On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 2:24 PM Will Senn <will.senn@gmail.com> wrote:
On 1/4/22 3:12 PM, Dan Cross wrote:
On Tue, Jan 4, 2022 at 3:38 PM Will Senn <will.senn@gmail.com> wrote:
My questions are:

1. Is mesg or an equivalent available in v7?
Perhaps just call printf?

2. If not, what was the v7 way of putting strings out?
Here's what I did:

$ rm -f h h.o
$ cat h.s
.globl _printf, _exit

mov     sp, r5
mov     $hi,(sp)
jsr     pc,*$_printf
mov     $0, (sp)
jsr     pc,*$_exit

hi: <Hello, World!\n\0>
$ as -o h.o h.s
$ ld -o h h.o -lc
$ ./h
Hello, World!
$ rm h h.o

3. Why aren't the system call names defined?
If I had to hazard a guess, it would have been to de-emphasize the use
of assembler for user code, particularly as 7th Edition was starting
to be portable beyond the PDP-11.

4. What was the v7 way of naming system calls?
I imagine the canonical way to invoke system calls from assembler was
invoking calling functions in the C library and linking against that.

        - Dan C.
Yep, that worked... you make it look so easy, and your rationales are definitely believable :).

You can use puts too, at least in v7.

The system call interface between V6 and V7 changed as well...  Some internal AT&T branches
(cb unix for one) could run both V6 and V7 binaries. BSD uses the v7 system call interface through
2.10.x. 2.11 moves to a new system call interface as well. There's niggles in these statements, since
it isn't quite exactly the same, but for things like this it's ok.

V7 also moved to stdio completely. V6 had precursor routines to stdio and mesg() was dropped in
that whole process.
