	movw	#0,_fppstate		| set global to say no fpp
	andb	#~ENA_FPP,d0		| clear ENA_FPP enable bit
	movl	a1,sp			| clean up stack

	movl	d1,a0@(flinevec)	| restore old f line trap handler
	movsb	d0,ENABLEREG		| set up enable reg
	movb	d0,_enablereg		| save soft copy of enable register

| dummy up a stack so process 1 can find saved registers
	movl	#USRSTACK,a0		| init user stack pointer
	movl	a0,usp
	clrw	sp@-			| dummy fmt & vor
	movl	#USRTEXT,sp@-		| push pc
	movw	#SR_USER,sp@-		| push sr
	lea	0,a6			| stack frame link 0 in main
| invoke main, we will return as process 1 (init)
	jsr	_main			| simulate interrupt -> main
	clrl	d0			| fake return value from trap
	jra	rei

 * Entry points for interrupt and trap vectors
	.globl	buserr, addrerr, coprocerr, fmterr, illinst, zerodiv, chkinst
	.globl	trapv, privvio, trace, emu1010, emu1111, spurious
	.globl	badtrap, brkpt, floaterr, level2, level3, level4, level5
	.globl	_level7, errorvec





















	.globl	_ledcnt
	.byte	~0x80
	.byte	~0x40
	.byte	~0x20
	.byte	~0x10
	.byte	~0x08
	.byte	~0x04
	.byte	~0x02
	.byte	~0x01
	.byte	~0x02
	.byte	~0x04
	.byte	~0x08
	.byte	~0x10
	.byte	~0x20
	.byte	~0x40
ledptr:		.long	ledpat
flag5:		.word	0
flag7:		.word	0
_ledcnt:	.word	50		| once per second min LED update rate
ledcnt:		.word	0

 * This code assumes that the real time clock interrupts 100 times
 * a second and that we want to only call hardclock 50 times/sec
 * We update the LEDs with new values so at least a user can tell
 * that something it still running before calling hardclock().
level5:					| default clock interrupt
	tstb	CLKADDR+CLK_INTRREG	| read CLKADDR->clk_intrreg to clear
	andb	#~IR_ENA_CLK5,INTERREG	| clear interrupt request
	orb	#IR_ENA_CLK5,INTERREG	| and re-enable
	tstb	CLKADDR+CLK_INTRREG	| clear interrupt register again,
					| if we lost interrupt we will
					| resync later anyway.
| for 100 hz operation, comment out from here ...
	notw	flag5			| toggle flag
	jeq	0f			| if result zero skip ahead
| ... to here
	moveml	#0xC0E0,sp@-		| save d0,d1,a0,a1,a2

	movl	sp,a2			| save copy of previous sp
	cmpl	#eintstack,sp		| on interrupt stack?
	jls	1f			| yes, skip
	lea	eintstack,sp		| no, switch to interrupt stack

			/* check for LED update */
	movl	a2@(5*4+2),a1		| get saved pc
	cmpl	#idle,a1		| were we idle?
	beq	0f			| yes, do LED update
	subqw	#1,ledcnt
	bge	2f			| if positive skip LED update
	movw	_ledcnt,ledcnt		| reset counter
	movl	ledptr,a0		| get pointer
	movb	a0@+,d0			| get next byte
	cmpl	#endpat,a0		| are we at the end?
	bne	1f			| if not, skip
	lea	ledpat,a0		| reset pointer
	movl	a0,ledptr		| save pointer
	movsb	d0,DIAGREG		| d0 to diagnostic LEDs

2:					| call hardclock
	movw	a2@(5*4),d0		| get saved sr
	movl	d0,sp@-			| push it as a long
	movl	a1,sp@-			| push saved pc
	jsr	_hardclock		| call UNIX routine
	movl	a2,sp			| restore old sp
	moveml	sp@+,#0x0703		| restore all saved regs
	jra	rei_io			| all done

 * Level 7 interrupts can be caused by parity/ECC errors or the
 * clock chip.  The clock chip is tied to level 7 interrupts
 * only if we are profiling.  Because of the way nmi's work,
 * we clear the any level 7 clock interrupts first before
 * checking the memory error register.
#ifdef GPROF
	tstb	CLKADDR+CLK_INTRREG	| read CLKADDR->clk_intrreg to clear
	andb	#~IR_ENA_CLK7,INTERREG	| clear interrupt request
	orb	#IR_ENA_CLK7,INTERREG	| and re-enable
#endif GPROF

	moveml	#0xC0C0,sp@-		| save C regs
	movb	MEMREG,d0		| read memory error register
	andb	#ER_INTR,d0		| a parity/ECC interrupt pending?
	jeq	0f			| if not, jmp
	jsr	_memerr			| dump memory error info
	/*MAYBE REACHED*/		| if we do return to here, then
	jra	1f			| we had a non-fatal memory problem

