On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 10:16 AM, Noel Chiappa <jnc@mercury.lcs.mit.edu> wrote:
Is there any interest in all this? If so, I can put together a web page with
the V6-verion VTServer source, along with the modified V6 serial line stuff
(including a short description of the extended stty/gtty interface), etc.
​Yes please....​


So I guess my next step, if I don't hear shortly from someone who has
previously used VTServer to install V6, is to start on actually getting
a V6 file system created.
​I think there are rk05 images in bit savers, check out uv6swre​

I'm still vacillating over whether it would be better to go V6-style (and
just transfer a complete, small existing V6 filesystem),
​The issue is even at 9600 baud, you do need to download 2.4Mbytes which will take​ a few minutes.  So you would need to create a very small root FS and then you get into how much is enough.

or V7-style (and
get stand-alone 'mkfs', etc running with V6-format file systems). Anyone
have an opinion?
​Basically it depends how many commands you need.   Clearly, you need to V6-afy the V7 standalone system and then for each app you need, you have to both v6-afy and add the #ifdef STANDALONE hacks.   Clearly you need mkfs, and probably need a one or more other programs in the key of restor, tar, tp, dd or the like to copy things.
That's going to be a bit a work - although once you have done it, it will be handy I suspect.
