
I'm the secretary of the Atlanta Historical Computing Society, and a lurker here on the TUHS list.
We're starting our process of looking for speakers at our upcoming VCF SE 4.0.   It'll be April 2nd and 3rd 2016
in the Atlanta area.   Since I've enjoyed reading and hearing about all the UNIX history on this list,
I was wondering if anybody here might be willing to speak at our event.   It seems there is a good
deal of history that is captured in the minds of the members of this list... which might make a number
of good presentations.  

We're open on ranges of topics.  We've had many different people speak... the first editor of Byte,
the artist who did the covers of many Byte magazines, Jason Scott from, some early SWTPC
engineers, some early Apple engineers including Daniel Kottke.  We also have members from the
various Vintage Computer groups from around the U.S. speak (and of course some local members),
and some University Archivists who are starting to have to deal with old media.  This year we will have
Jerry Manock (the designer from Apple who established their design group...designed cases for Mac, etc.)
as one speaker.

We love to learn about the history, esp. from the folks who lived it.  I am just slightly too young to have
been there (was born in '65) but always enjoy the talks.   We can accommodate from a 30 min talk to
an hour.    We have a professional sound set up and stage.   We have a co-sponsor, the Computer
Museum of America that is being established in the area as well.  We have between 5 and 10 slots to fill.

We aren't a large group, but we do have a limited budget to assist with travel, lodging, etc.  We can handle
"nice" but not the Ritz :-)

If anybody is interested, please contact me and I can provide further details.   And if you'd be interested
but can't make this year, please still contact me, maybe we can work something out in the future.


Earl Baugh
Atlanta Historical Computing Society.