On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 7:09 AM, Tony Finch <dot@dotat.at> wrote:
Clem Cole <clemc@ccc.com> wrote:

> Anyway, the folks that did PMDF formed a small firm and sold it for a
> while.  There was a commercial IP implementation from France call TUV
> for VMS and IIRC, the TUV folks bought PMDF and whole thing got sold to
> a lot people and had quite a ride .

Still has, it seems! http://www.process.com/products/pmdf/

It was TGV that produced multinet. It was not from France, but named for the fast train in France. They were located in Santa Cruz. They were the main competitor to TWG, The Wollongong Group in the VMS TCP/IP space.
