$ PAGER="col -b" git log
33mcommit fe147581ff1c5b0571a40369cd257fe60bfee58cm33m (m1;36mHEAD -> m1;32mmasterm33m, m1;31morigin/masterm33m)m

$ git log | cat
commit fe147581ff1c5b0571a40369cd257fe60bfee58c

There is probably a way to turn off syntax coloring but I haven't bothered to learn.

$ man git-log | wc
    2512   14056  127024

On Jun 22, 2020, at 2:33 PM, Rob Pike <robpike@gmail.com> wrote:

There is only one correct way.

% grep PAGER .bashrc
export PAGER='col -b'


On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 2:26 AM Derek Fawcus <dfawcus+lists-tuhs@employees.org> wrote:
On Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 05:35:28PM -0700, Greg A. Woods wrote:
> In a related vein what annoys me are so-called modern programs like
> "git", "hg", and others which default to always piping their output
> through $PAGER, along with such things as colour decorations enabled,
> but when you tack on "|$PAGER" to their command-line then they turn off
> the decorations!  They cause me to have to undo decades of finger
> memory.

Well, for further fun, one could always export GIT_PAGER=cat,
then git will not use a pager for those commands, recognising that
'cat' is a no-op in such cases.  :-)