On Sat, Apr 7, 2018 at 12:54 AM, Rudi Blom <rudi.j.blom@gmail.com> wrote:
Just had a look at RFC-1, my first look ever. First thing I noticed is
the enormous amount of abbreviations one is assumed to be able to
instantly place :-)

So looking up IMP for instance the wiki page gives me this funny titbit

"When Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy learned of BBN's
accomplishment in signing this million-dollar agreement, he sent a
telegram congratulating the company for being contracted to build the
"Interfaith Message Processor"."
​A small suggestion, instead of trying to piecemeal it together here; to all if you have not yet read (but certainly to newer and maybe younger readers of this list since I think this was late 1990s), please go find a copy of Katie Hafner's: Where Wizards Stay Up Late: The Origins Of The Internet . Many and more of these interesting facts can be found.

It's a great read and I can say, a large number of the parts I lived and knew specifically about, pretty much follow the way I remembered it.  There are things left out, and some other good stories not there [Dave Clark does not get enough credit in my opinion or in the infamous milkshake spilled into the CMU IMP].  But, the mail header wars are well handled.  And certainly the road to the ARPAnet, then to the Internet itself is pretty thoroughly examined.
