
#  Make the Xinu version of the C run-time support library

DIR	=	/usr/Xinu
LIB	=	$(DIR)/lib
AR	=	/bin/ar
AS	=	$(DIR)/bin/as11
AFLAGS	=	-u $(DIR)/include/sys.s
CC	=	$(DIR)/bin/cc11
CFLAGS	=	-O -c
RANLIB	=	$(DIR)/bin/ranlib11

		$(AS) -o $@ $(AFLAGS) $<

		$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $<

SFILES	=	aldiv.s						\
		almul.s						\
		alrem.s						\
		cerror.s					\
		csv.s						\
		ldiv.s						\
		lmul.s						\

CFILES	=	abs.c atoi.c atol.c				\
		ctype_.c					\
		doprnt.c doscan.c				\
		fgets.c fprintf.c fputs.c			\
		gets.c						\
		index.c						\
		printf.c puts.c					\
		qsort.c						\
		rand.c rindex.c					\
		scanf.c sprintf.c				\
		strcat.c strcmp.c strcpy.c strlen.c		\
		strncat.c strncmp.c strncpy.c swab.c

OFILES	=	abs.o aldiv.o almul.o alrem.o atoi.o atol.o	\
		cerror.o csv.o ctype_.o				\
		doprnt.o doscan.o				\
		fgets.o fprintf.o fputs.o			\
		gets.o						\
		index.o						\
		ldiv.o lmul.o lrem.o				\
		printf.o puts.o					\
		qsort.o						\
		rand.o rindex.o					\
		scanf.o sprintf.o				\
		strcat.o strcmp.o strcpy.o strlen.o		\
		strncat.o strncmp.o strncpy.o swab.o

all:		libxc.a

install:	all
		cp libxc.a $(LIB)/libxc.a
		$(RANLIB) $(LIB)/libxc.a

		rm -rf *.o core a.out libxc.a

libxc.a:	$(OFILES)
		rm -rf libxc.a
		$(AR) cr libxc.a $(OFILES)
		$(RANLIB) libxc.a