#ifdef GPROF
| for 100 hz profiling, comment out from here ...
	notw	flag7			| toggle flag
	jne	1f			| if result non-zero return
| ... to here
	jsr	kprof			| do the profiling
#else GPROF
	pea	0f			| push message printf
	jsr	_printf			| print the message
	addqw	#4,sp			| pop argument
0:	.asciz	"stray level 7 interrupt\012"
#endif GPROF
	moveml	sp@+,#0x0303		| restore regs

 * Called by trap #2 to do an instruction cache flush operation
	.globl	flush
	movc	d0,cacr			| clear (and enable) the cache

	.globl	syscall, trap, rei
 * Special case for syscall.
 * Everything in line because this is by far the most
 * common interrupt.
	subqw	#2,sp			| empty space
	moveml	#0xFFFF,sp@-		| save all regs
	movl	usp,a0			| get usp
	movl	a0,sp@(R_SP)		| save usp
	movl	#syserr,_u+U_LOFAULT	| catch a fault if and when
	movl	a0@,d0			| get the syscall code
	clrl	_u+U_LOFAULT		| clear lofault
	movl	d0,sp@-			| push syscall code
	jsr	_syscall		| go to C routine
	addqw	#4,sp			| pop arg
	orw	#SR_INTPRI,sr		| need to test atomicly, rte will lower
	bclr	#AST_STEP_BIT-24,_u+PCB_P0LR | need to single step?
	jne	4f
	bclr	#AST_SCHED_BIT-24,_u+PCB_P0LR | need to reschedule?
	jeq	3f			| no, get out
4:	bset	#TRACE_AST_BIT-24,_u+PCB_P0LR | say that we're tracing for AST
	jne	3f			| if already doing it, skip
	bset	#SR_TRACE_BIT-8,sp@(R_SR) | set trace mode
	jeq	3f			| if wasn't set, continue
	bset	#TRACE_USER_BIT-24,_u+PCB_P0LR | save fact that trace was set
3:	movl	sp@(R_SP),a0		| restore user SP
	movl	a0,usp
	movc	d0,cacr			| clear (and enable) the cache
	moveml	sp@,#0x7FFF		| restore all but SP
	addw	#R_SR,sp		| pop all saved regs
	rte				| and return!

	movl	#-1,d0			| set err code
	jra	syscont			| back to mainline

 * We reset the sfc and dfc to FC_MAP in case we came in from
 * a trap while in the monitor since the monitor uses movs
 * instructions after dorking w/ sfc and dfc during its operation.
	moveq	#FC_MAP,d0
	movc	d0,sfc	
	movc	d0,dfc
	jsr	_trap			| Enter C trap routine
	addqw	#4,sp			| Pop trap type

 * Return from interrupt or trap, check for AST's.
 * d0 contains the size of info to pop (if any)
	btst	#SR_SMODE_BIT-8,sp@(R_SR) | SR_SMODE ?
	bne	1f			| skip if system
	orw	#SR_INTPRI,sr		| need to test atomicly, rte will lower
	bclr	#AST_STEP_BIT-24,_u+PCB_P0LR | need to single step?
	jne	4f
	bclr	#AST_SCHED_BIT-24,_u+PCB_P0LR | need to reschedule?
	jeq	3f			| no, get out
4:	bset	#TRACE_AST_BIT-24,_u+PCB_P0LR | say that we're tracing for AST
	bne	3f			| if already doing it, skip
	bset	#SR_TRACE_BIT-8,sp@(R_SR) | set trace mode
	jeq	3f			| if wasn't set, continue
	bset	#TRACE_USER_BIT-24,_u+PCB_P0LR | save fact that trace was set
3:	movl	sp@(R_SP),a0		| restore user SP
	movl	a0,usp
	movc	a0,cacr			| clear (and enable) the cache
	tstl	d0			| any cleanup needed?
	beq	2f			| no, skip
	movl	sp,a0			| get current sp
	addw	d0,a0			| pop off d0 bytes of crud
	clrw	a0@(R_VOR)		| dummy VOR
	movl	sp@(R_PC),a0@(R_PC)	| move PC
	movw	sp@(R_SR),a0@(R_SR)	| move SR
	movl	a0,sp@(R_SP)		| stash new sp value
	moveml	sp@,#0xFFFF		| restore all including SP
	addw	#R_SR,sp		| pop all saved regs
	rte				| and return!
	moveml	sp@,#0x7FFF		| restore all but SP
	addw	#R_SR,sp		| pop all saved regs
	rte				| and return!

