The DLV11-J:
is basically 4 DLV11's rolled into a single dual-width card; that's definitely
an option for Mini-Unix (which apparently supports up to 4 simultaneous
users). They are program compatible with the DHV11, so the driver should 'just
work'. The boards are readily available on eBait; 'glitchworks' (of this
parish) sells replacement cables (quite good, I have several).
I bought a DLV-11J on eBay so that's a starter for my /03 machine. I've also bought an MSV11-DE 32kW memory board. Peter Schranz has confirmed a modification to his RLV12/RL02 emulator to allow it to run on the /03. I'm all set for Mini-Unix on the /03 then!
Regarding the KDF11-B:
If yours doesn't have the MMU chip, you're probably SOL; those are very rare.
KEF11-A FPU chips are avilable on eBay for modest amounts.
Looks like I'm in luck! My /23+ CPU board does have the MMU installed. I also bought a KEF11-A separately. Glad my wife doesn't know about all these purchases. ;)