
/* ipsend.c - ipsend */

#include <conf.h>
#include <kernel.h>
#include <network.h>

 *  ipsend  -  fill in IP header and send datagram to specified address
ipsend(faddr, packet, datalen)
IPaddr	faddr;
struct	epacket	*packet;
int	datalen;
	register struct	ip *ipptr;

	packet->ep_hdr.e_ptype = hs2net(EP_IP);
	ipptr = (struct ip *) packet->ep_data;
	ipptr->i_verlen = IVERLEN;
	ipptr->i_svctyp = ISVCTYP;
	ipptr->i_paclen = hs2net( datalen+IPHLEN );
	ipptr->i_id = hs2net(ipackid++);
	ipptr->i_fragoff = hs2net(IFRAGOFF);
	ipptr->i_tim2liv = ITIM2LIV;
	ipptr->i_cksum = 0;
	blkcopy(ipptr->i_dest, faddr, IPLEN);
	ipptr->i_cksum = cksum(ipptr, IPHLEN>>1);
	return( route(faddr, packet, EHLEN+IPHLEN+datalen) );
int	ipackid = 1;