 * Return from I/O interrupt, check for AST's.
	.globl	rei_io
	moveml	sp@+,#0x0707		| pop regs <a2,a1,a0,d2,d1,d0>
	addql	#1,_cnt+V_INTR		| increment io interrupt count
	btst	#SR_SMODE_BIT-8,sp@	| SR_SMODE?  (SR is atop stack)
	jne	3f			| skip if system
	orw	#SR_INTPRI,sr		| need to test atomicly, rte will lower
	bclr	#AST_STEP_BIT-24,_u+PCB_P0LR | need to single step?
	jne	4f
	bclr	#AST_SCHED_BIT-24,_u+PCB_P0LR | need to reschedule?
	jeq	3f			| no, get out
4:	bset	#TRACE_AST_BIT-24,_u+PCB_P0LR | say that we're tracing for AST
	jne	3f			| if already doing it, skip
	bset	#SR_TRACE_BIT-8,sp@	| set trace mode in SR atop stack
	jeq	3f			| if wasn't set, continue
	bset	#TRACE_USER_BIT-24,_u+PCB_P0LR | save fact that trace was set
	rte				| and return!

 * Handle software interrupts
 * Just call C routine
	.globl	softint
	moveml	#0xC0E0,sp@-		| save regs we trash <d0,d1,a0,a1,a2>
	movl	sp,a2			| save copy of previous sp
	cmpl	#eintstack,sp		| on interrupt stack?
	jls	0f			| yes, skip
	lea	eintstack,sp		| no, switch to interrupt stack
	bclr    #IR_SOFT_INT1_BIT,INTERREG| clear interrupt request
	jsr	_softint		| Call C
	movl	a2,sp			| restore old sp
	moveml	sp@+,#0x0703		| restore saved regs <a2,a1,a0,d1,d0>
	jra	rei_si

 * Turn on a software interrupt (H/W level 1).
	bset	#IR_SOFT_INT1_BIT,INTERREG | trigger level 1 intr

 * return 1 if an interrupt is being serviced (on interrupt stack),
 * otherwise return 0.
	clrl	d0			| assume false
	cmpl	#eintstack,sp		| on interrupt stack?
	bhi	1f			| no, skip
	movl	#1,d0			| return true

 * Enable and disable DVMA.
	orb	#ENA_SDVMA,_enablereg	| enable System DVMA
	movb	_enablereg,d0		| get it in a register
	movsb	d0,ENABLEREG		| put enable register back
	cmpb	_enablereg,d0		| see if someone higher changed it
	bne	1b			| if so, try again
	andb	#~ENA_SDVMA,_enablereg	| disable System DVMA
	movb	_enablereg,d0		| get it in a register
	movsb	d0,ENABLEREG		| put enable register back
	cmpb	_enablereg,d0		| see if someone higher changed it
	bne	1b			| if so, try again

 * Transfer data to and from user space -
 * Note that these routines can cause faults
 * It is assumed that the kernel has nothing at
 * less than KERNELBASE in the virtual address space.
| Return length of user string		_fustrlen(address)
	movl	#fsuerr,_u+U_LOFAULT	| catch a fault if and when
	movl	sp@(4),a0		| get address
	movl	#KERNELBASE-1,a1
	cmpl	a1,a0			| check address range
	jhi	fsuerr			| jmp if greater than
	tstb	a0@+			| is it 0
	jne	1b
	movl	a0,d0
	subl	sp@(4),d0		| compute difference
	clrl	_u+U_LOFAULT		| clear lofault

| Fetch user byte		_fubyte(address)
	movl	#fsuerr,_u+U_LOFAULT	| catch a fault if and when
	movl	sp@(4),a0		| get address
	cmpl	#KERNELBASE-1,a0	| check address range
	jhi	fsuerr			| jmp if greater than
	movb	a0@,d0			| get the byte
	andl	#0xFF,d0
	clrl	_u+U_LOFAULT		| clear lofault

| Fetch user (short) word:	 _fusword(address)
	movl	#fsuerr,_u+U_LOFAULT	| catch a fault if and when
	movl	sp@(4),a0		| get address
	cmpl	#KERNELBASE-2,a0	| check address range
	jhi	fsuerr			| jmp if greater than
	movw	a0@,d0			| get the word
	andl	#0xFFFF,d0
	clrl	_u+U_LOFAULT		| clear lofault

