I have an old copy of CADroid for the Sun-3 from 1987 sitting around, which runs on SunView. (It’s the original version before I worked with Mitch Bradley integrating it with CForth to replace its old icky extension language. Unfortunately I didn’t keep a copy of the source code and our CForth mods.) 


Sun licensed it from Lucasfilm, and used it to design various circuit board. That tar file includes a 4 meg board schematic (but not the rest of Sun’s schematics library, alas ;). 





On 21 Oct 2017, at 11:11, Wesley Parish <wobblygong@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm wondering, with 80s and 90s era Unix being discussed, if there are
any copies of the 80s and 90s era CAD software extant in some form or
other? (Preferably free to good archive?)

IIRC it was a major driver of graphics capabilities in Unix
workstations around that time.

Wesley Parish