
Thanks! You're right about logging into the dz port, worked beautifully. On the console port, stty 9600 doesn't seem to take:

# stty
speed: 0 baud
erase = ^H; kill = @; intr = ^?; quit = ^\
start = ^Q; stop = ^S; eof = ^D; brk <undef>
old even odd -raw -nl echo -lcase -tabs -cbreak -tandem nl0 cr0 ff0 bs0
# stty 9600
# stty
speed: 0 baud
erase = ^H; kill = @; intr = ^?; quit = ^\
start = ^Q; stop = ^S; eof = ^D; brk <undef>
old even odd -raw -nl echo -lcase -tabs -cbreak -tandem nl0 cr0 ff0 bs0

Strange. Works fine on v7.


On 11/4/17 11:34 PM, William Corcoran wrote:

I had a similar issue with BSD 2.11. 
So, I hope this helps. 

You can use vt100.   However, make sure your baud rate is 9600.

stty 9600

(SIMH makes the virtual adjustment so you don’t need to worry about SIMH settings.)

I am using BSD 2.11 on a Mac with SIMH.  I noticed the console port would have a short window.   But, logging into dz ports were fine.   Setting the console baud rate to match the dz11 settings fixed the issue.

So, I suspect either a setting in vi that changes the window size on slow devices or it’s hard coded somewhere.  I will take a look. 


Bill Corcoran