| Fetch user (long) word:	_fuword(address)
	movl	#fsuerr,_u+U_LOFAULT	| catch a fault if and when
	movl	sp@(4),a0		| get address
	cmpl	#KERNELBASE-4,a0	| check address range
	jhi	fsuerr			| jmp if greater than
	movl	a0@,d0			| get the long word
	clrl	_u+U_LOFAULT		| clear lofault

| Set user byte:		_subyte(address, value)
	movl	#fsuerr,_u+U_LOFAULT	| catch a fault if and when
	movl	sp@(4),a0		| get address
	cmpl	#KERNELBASE-1,a0	| check address range
	jhi	fsuerr			| jmp if greater than
	movb	sp@(8+3),a0@		| set the byte
	clrl	d0			| indicate success
	clrl	_u+U_LOFAULT		| clear lofault

| Set user short word:		_susword(address, value)
	movl	#fsuerr,_u+U_LOFAULT	| catch a fault if and when
	movl	sp@(4),a0		| get address
	cmpl	#KERNELBASE-2,a0	| check address range
	jhi	fsuerr			| jmp if greater than
	movw	sp@(8+2),a0@		| set the word
	clrl	d0			| indicate success
	clrl	_u+U_LOFAULT		| clear lofault

| Set user (long) word:		_suword(address, value)
	movl	#fsuerr,_u+U_LOFAULT	| catch a fault if and when
	movl	sp@(4),a0		| get address
	cmpl	#KERNELBASE-4,a0	| check address range
	jhi	fsuerr			| jmp if greater than
	movl	sp@(8+0),a0@		| set the long word
	clrl	d0			| indicate success
	clrl	_u+U_LOFAULT		| clear lofault

	movl	#-1,d0			| return error
	clrl	_u+U_LOFAULT		| clear lofault

 * copyout() - except for _u+U_LOFAULT and address
 * checking this is just bcopy().
	movl	#cpctxerr,_u+U_LOFAULT	| catch faults
	movl	sp@(4),a0
	movl	sp@(8),a1
	movl	sp@(12),d0
	jle	7f			| leave if ridiculous count
	movl	a1,d1			| get starting address
	cmpl	#KERNELBASE,d1		| check starting address
	jpl	cpctxerr		| jmp on error
	addl	d0,d1			| compute ending address
	cmpl	#KERNELBASE,d1		| check ending address
	jhi	cpctxerr		| jmp on error
	cmpl	d1,a1			| check for wrap around
	jhi	cpctxerr		| jmp on error
/* If from address is odd, move one byte to make it even */
	movl	a0,d1
	btst	#0,d1
	jeq	1f			| even, skip
	movb	a0@+,a1@+		| move the byte
	subql	#1,d0			| decrement count
/* Now if to address is odd, we have to do byte-by-byte moves */
1:	movl	a1,d1
	btst	#0,d1
	jne	2f			| if odd go do bytes
/* Now both addresses are even and we can do long moves */
	rorl	#2,d0			| get count as longs
	jra	5f			| enter loop at bottom
4:	movl	a0@+,a1@+		| move a long
5:	dbra	d0,4b			| do until --longcount < 0
	roll	#2,d0
	andl	#3,d0			| count %= sizeof (long)
	jra	2f
 * Here for the last 3 bytes or if we have to do byte-by-byte moves
 * because the pointers were relatively odd
3:	movb	a0@+,a1@+		| move a byte
2:	dbra	d0,3b			| until --count < 0
7:	clrl	d0			| indicate success
	clrl	_u+U_LOFAULT
	rts				| and return

 * copyin() - except for _u+U_LOFAULT and address
 * checking this is just bcopy().
	movl	#cpctxerr,_u+U_LOFAULT	| catch faults
	movl	sp@(4),a0
	movl	sp@(8),a1
	movl	sp@(12),d0
	jle	7f			| leave if ridiculous count
	movl	a0,d1			| get starting address
	cmpl	#KERNELBASE,d1		| check starting address
	jpl	cpctxerr		| jmp on error
	addl	d0,d1			| compute ending address
	cmpl	#KERNELBASE,d1		| check ending address
	jhi	cpctxerr		| jmp on error
	cmpl	d1,a0			| check for wrap around
	jhi	cpctxerr		| jmp on error
/* If from address is odd, move one byte to make it even */
	movl	a0,d1
	btst	#0,d1
	jeq	1f			| even, skip
	movb	a0@+,a1@+		| move the byte
	subql	#1,d0			| decrement count
/* Now if to address is odd, we have to do byte-by-byte moves */
1:	movl	a1,d1
	btst	#0,d1
	jne	2f			| if odd go do bytes
/* Now both addresses are even and we can do long moves */
	rorl	#2,d0			| get count as longs
	jra	5f			| enter loop at bottom
4:	movl	a0@+,a1@+		| move a long
5:	dbra	d0,4b			| do until --longcount < 0
	roll	#2,d0
	andl	#3,d0			| count %= sizeof (long)
	jra	2f
 * Here for the last 3 bytes or if we have to do byte-by-byte moves
 * because the pointers were relatively odd
3:	movb	a0@+,a1@+		| move a byte
2:	dbra	d0,3b			| until --count < 0
7:	clrl	d0			| indicate success
	clrl	_u+U_LOFAULT
	rts				| and return

