On Fri, Oct 19, 2018 at 10:57 AM <jsteve@superglobalmegacorp.com> wrote:

I know after the whole SCO personal licenses and then Ransom Loves’s making 32v and all prior open was great but apparently it wasn’t his to give away.  Or am I wrong?

Sigh ...  Yes...   Where did you hear this?   On second thought, I really I don't want to know...  Whomever is spreading that information is tad uninformed and really does understand what happened.

Simply put, the AT&T case made it clear, the technology has been published.   The issue is closed.  It is 'open' - free - 'libre.'  It's all public information and has been and was required to be by the US Courts in the AT&T / USL vs UCB/BSDi law suit.   It's really not an interesting argument at this point. The US courts made is clear,  AT&T was required to make the barn doors open, and horses left the barn.

This is why >>Novell<< released the implementation (i.e. source code) and it was Novell's to make available - which again the US courts have already determined. 

All of this has been discussed here and elsewhere and really does not need to be rehashed (please).   In fact, I wrote and published a very long paper about how UNIX can to be.   The presentation of same can be seen and the paper downloaded: http://technique-societe.cnam.fr/colloque-international-unix-en-france-et-aux-etats-unis-innovation-diffusion-et-appropriation--945215.kjsp 
