
/* scanf.c - scanf, fscanf, sscanf, getch, ungetch, sgetch, sungetch */

#include <conf.h>
#include <kernel.h>
#include <io.h>
#include <tty.h>

#ifndef	CONSOLE
#define	CONSOLE	0
#define	EOF	(-1)
#define	EMPTY	(-2)

 *  scanf  --  read from the console according to a format
scanf(fmt, args)
	char	*fmt;
	int	args;
	int	getch();
	int	ungetch();
	int	buf;

	buf = EMPTY;
	return(_doscan(fmt, &args, getch, ungetch, CONSOLE, &buf));

 *  fscanf  --  read from a device (file) according to a format
fscanf(dev, fmt, args)
	int	dev;
	char	*fmt;
	int	args;
	int	getch();
	int	ungetch();
	int	buf;

	buf = EMPTY;
	return(_doscan(fmt, &args, getch, ungetch, dev, &buf));

 *  getch  --  get a character from a device with pushback
static	getch(dev, buf)
	int	dev;
	int	*buf;
	if( *buf != EOF && *buf != EMPTY)
		*buf = getc(dev);
	if( *buf != EOF )
		*buf = control(dev, TCNEXTC);

 *  ungetch  --  pushback a character for getch
static	ungetch(dev, buf)
	int	dev;
	int	*buf;
	*buf = EMPTY;

 *  sscanf  --  read from a string according to a format
sscanf(str, fmt, args)
	char	*str;
	char	*fmt;
	int	args;
	int	sgetch();
	int	sungetch();
	char	*s;

	s = str;
	return(_doscan(fmt, &args, sgetch, sungetch, 0, &s));

 *  sgetch  -- get the next character from a string
static	sgetch(dummy,cpp)
	int	dummy;
	char	**cpp;
	return( *(*cpp) == '\0' ? EOF : *(*cpp)++ );

 *  sungetc  --  pushback a character in a string
static	sungetch(dummy,cpp)
	int	dummy;
	char	**cpp;