On 4/14/11 12:00 AM, Benjamin Huntsman wrote:
I've been shooting e-mails to Novell's
Intellectual Property office every few months for a while, but got no response.
It's probably time someone picked up the phone and attempted to navigate their
menus. We'd probably need the
right person to call, though. I've been meaning to set up a petition site to get a
few signatures and see if we could
get Dennis Ritchie or someone to try to make a call. Since this has come up again, I
might give it a shot to see if
I can at least find a point of contact...
If it helps, I can offer The Computer History Museum as an institutional host for the
archive. We've had some good luck
recently with HP, Xerox, and IBM in getting code released for non-commercial use.
Al Kossow
Robert N. Miner Software Curator
Computer History Museum