On 5/8/2018 3:05 PM, Grant Taylor via TUHS wrote:
If anyone wants to get back into the game, let me know and I'll happily peer with you.

I think that "take back" really directly translates to "use again".

I'll take you up on that offer :) - I do have an account with one of those commercial providers. Not sure how they'd take to pushing news articles to them, but it's worth a shot.

And yes. Agreed. Most of this information is useless as it stands now, but good for old times sake: (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/comp.mail.maps/vHa2YT9Od_0)

#N        kilowatt
#S        Clone 80486DX2/66; Consensys SVR4.0.3
#O        Kilowatt Computers
#C        Arthur Krewat
#E        kilowatt!krewat,krewat@kilonet.org
#T        +1 516 253 2805
#P        51 Winnecomac Ave, Deer Park, NY, 11729
#L        40 47 N / 73 18 W
#R        Public FREE UNIX system - providing news and email for UNIX
#R        knowledgeable people. Free feeds available ...
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#R        This system, is the main UUCP interface to irises.kilonet.org, the
#R        real news workhorse.
#U        src4src jaflrn areyes erixami dabeef
#U        irises dfbbs
#W        kilowatt!krewat (Arthur Krewat) ; Sun Feb 27 10:00:01 GMT 1994
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