
On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 10:30 AM, Larry McVoy <> wrote:
By the way, the "getting started with sockets" document that came with
the 4.1a BSD based Masscomp version of the OS is by far the nicest
introduction to sockets that I've ever seen. 
​Thank you. You made my day.  I lead the coms group when that was done and while I did not write the document, the doc writer that did, worked under my direction..​

I used to have a copy
but lost it.  Any chance of finding that?
​Maybe - I'll ask her if she kept it.  I don't think I ever had the master.   FYI: its troff of course ;-)​

  Are the Masscomp sources
​ ​
​Maybe, I my knowledge they were never put on-line and Concurrent owns the IP (little know fact - Masscomp is actually the legal entity that still stands year later - I'll fill you in offline).  As for the sources need to do some hunting.
