
#	@(#)monacct.sh	1.2 of 3/31/82	#
#	"this procedure should be run periodically ( by month or fiscal )"
export PATH

#if test $# -ne 1; then
#	echo "usage: monacct fiscal-number"
#	exit

_period=${1-`date +%m`}

cd ${_adm}

#	"move summary tacct file to fiscal directory"
mv ${_sum}/tacct ${_fiscal}/tacct${_period}

#	"delete the daily tacct files"
rm -f ${_sum}/tacct????

#	"restart summary tacct file"
nulladm ${_sum}/tacct

#	"move summary cms file to fiscal directory
mv ${_sum}/cms ${_fiscal}/cms${_period}

#	"restart summary cms file"
nulladm ${_sum}/cms

#	"remove old prdaily reports"
rm -f ${_sum}/rprt*

#	"produce monthly reports"
prtacct ${_fiscal}/tacct${_period} > ${_fiscal}/fiscrpt${_period}
acctcms -a -s ${_fiscal}/cms${_period} |  \
pr -h "TOTAL COMMAND SUMMARY FOR FISCAL ${_period}" >> ${_fiscal}/fiscrpt${_period}
pr -h "LAST LOGIN" -3 ${_sum}/loginlog >> ${_fiscal}/fiscrpt${_period}

#	"add commands here to do any charging of fees, etc"