	movl	#EFAULT,d0		| return error
	clrl	_u+U_LOFAULT		| clear lofault

 * fetch user longwords  -- used by syscall -- faster than copyin
 * Doesn't worry about alignment of transfer, let the 68020 worry
 * about that - we won't be doing more than 8 long words anyways.
 * Use copyin to do more careful checking if we are real close.
 * fulwds(uadd, sadd, nlwds)
	movl	#cpctxerr,_u+U_LOFAULT	| catch a fault if and when
	movl	sp@(4),a0		| user address
	movl	sp@(8),a1		| system address
	movl	sp@(12),d0		| number of words
	cmpl	#KERNELBASE-8*4,a0	| check starting address
	jls	1f			| enter loop at bottom if ok
	lsll	#2,d0			| convert to byte count
	jra	copyincheck		| let copyin code handle
2:	movl	a0@+,a1@+		| get longword
1:	dbra	d0,2b			| loop on count
	clrl	d0			| indicate success
	clrl	_u+U_LOFAULT		| clear lofault

 * Get/Set vector base register
	movc	vbr,d0

	movl	sp@(4),d0
	movc	d0,vbr

 * Enter the monitor -- called for console abort
	jsr	_startnmi		| enable monitor nmi routine
	movl	sp@(4),a0		| address to trap to
	clrw	sp@-			| dummy VOR
	pea	0f			| return address
	movw	sr,sp@-			| current sr
	jra	a0@			| trap to monitor
	jsr	_stopnmi		| disable monitor nmi routine

 * Read the ID prom.  This is mapped from IDPROMBASE for IDPROMSIZE
 * bytes in the FC_MAP address space for byte access only.  Assumes
 * that the sfc has already been set to FC_MAP.
	movl	sp@(4),a0		| address to copy bytes to
	lea	IDPROMBASE,a1		| select id prom
	movl	#(IDPROMSIZE-1),d1	| byte loop counter
0:	movsb	a1@+,d0			| get a byte
	movb	d0,a0@+			| save it
	dbra	d1,0b			| and loop

 * Enable and disable video.
	tstl	sp@(4)			| is bit on or off
	jeq	2f
	orb	#ENA_VIDEO,_enablereg	| enable video
	jra	3f
	andb	#~ENA_VIDEO,_enablereg	| disable video
	movb	_enablereg,d0		| get it in a register
	movsb	d0,ENABLEREG		| put enable register back
	cmpb	_enablereg,d0		| see if someone higher changed it
	bne	1b			| if so, try again

 * Enable and disable video Copy.
	tstl	sp@(4)			| is bit on or off
	jeq	2f
	orb	#ENA_COPY,_enablereg	| enable video copy
	jra	3f
	andb	#~ENA_COPY,_enablereg	| disable copy
	movb	_enablereg,d0		| get it in a register
	movsb	d0,ENABLEREG		| put enable register back
	cmpb	_enablereg,d0		| see if someone higher changed it
	bne	1b			| if so, try again

 * Enable and disable video interrupt.
	tstl	sp@(4)			| is bit on or off
	jeq	1f
	orb	#IR_ENA_VID4,INTERREG	| enable video interrupt
	andb	#~IR_ENA_VID4,INTERREG	| disable

 * Read the bus error register
	clrl	d0
	movsb   BUSERRREG,d0            | get the buserr register

 * Set the fpp registers to the u area values
	tstw	_fppstate		| is fpp present and enabled?
	jle	1f			| branch if not
	fmovem	_u+U_FPS_REGS,fp0-fp7	| set fp data registers
	fmovem	_u+U_FPS_CTRL,fpc/fps/fpi | set control registers

 * Define some variables used by post-modem debuggers
 * to help them work on kernels with changing structures.

VADDR_MASK_DEBUG	= 0x0fffffff