
Welcome to the game of jotto.  Your objective is to guess my secret
five letter word before I guess yours.  Clues are obtained by entering
probe words.  For example, if my secret word is 'brown' and you probe
with 'stare', I will reply '1' indicating that there is one letter in
common between your probe and my secret word.  Double letters count
only once unless they appear in both words.  For example, if the hidden
word is 'igloo' and you probe with 'broke', I will reply '1'.  But if
you probe with 'gloom', I will respond '4'.  All secret words and
probe words should be non-proper English five-letter words.  If I guess
your word exactly, please respond with 'y'.  I will then tell you what my
secret word was.

If you wish me to tell you how close I am to guessing your word, invoke me
with a -p flag.