Hi everyone, this is my first message, after being on the mailing list for the best part of three years :)

I've a couple of [hopefully] simple questions about running Seventh Edition UNIX on SIMH.

The first question is: how can I get the C compiler to work properly? When I've tried to compile programs, I get 'cannot create temp' - here's a full list of what's on the screen:

New Boot, known devices are hp ht rk rl rp tm vt
: rl(0,0)rl2unix
mem = 177856
# Thu Sep 22 07:50:47 EDT 1988

login: mark
$ ed
main() {
  printf("  Hello.\n");
  return; }

w a.c
$ cc a.c
cc: cannot create temp

Also, how can I get the backspace key to erase? I've done stty erase '^H' but I have to actually type <CTRL>+H to erase.

The other thing I want to ask about is: can I compile SIMH on DOS, so it doesn't display any messages except those of the simulated software, and so it ignores ^E?

I'm asking because I want v7 on an ancient laptop I've got lying around - a 486 with 24M of core. v7x86 won't work on it, and I don't really fancy putting Slack 3 back on it - if I'm going to go outdated, I might as well go the whole hog and go really outdated.

Though I might consider 2.11BSD, if that'll work on a machine with 24M of core, and if the escapes will display properly, because


is a little bit difficult to work with when I'm wanting to edit source code.

Thanks very much. Mark Tuson.